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Everything posted by Mr-Lionator

  1. Does anybody know if Arma 3 Sync being worked on?
  2. Mr-Lionator

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah but how to I change the floating version into the static version? I’m not sure if I missed something or need ACE
  3. Mr-Lionator

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey RHS Is there a way to make the PMP-60 Pontoon (floating) into the static version? I just found them when playing around and thought it would make a cool mission
  4. Hey Firewill I'm getting an error when loading the the latest version of AWS "@FIR AWS(AirWeaponSystem)\addons\fir_airweaponsystem_us_cfg.pbo. Expected 2213375 B, got 2097152 B" Have I F' up on my end?
  5. Mr-Lionator

    Legacy CH-46 Sea Knight

    looks amazing can't wait to see where it is going
  6. Mr-Lionator

    co10 Escape

    I played it with some buddy's and we where wondering if there is a ACE version of this mission?
  7. Mr-Lionator

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Does ACE and this mod work together? Like with the advanced medical system