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About WolfeActual

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. WolfeActual

    War Plan Blue (W.P.B)

    So no Scorpion W2 uniforms? FeelsArmaMan Just when I thought I might be able to get rid of the Multicam xD
  2. WolfeActual

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    @warlord554 You sir are awesomesauce. Haha. I've been so patiently waiting for this mod ever since the beginning of its development. It's some truly amazing work you and your team have put forward. To see this close to release is an amazing feeling. I have one question, as you've said previously you're releasing these in packs, correct? If possible, could you list which birds you plan to release first? If this goes against the forum rules, which I'm unsure of, I apologize and will delete the question. Thank you again for all the work you and your team have done for this community!
  3. WolfeActual

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    I honestly don't think Advanced Repelling would be good. It looks goofy to see multiple people on multiple ropes in my opinion. Not discrediting Duda for his work in anyways shape or form. If there was a way to get ACE3's repelling (Anims) into the helo, it'd be great. Or straight up have no repelling but make it ACE and Advanced Repelling compatible so you leave it up to the player to decide what to use. Excellent work anyways Warlord!
  4. @dedmen Thanks for everything. Also thought you should know that when downloading 0.9.12 from the github, there are 2 bisigns for each of the pbo. See here: https://gyazo.com/76e4f23678598694ec544bd881df2f63
  5. @dedmen Will Zeus ever be able to talk to people again? Miss that feature. Haha. Thanks for the 64 bit by the way! :D
  6. WolfeActual

    War Plan Blue (W.P.B)

    Awesome work Clima_x! I said this over on RHS 0.4.2 Showcase video but I think the US Army units should be updated to Scorpion W2 uniforms. Keep OCP up to date for each faction/military branch. Hopefully anyways. Lol.
  7. WolfeActual

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Oops. That's what 3 days of no sleep does to ya.. xD
  8. WolfeActual

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Oh man, I seriously can't wait for this to happen! Ever since I was 10 and watched Black Hawk Down for the first time, 160th SOAR has been my first and favorite SOF. When I got to Arma and was in A2: OA with a unit, we used Yura's UH60 pack and I was in awe. Now this may be on it's way in Arma 3?! Fantastic! :D Keep up the most excellent work gents and thank you for all that you do for this community!
  9. WolfeActual

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hey guys, I posted my question a month or so ago but, I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge on how the Terrain Interception Coefficient in the Enforce Usage module works exactly? Also, is it possible to have a LR radio with zero terrain interference or have one that is pretty much limitless on distance? Example would be for Command to reach their guys out in the battle with clarity even if those guys are more than 40KM out. Anyone's help/input would be very much appreciated :)
  10. WolfeActual

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I posted my question a week or two ago but, I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge on how the Terrain Interception Coefficient in the Enforce Usage module works exactly? Also, is it possible to have a LR radio with zero terrain interference or have one that is pretty much limitless on distance? Example would be for Command to reach their guys out in the battle with clarity even if those guys are more than 40KM out. Anyone's help/input would be very much appreciated :)
  11. WolfeActual

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Can anyone tell me how the Terrain Interception Coefficient works exactly? Also, is it possible to have a LR radio with zero terrain interference? Thanks in advance.