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About 2legsakimbo

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  1. 2legsakimbo

    ArmA3 Classnames - no discussions

    how soon is Soonâ„¢? Ive just returned to arma 3 but the official list hasnt been updated and working en mass off the config viewer is a pita for lists of names, etc.
  2. 2legsakimbo

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    really like the improvements so far. but also the control experience needs a good looking at. but there are 4 things needed. Maybe not so big but they'd make a hell of a difference imo. 1. ability to interrupt a sequence. like reloading or more importantly self healing. This is an old one but it really is crazy when you are trying to heal and get surprised and have to wait for the heal to end before moving. Simply making it cancel and losing that med pack as a consequence would be better than being trapped in an animation. 2. ability to poke out from cover and back again. would be useufl in providing a greater sense of control and of not being all thumbs. Linked very closely to the below point 3. 3. remove the input lag. There seems to be a delay on every movement. which makes navigating very difficult. Especially close to things like walls and sandbags. This gets me killed so often. again, it gets in the way of sensation of being in control. 4. Reactions to be hit and wounded. Right now there's a very big disconnect between what it should do and the effects and it impacts (no irony intended) heavily on the sense of the weapons actually doing damage. Both to player and AI. AI being able to 180' scope and kill me is extreme and happens. But its also being shot oneself with very little noticeable effect. Not a sound or anything. The jerky getting hit animations are not good. all these things tend to add a wedge between the game and the player. Result is that things seems a little off, mistimed and disjointed.
  3. 2legsakimbo

    Limping - Feedback

    great addition. having it is epic, but it needs a little more animation loving. too fast for someone with an injured limb. but damn hell it is a good (yet crippled) step in the right direction. :cheers:
  4. 2legsakimbo

    Difficulty Overhaul

    on the subject of 3rd person and difficulty. be great to have a script command that lets mission makers force it for their mission. some of the workarounds are pretty clunky. and as the difficulty settings are being tweaked it would be very nice to have the AI settings to not be so opaque and unclear to understand. its like black magic where no one really understands what its doing... just clearer info text would go a long way.
  5. 2legsakimbo

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Hope this feedback is useful. I tried end game. Nice idea. But too convoluted for everyday drop in and play. That's one of arma's bigger challenge. Making an official base level MP experience that is popular. etc I'd like to see scenarios taken from the arma mythology, and made into epic battles that are focused in a single area, have simple guidelines/goals to make dropping in for some action easy, and clear timelines. And All supported by attractive, professional, animated, yet minimal 3d markers. Even a simple capture the area needs a color marker, status update, etc. so it's easy to drop in the fight,and more importantly, get to know the community your fighting alongside. Right now it's so divided.
  6. BIS_fnc_findSafePos useful. but could be better. it doesn't always find the safepos and might deposit units in rocks or sea despite the option not to be near water. a fundamental that could be improved imo.
  7. 2legsakimbo

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    im getting this as well. every time. gtx970 in common. edit - it seems that this crash happens in missions that have a heavy load when loading up. not sure if thats useful to know. edit 2 - seems fixed in latest dev branch! nice.
  8. 2legsakimbo

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    the sway seems ok to me after sprinting for about 200-300m then hitting the deck and firing. I can reliably hit inside a window at about 500m away. not sniper accurate, but if i rest it becomes that accurate pretty darn quick.. the weight and volume of weapons is another story altogether. I'd prefer BIS made it as close to what people would expect as possibl e- ie based on real weight and space. otherwise it becomes confusing.