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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. 1. Place the vehicle you want to use as a mobile spawn point in the world. 2. Find the spawn point entity in the resource browser. 3. Drag and drop the spawn point entity on the vehicle in the Hierarchy panel. This will nest it with the vehicle. 4. The spawn point will be outside the vehicle but will move with the vehicle.
  2. Blackheart_Six

    Custom Conflict mode

    Download one of the custom conficts in the workshop. Create a new project and select the custom conficts as a dependency along with Arma Reforger. Look at the entities used by the custom conficts. You can create duplicates of any entity, and then edit in your current project. Of take screen shots of entities and their values and recreate for your project.
  3. Blackheart_Six

    Custom Conflict mode

    Once you make a sub scene of any world, you still have to add all the entities to create your own mode. Faction Manager SCR_AIWorld Perception Manager TagManager RadioManer etc. etc. etc. If you are getting nav mesh errors.... Did you add "SCR_AIWorld" and add the navmesh to it? Object Properties > SCR_AIWorld > NavmeshWorldComponent > Navmesh Settings > Navmesh Files Config > Navmesh File Select the navmesh for your world. I.E. Coop_CombatOps_Arland.nmn
  4. Blackheart_Six

    RHS: Status Quo

    Fantastic news....And sounds like it will be anything but status quo. Writer...? Hmmm interesting.
  5. Blackheart_Six

    Jaes Combat Ops Everon by Rochrihals does NOT work

    Thanks! I can relook at this now I know it does run. There was an update between my download and now, so that may be the fix for my issue. If I find a fix or workaround for your problem Ill let you know. UPDATE: It's running now.
  6. Blackheart_Six

    NightOps - Modding Project

    Yes. Seems that way. And the shine has worn off with the reality that ARMA Reforger is earlier release and with each update there is major breakage to all the hard work people put into projects like this. Although this project is amazing, and THE best modification I've seen with documentation and tutorials, they should wait until ARMA IV is released and the code is stable to fix it. Of course, BI is putting out it's scenario framework now.
  7. Blackheart_Six

    selected loadouts on respawn option?

    Hi Jasooon, What is your setup for Game Mode and object properties? In addition make sure you have the correct loadout manager and setup correctly. I have my custom loadouts set at the respawn menu. When you respawn, there is a tab for loadouts and you can select your new loadout or just select your spawnpoint, and you will spawn with the loadout you saved at the arsenal. This is fully demonstrated in Combat Ops.
  8. Blackheart_Six

    Creating bundle finished with warnings

    Did you add the navmesh file to SCR_AIWORLD? NavMeshWorldComponent ---> Unsorted --->Navmesh Settings --->Navmesh Files Config ---> Navmesh File Click on the 2 dots, and search for the navmesh you wish to use.
  9. Blackheart_Six

    Error when bundle a scenario.

    Did you setup your navmesh in "SCR_AIWorld"? It says navmesh is missing.
  10. Blackheart_Six

    Combat Ops Scenario Creation

  11. Blackheart_Six

    Combat Ops Scenario Creation

    CREATE RANDOM PATROLS Task: Create random patrols across the island. Conditions: Given one world and updated Enfusion Workbench Standards: Create random patrols across the island in various locations. As I continue this process, I've discovered how difficult it is too create just ONE area of operations. I've decided to break it down in small chunks, and functions. Given the size of Everon vs. Arland, this may make more sense. The goal is create random patrol areas that are triggered when you enter an area. Kind of like EOS in Arma III. After you create the below entities, copy and paste them over each area, city, villages or woods. I use a 5 pointed star pattern when laying out the 6 way points. WP 1 and 6 are at the same point, and WP 6 is a cycle wp. Hierarchy Name (Prefab) Everon_World Patrols(Active) Patrols_Chotain (Area.et) (Optional naming use the map description of the Area) PatrolUnits1 (Layer.et) Patrol_Squad_1 (SlotAI.et) WP_Patrol_1 (Layer.et) WP_1A1 (Slot.et) WP_1A2 (Slot.et) WP_1A3 (Slot.et) Object Properties - Only components added or changed are shown. Patrols_Chotain CP_Area Activation E Activation Type = ON_INIT Trigger Trigger Resource = TriggerAnyPlayerSlow.et Area Radius = Determine size based on the size of map area to patrol. PatrolUnits1 CP_LayerBase Children Spawn Children = RANDOM_MULTIPLE (This could be set to "Random based on player count" to not overwhelm server with low player count at start) Random Percent = Number of your choosing. Activation E Activation Type = ON_AREA_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION Patrol_Squad_1 CP_SlotAI Activation E Activation Type = ON_AREA_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION Asset Object To Spawn = Group_USSR_RifleSquad.et Waypoints Waypoint Group Names = Click on + to add below settings. SCR_WaypointSet Name = WP_Patrol_1 Use Random Order = checked Cycle Waypoints = checked Spawn AI on WP Pos = checked WP to Spawn = AIWaypoint_Patrol.et
  12. Blackheart_Six

    Combat Ops Scenario Creation

    !!!WIP!!! Creating Tasks Task: Create one or more tasks Conditions: Given one worlds, and updated Enfusion Workbench Standards: Create 1 or more areas that will generate tasks. Based on Coop_CombatOps_Arland world, an area entity is setup, and within that area, one of three different tasks are randomly selected. Since Arland is a smaller map, that is relatively easier than using a larger map like Everon. Once you have the basics down, you may be able to cut and paste each area. Not every layer is required. These are the entities used as part of Arland Combat Operations. 1. Create the following layers. Drag and drop each entity where you want the action to center around. Hierarchy Everon_World Areas (Active) Name (Prefab) Area_A (Area.et) A_ClearArea (LayerTaskClearArea.et) A_Deliver (LayerTaskDeliver.et) A_Destroy (LayertaskDestroy.et) A_Groups (Layer.et) A_Logic(Layer.et) A_Outposts(Layer.et) A_QRF(Layer.et) A_RandomGuards(Layer.et) A_SpawnPoints (Layer.et) A_StaticWeapons (Layer.et) A_TriggerSpawnPoints (SlotTrigger.et) A_Vehicles (Layer.et)
  13. Blackheart_Six

    Combat Ops Scenario Creation

    Random Starting Spawn Positions Task: Create multiple random spawn positions. Conditions: Given one worlds, and updated Enfusion Workbench Standards: Create 2 or more spawn positions that are selected at the started of a combat operations. I am showing the first 2 spawn areas in the East and the North of the island. Follow the outline below for nesting each area, layer or slot. Hierarchy should look like this. Once you create the first "InsertAreaEast", copy and paste at other locations. Name (Prefab) Everon_World - World Map Layer Insertions (active) - Created layer. (Hamburger Icon) Area_Insertion (area.et) InsertionAreaEast (layer.et) Camp_East (layer.et) Arsenal_East (slot.et) M998_East (slot.et) Spawns_East (layer.et) SpawnPoint_East_0 (slot.et) SpawnPoint_East_1 (slot.et) InsertionAreaNorth (area.et) Camp_North (layer.et) Arsenal_North (slot.et) M998_North (slot.et) Spawns_North (layer.et) SpawnPoint_North_0 (slot.et) SpawnPoint_North_1 (slot.et) Here are the following changes for each entity and component. For each Insertion point you make, use the same settings. Object Properties - Only components added or changed are shown. Area_Insertion - CP_Area Children Spawn Children = RANDOM_ONE Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = ON_INIT InsertionAreaEast - CP_LayerBase Children Spawn Children = ALL Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT Camp_East - CP_LayerBase Children Spawn Children = ALL Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT Arsenal_East - CP_SlotBase Children Spawn Children = ALL Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT Asset Object To Spawn = "ArsenalBox_US.et" Vehicle_East - CP_SlotBase Children Spawn Children = ALL Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT Asset Object To Spawn = "M998_covered_long_MERDC" Spawn_East - CP_LayerBase Children Spawn Children = RANDOM_ONE Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT SpawnPoint_East_0 - CP_SlotBase Children Spawn Children = ALL Random Percent = 50 Activation E Activation Type = SAME_AS_PARENT Asset Object To Spawn = "SpawnPoint_US_CP.et"
  14. COMMUNICATIONS TASK: Use a CEOI/SOI for secure communications CONDITIONS: As a unit leader, given one automated CEOI, and an Arma Platform Server. STANDARDS: Setup and distribute auto-generated CEOI PDFs for secure communications. Before the implementation of SINCGARS radios, units used a CEOI/SOI to communicate securely. I created a spreadsheet back in 2014, that will create random call signs, frequencies, and authentication tables. With Arma Reforger, and the ability to steal radios, secure communications is essential. 1. Setup CEOI Units and CALL WORD names in the CallSignExtract sheet. Up to 10 custom units and CALL WORDS. 2. Save the CEOI. 3. Print out each sheet as a PDF for distribution to team members or slots (IE Radio Operator). I am working on a mechanism so that the random values will only update every time period (6 hours), instead of any change to the spreadsheet.
  15. Blackheart_Six

    Communications: Use a CEOI/SOI

    Here is the spreadsheet. It is in zip format. Signal Operating Instructions Spreadsheet
  16. Requester: Reads down the left column and picks a random letter. IE "D" or Delta. Then reads across the top row, and picks a random letter. IE "F" or Foxtrot. The receiver has the same table. Finds the 2 letters, and reads the table. He replies "L" or Lima. The radio transmission would be... Alpha one one, this is Alpha one zero, authenticate Delta Foxtrot, over. Alpha one zero, this is Alpha one one, I authenticate Lima, out. The column, and top row would be the complete alphabet, with filled table.
  17. Blackheart_Six

    Land Navigation

    NAVIGATION: Find a 4, 6, and 8 digit grid coordinate. TASK: LOCATING A POINT USING THE U.S. ARMY MILITARY GRID REFERENCE SYSTEM CONDITION: GIVEN ONE MAP, COMPASS, PROTRACTOR, AND PENCIL STANDARD: Determine a 4, 6, and 8 digit grid coordinate without error. There is only one rule to remember when reading or reporting grid coordinates⎯always read to the RIGHT and then UP. The first half of the reported set of coordinate digits represents the left-to-right (easting) grid label, and the second half represents the label as read from the bottom to top (northing). The grid coordinates may represent the location to the nearest 10-, 100-, or 1,000-meter increment. 4 digits = 1000 meters 6 digits = 100 meters 8 digits = 10 meters Example Image of 4 digit Grid coordinates. To find a 4 digit grid coordinate of the area called "Green Valley" - Read right first - 08 Read up second - 03 Where the 2 lines intersect, the grid coordinate is 0803. The grid square to be referenced is RIGHT and UP from there. To find the 6 digit grid coordinate for the tee intersection of the primary and secondary road, west of the "G" in green - Read the right and up again (08_03_). Place your protractors 1:25,000 meter scale on the 0803 grid line. Line up the 0/0 of the scale to 0803 grid line. See image. 3. Slide the protractor right until the vertical scale is over the object. 4. Read RIGHT and UP to get the 6 digit coordinate of the tee intersection. Round to the closest whole number. In our example, it is 5 and 5. The 6 digit grid coordinate is 085035. 5. This will get you within 100 meters of the target or objective. To find a 8 digit grid cordinate Follow steps 1 through 3 above. Read right and up, and get the exact number of the scale. The 8 digital grid coordinate is 08530352. This will get you within 10 meters of the target or objective.
  18. Blackheart_Six

    Land Navigation

    NAVIGATION: Intersection and Resection TASK: Locate an Unknown Point on a Map and on the Ground by Intersection CONDITIONS: Given a standard 1:50,000 scale military map of the area, the location of two known points, a compass, a straight edge, a coordinate scale and protractor (GTA 5-2-12), a pencil, and an object or terrain feature. STANDARDS: Determine the 100,000-meter-square identification letters and six-digit grid coordinates of the object or terrain feature to within 100 meters Intersection is the location of an unknown point by successively occupying at least two (preferably three) known positions on the ground and then map sighting on the unknown location. It is used to locate distant or inaccessible points or objects such as enemy targets and danger areas. Move to a known point "A" (Hilltop). Shoot azimuth to location you are trying to find. Place your protractor on known point "A". In the center of protractor, click on map to start the line. Draw out to the edge of the protractor to the degrees measured. Move to a second known point "B". Repeat steps 2 through 5. Where the two lines intersect is the unknown position, and able to get a grid coordinate of location or target. NOTE: Occupy a 3rd point for greater accuracy. TASK: Locate an Unknown Point on a Map and on the Ground by Resection. CONDITIONS: Given an unknown location, a standard 1:50,000 scale military map of the area, a compass, a straightedge, a coordinate scale and a protractor (GTA 5-2-12), a pencil, and two terrain features visible from your location and identifiable on the map. STANDARDS: Determine the 100,000-meter square identification letters and six-digit coordinate of your location to within 100 meters of the actual grid coordinates. Resection is the method of locating one’s position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map. For greater accuracy, the desired method of resection would be to use three or more well-defined locations. Resection: Shoot azimuth to a known point "A" on the map. Calculate the back azimuth. IE 200 degrees - 180 = 20 degrees. Rule: Greater than 180, subtract 180. Less then 180, add 180. Place your protractor, centered over known point "A". Use drawing tool, and start at the center of the protractor. Draw out to the edge at the calculated degrees. Repeat steps 1 through 4. Where the lines intersect is your location on the map. If you do 3 points, the area of the formed triangle, is your location. NOTE: Locate a 3rd known point for greater accuracy. Actual Position Map Resection Position
  19. This is what I've been experiencing and actions I take to work around the issues. I have a hosted dedicated server. And of course, I am sending crash logs every time. Issue #1 - Game crashes when joining server from favorites list. a. As soon as I click on the server in the list, the games crashes out. Workaround: Go to "All" tab, and search for server, then join. Issue #2 - Game crashes after workshop updates a. Whenever there is an update to mods that are running on the server, I can never join the server. Even when everything tells me I am updated on the client and server side. Workaround: Shutdown the server. Delete all the mods on the server side in the addons folder, except core and data folders. Start the server, and let it update the mods in the server config json file. On client PC, delete all the mods that run on the server. In Reforger, go to "Multiplayer", and find your server. You should see a puzzle piece, and a spinning icon. The puzzle piece will show the number of mods needed. Click join, and it should pop up a window telling you what to download. If it stays on "Content verification", and spins, that means the server isn't done downloading all the mods. WAIT. Once you join, and it tells the megabytes needed, the server is fully updated.
  20. I too saw this in the dev report requesting feedback but wasn't sure where to go with it. Feedback site maybe. IDK. Any who... In regard to radio communications, one possible solution is to implement a Signal Operating Instructions (SOI/CEOI). And in particular, an "Authentication Table". A random table of letters for each side and issued like the map item. This is a modify Authentication table example. For this example, the sender would request the receiver to authenticate BRAVO DELTA. The receiver would then send back QUEBEC. REDFOR could issue BLUFOR to move to an ambush, but BLUFOR would request REDFOR to authenticate orders, and REDFOR wouldn't be able to. Of course, if BLUFOR fails to request an authentication, they deserve to be ambushed. ABC DEF A FIU VMD B WET QOD C PSD MDF D VMH UEL E EVC QIH F MWP PBN It is a very simple system to check that the user is on your side. Another solution is to frequency hop. Let's say REDFOR steals a BLUFOR radio. And it is set to 38.75 Mhz. In 15 minutes, all BLUFOR radios hop to a new frequency of 56.14 Mhz, but the REDFOR unit stays on the same frequency and doesn't hop since he is REDFOR. This would allow some dirty play, but for limited time. It would be hard to find the new frequency. Additionally, as part of the SOI, you can establish frequency tables, call signs, and a whole host of radio communication protocols. With the advent of SINCGARS radios, paper SOI's went away, and the electronic SOI got filled into the radio. How do you keep the REDFOR from stealing the BLUFOR SOI? Thats for you devs to figure out. That's my story, and I am sticking to it....
  21. Blackheart_Six

    How to change time of day in a mission?

    Search for TimeAndWeatherManager.et in resource browser.
  22. Blackheart_Six

    how to play with mods

    @XxDEFILEDxX As for xbox specific I don't know exactly but this is how the PC's work... For the dedicated servers, the server owners need to add the mods to the server config so when the player joins the server it will download the mods, and keep them updated.
  23. Blackheart_Six

    Long-range reconnaissance patrol 1.0

    FOUO/TS Copy No. 1 of 3 1st Asymmetric Warfare Group Fort A.P. Hill, VA 24JUL2022 FRAGO 240700BJUL22 DEVILS DEN References: NONE Time zone used throughout the order: BRAVO 1. Situation: 7th Army, USAEUR has established 3 Task Forces for Operation Devils Den. a. Task Force Northern Wind b. Task Force Middle Earth c. Task Force Southern Comfort d. USSR units are on patrol across the island. BOLO for small unit action against them. Cities and Towns are re-enforced with checkpoints along MSR's. 2. Mission: a. TF Northern Wind LZ New York Attack Air Cargo Facility Destroy Weapons Storage Depot Destroy Port Operations Facility Attack USSR Recruitment/Training Facility Attack USSR Maintenance Depot b. TF Middle Earth LZ Virginia Attack Coastal ADA Destroy Tactical Communications Center Central (TCC) Attack Submarine Pens Destroy Power Stations c. TF Southern Comfort LZ Georgia Destroy Tactical Communications Center South (TCC) Eliminate HVT Attack USSR Headquarters (8th Combined Arms) Destroy Infrastructure (Fuel, Power and Port Facilities) d. Targets of Opportunity Road Blocks Roving Patrols Field Units 3. Execution: a. Upon deployment to SOB Rogers, contact TOC via AN/PRC-77 for Task Force assignment. b. Adjust gear, and loadouts c. Load up RHIBs, and depart for assigned LZ. 4. Sustainment: N/A 5. Command and Signal: N/A ANNEX: N/A
  24. Long-range Reconnaissance Patrol 1.0 FOUO/TS Copy No. 1 of 1 1st Asymmetric Warfare Group Fort A.P. Hill, VA 05JUN2022 OPORD 052145BJUN22 DEVILS DEN References: CEOI Time zone used throughout the order: BRAVO Task Organization: Maneuver Unit: 1-AWG 1. Situation: A long-range reconnaissance patrol, or LRRP (pronounced "lurp"), is a small, well-armed reconnaissance team that patrols deep in enemy-held territory. USSR forces have occupied Everon. They are establishing nuclear launch sites for use against NATO, and US. REDFOR: 8th Combined Arms Army BLUFOR: 1st Asymmetric Warfare Group. Attachments/Detachments: Special Boat Team 12. 2. Mission: Occupy Special Operations Base Rogers on the island of Argent. Infiltrate the island of Everon undetected at insertion point VIRGINA, and conduct raids against Soviet Union launch sites, communications, logistic, and garrison forces. 3. Execution: Deploy to island of Argent. Contact USS Freedom and received daily mission matrix. Operators will be inserted undetected at an unoccupied area of Everon. Leaders determine operational targets based on the ground situation, and mission matrix. 4. Sustainment: Pre-position supplies at SOB Rogers will provide provisions for 2 weeks sustainment. 5. Command and Signal: LRP Team leaders have operational control. Task Force commander is USAEUR Commander, 7th Army. Overall mission commander is USSOCOM Commander, McDill AFB.
  25. Blackheart_Six


    Has anyone tried to place a marker, so it shows on the map? If yes, and you got it to work. HOW! I can't figure out how to place a simple marker. I know they reside in the imageset files.