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Dew Mountain

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About Dew Mountain

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    Private First Class

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  1. Dew Mountain

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Congratulations guys on the release! Downloading now :D
  2. Dew Mountain

    Has anyone else made this terrain?

    Thanks mate, hopefully next time I post, it will be about the finished map
  3. Just wondering if anyone has or in the progress of creating a terrain in the area of Kamdesh Afghanistan? Just want to double check so i won't be wasting my time.
  4. That makes me sick just looking at it :/
  5. Dew Mountain

    Importing from l3dt?

    Put your layers.cfg in your P drive and if it already is you probably have a mistake in your layers.cfg
  6. After you have used extractpbo on the file you should drag that new folder created and put it in your P drive, also it would be great if you could tell me the specific error? For example if I use extractpbo on CUP buildings 2 pbo file it will create a folder called "cup_terrains_ca_buildings2" good progress, after that is done open up "cup_terrains_ca_buildings2" and you will end up at a CA folder, this is the folder you need as all the models and rvmats are hard directed from the CA folder onwards, I'm pretty sure all CUP files go from CA folder onwards, anyway copy paste the CA folder to your P drive and import the library into terrain builder. And you should be good, its always a good idea to look at the rvmats and see which directory they follow. GL oh and be sure to use the CUP mod when you launch ArmA so you can actually see your buildings :P
  7. You would usually just find the pbo of the add-on, say JBAD buildings, right click and press Open with ExtractPBO, don't know about the errors, you may have an outdated version, download the latest at: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files and install it, run as admin too if that helps.
  8. Dew Mountain

    Anyway to not use sat image?

    I know its a pain to get a satellite image especially from Google Earth and having to stitch it all together, but trust me its all worth it in the end once its completed.
  9. Dew Mountain

    lighting Terrain

    Sounds like a config problem, did you copy paste an old config? Or a newer one?
  10. Dew Mountain

    Buldozer Tools

    Oh wow this sounds incredibly useful, good job, ill give it a try soon and ill let you know how it goes
  11. Dew Mountain

    Rappelling from Structures WIP

    Fantastic job, good on you
  12. Dew Mountain

    Need help with my island in Global Mapper

    Can you try export the group of islands as a heightmap and photoshop the islands closer? Shouldn't be hard to do. If that doesn't answer your question you can always go off the ZGM terrain guide which I'm pretty sure uses globalmapper http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12622
  13. Dew Mountain

    Removing Wildlife / Animals -Rabbits

    Hello, looking at the altis config.cpp it looks like it has a "Class Ambient" with all the random wildlife spawning around altis, i bet if you remove that from your config they won't spawn anymore example: http://imgur.com/lO5fk4S Good Luck!