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Everything posted by MKD3

  1. We do exactly this, however, players start on the ground, walk into the aircraft and it fades and the players are attached where they stand, allowing the plane to be teleported, after that, players are unattached and jump out.
  2. Click the like button on comments you like. It adds rep. No worries, hope you get it sorted
  3. Yeah its a hard one to gauge. No worries!
  4. Id just black the screen out, use time > 5 or something and then execute the intro.
  5. The player can exist before they can "see". So theres a chance they might miss part of a cut scene.
  6. Definitely possible, likely even. You will need to store the variables on the server and have the clients ask for a role instead of the server sending all of the roles out.
  7. That's a lot to take in all at once. But I see you're using publicVariable to send information across to clients. Theres a chance that those variables aren't being defined when the clientside code is running. This would cause a few things to go wrong, including your addaction failing to show the role description and the code being unreliable on a dedicated,. Try this at the beginning of your client side script. *I have not tested this but I think youll know how to fix it* private _variables = [ "allRoles", "highPrioRoles", "aielloSupporterRole", "amitSupporterRole", "hayesSupporterRole", "allRoles", "highPrioIndex", "currIndex" ]; waituntil { sleep 1; ( {isNil _x} count _variables == 0) }; Also always put a sleep into the start of a waitUntil block or it will run as fast as possible.
  8. It will always work & be true. Unless executed on a dedicated server.
  9. if (!local player) exitWith {}; That would be a bit redundant because player is always local, and the code executed by addactions is also local. So it may aswell not be there at all.
  10. To see the problem first read up about parameters. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction Addaction passes these parameters, [target, caller, ID, arguments]. In a script, these can be accessed like below. _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _arguments = _this select 3; And in an external script you cannot use this. It can only be used in the editor. So to make your script work, you'd need something like...
  11. Seems like youd need an array of UIDs to check against. Eg. _playerUIDs = ["1234", "5678", "9101"]; if (getplayerUID in _playerUIDs) then {//Attach insignia}; My mistake, didn't realise you hadnt got them configured already.
  12. change _myArea to a position. Eg. [100,100,0]. what you have is a position, then a position then a boolean inside an array. Another way to do it would be to set a radius around the marker. private _centre = getMarkerPos "my_marker"; private _radius = 500; private _areaUnits = allunits select {( (side _x == EAST) && ((getpos _x) distance _centre < _radius) )}; waitUntil { sleep 1; { alive _x } count _areaUnits == 0 }
  13. This is a bit all over the shop cos it looks like its cut from a switch do setup so _wave is not defined in what youve shown. Anyway, run the code with script errors on. Could be something as simple as //Is _oaMarker call fnc_playersinOA; //May need to be [_oaMarker] call fnc_playersinOA;
  14. If multiple things throw errors at once it causes things like that. Always best to isolate code when testing I guess
  15. This is a basic way of doing it. Clearing and repopulating the list each time its called based on whatever conditions _idc = 1337; lbClear _idc; _stuff = ["a", "c"]; _things = ["a", "b", "c"]; { //if stuff in things, add if (_x in _things) then { lbadd [_idc, _x]; }; } foreach _stuff;
  16. MKD3

    Is a function more usefull

    Could make them a function inside the script, that way on the fly changes can be made fn_myFunction = {}; [] call fn_myfunction; fn_myfunction = {hint 'forgot to write anything'}; [] call fn_myFunction;
  17. Well, proven wrong. Tried it myself. Must've been doing it at 2am.
  18. In my reading and testing, there isn't a way to add a synchronised object to a module. synchronizeObjectsAdd - Doesnt work in my testing along with the BIS function that I cant remember. But if you find a way around it do let me know :)
  19. Why not check if the bodybag variable becomes nil after its loaded. if so then you could do... waituntil {sleep 1; isnil "body_bag"}; hint 'Loaded';
  20. AFAIK, Yep pretty much. I also like to add and remove synced objects, however this isnt possible with modules. So I have the module create a game logic, and transfer all synced objects to that, allowing things to be edited mid mission.
  21. I spent a day or two on this just now as it happens. I tried to do what the above fix did but those flares hail from flarecore which is access = 3, and seemingly they cannot be edited. If the above doesn't work, I created my own magazines to use today, happy to post them here publicly if needed.
  22. MKD3

    Script Help!

    Probably cos empty vehicles dont have a side? Look into it.
  23. UIs are clientside, looking at that, I doubt it'll work. You cant run code on your PC and expect a return of local values on others.