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Everything posted by kingofnuthin1980

  1. No, it's for singleplayer. I need the same function as the "save and exit" button in the escape-menu in singleplayer scenarios. When you want to resume the mission at a later time. I can't find the function for that button.
  2. kingofnuthin1980

    OPCOM - Operations Command (NEW UPDATE)

    New Update released. Now it's possible to transfer settings and faction data between OPCOM scenarios ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. kingofnuthin1980

    OPCOM - Operations Command (NEW UPDATE)

    Thank you! To be honest, it's because of the pandemic ^^ After my company cut working hours last year, I said to myself "now or never" and started from scratch. Btw... your profile picture and your comment are so matching ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. I've totally missed that. Thanks! As you considered, it doesn't solve the problem. The mapping works fine. Also in config viewer everything looks fine, compared to the default configs. I don't see why it gets confused with existing keybind categories. ๐Ÿ˜• And my created user action is the only one in CfgUserActions. The editor and editor camera categories shouldn't be in the mods-section. I haven't touched those with my three configurations.
  5. [group player, true] call BIS_fnc_groupVehicles; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_groupVehicles
  6. I'm not sure, if I can put my head around this.... I understood how you set it up. Based on one IDC for Headers, plus Text IDC, and with counting the headers for the IDC and positioning variables. But I'm not figuring out, if I could adapt this into my (noob) idea. Because it would be great, if I could use different IDCs, (container based, not header based), and different positioning, not only based on the amount of headers. But is it even possible with independent IDCs for the groups? class MyDisplay { idd = 10000; onLoad = "_this call TAG_fnc_onDisplayLoad"; class CONTROLS { class CONTAINER_1: ctrlControlsGroupNoHScrollbars { idc = 1000 x = safezoneX: y = safezoneY; w = 0.5 * safezoneH; h = 0.5 * safezoneH; class CONTROLS { class HEADER_1: HEADER_GROUP { idc = 1010; y = 1 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class TEXT_EDIT_WITH_TWO_INPUTS: TEXT_EDIT_GROUP { idc = 1020; y = 2 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class BUTTON_AND_ICON: BUTTON_GROUP { idc = 1030; y = 3 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class BUTTON_AND_ICON: BUTTON_GROUP { idc = 1040; y = 4 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class HEADER_2: HEADER_GROUP { idc = 1050; y = 5 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class BUTTON_AND_ICON: BUTTON_GROUP { idc = 1060; y = 6 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; }; }; class CONTAINER_2: ctrlControlsGroupNoHScrollbars { idc = 2000 x = 0.5 * safezoneX: y = safezoneY; w = 0.5 * safezoneH; h = 0.5 * safezoneH; class CONTROLS { class HEADER_1: HEADER_GROUP { idc = 2010; y = 1 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; class BUTTON_AND_ICON: BUTTON_GROUP { idc = 2020; y = 2 * ( safeZoneH / 20 ) ); }; }; }; }; }; Sorry, but I often need a working example of exactly my thoughts to figure out how it works. Thank you for teaching me a different way to name controls and hanging them into the dialog ๐Ÿ™‚ That's why I ended up numbering my groups as dezimals and their child IDCs +1,+2 etc.
  7. Hello Arma-Community, can I define the child ID in a control group, depending on the parent ID? Example: One control group, e.g. for a header with text and an underline. The text should be dynamic. In a Dialog, the Text ID should be always the Group ID + 1. There shouldn't be a class for the child text in every header I use, just in the base class. In Config: class _CTRL_GROUP { type = 15; idc = -1; . . class Controls { class _CT_TEXT { idc = Use Parent IDC + 1; }; class _CT_LINE { idc = -1; }; }; }; In Dialog: class Rsc_GroupHeader_1: _CTRL_GROUP { idc = 100; }; class Rsc_GroupHeader_2: _CTRL_GROUP { idc = 200; }; In SQF: ctrlSetText [101,"Text 1"]; ctrlSetText [201,"Text 2"]; Thank you for helping!
  8. First of all, thank you for your effort! Defining variables this way is very new to me. But I'm on it ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. kingofnuthin1980

    RscXListBox text alignment

    Did you found any solution? Have a great day ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Well.. to me Arma is unplayable now. I play with an Xbox Controller. Pressing two buttons messes everything up. Example A: Left Trigger is Zoom and right Trigger is Fire. Zooming and Firing is not possible anymore. On each shot, the Zoom is gone. Example B: I've mapped the x,y,a,b buttons twice. 1: single press for an action (y = throw grenade) 2: while holding LB and pressing a button I was able to navigate the action menu (LB + y = Previous) In summary.. I can map more than one button to something, but ingame it is not working anymore. The game chooses one of the single button commands. Please be kind, even if I am a controller gamer ;) In addition with the chatpad for the xbox controller, it's awesome. But now I have to say: It was :(
  11. kingofnuthin1980

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    CBA_fnc_taskDefend results in odd behaviour of the AI. When they are inside buildings or man positions, they won't shoot anymore. When they spot an enemy, they are trapped in a loop putting their weapons up and down. I've tested it with and without other scripts and also with mods unloaded, except of CBA. Result is always the same. Anyone else having this issue or better a solution?
  12. kingofnuthin1980

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    CBA_fnc_taskDefend results in odd behaviour of the AI. When they are inside buildings or man positions, they won't shoot anymore. When they spot an enemy, they are trapped in a loop putting their weapons up and down. I've tested it with and without other scripts and also with mods unloaded, except of CBA. Result is always the same. Anyone else having this issue or better a solution?