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Digger James

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  1. PART 2 Bonus feature

    Now some are wondering why?! it has aquatic floats and Anti-submarine hardware, well when I play Multiplayer it's mainly OFPS BECTI, as for the Naval warfare aspect, it's as bleak as the few Naval mods out there, SO! I figure there must be some modders out, Vet ot amatuer would do a handful of Submarines Plus my drone. for those unfamilar with BECTI before going to battle, if ya want a vehicle ya gotta buy it and there are certain research levels before you can get an APC, MBT or a CUP Frigate. now for Submarines I figured the ranking should go like this:


    What's aleady in is the good old SDVs and they are level.1;



    Some may find these next choices odd but hear me out, for level 2 of naval factory I'd say the Balao-class & Type VIIc would be good Medium level Subs;

    Type IIV

    ce41afe936c090b900905eed567ae8b1.jpg Balao-class



    Now level 3 is a little more wacked out but so fun ya just gotta say "AH HELL, Why not!?!", and they play a part in my drone design, the first Submarine GIANTS of their time;

    the renowned I-400 class Submarine Aircraft Carrier


    I'd probably upgrade it's AAA to a bofors 37-40mm gun, it should be alble to carry two of my UAVs


    next is a ghost of a Submarine:

    Le Surcouf





    The Surcouf was a Submarine Cruiser, armed with 8" guns and more torpedoes that a Peacock's tail! My interpretation is to have the AA upgraded to a Water-cooled 50.cal mount like this;


    Level 4 we hit big nukes!;

    The Los Angeles


    & the Akula




    not much to say, they make themselves fun to play and juicy target for my drone! Hope to see more Submarines in Ol' ARMA 3!!!!!

    1. scottb613


      Now this is a topic I can sink my teeth into...





    2. Digger James

      Digger James

      Yes, indeed, My favorite is the Surcouf; 8" guns, torpedoes bow & aft, and a hangar for scout plane to direct the 8 inchers! for once the Garlic muchers got something right!
