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About shizzak

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  1. I'm having issues deactivating TPW_air. I did what I was supposed to do in userconfig using the python shell but it still shows that it is active in game. Its annoying having air ambience
  2. In the us-army faction under the artillery. The M1129 Crow 82mm mortar there is a recurring issue thats been persisting for quite a while upwards to a year. Now using BIS modules like support requester or provider. The AI will not fire. A similar thing happens with the M119 howitzer. Instead it doesn't aim its cannon. It fires parallel usually killing the crew or other nearby AI and/or players. This includes when i am team leader and is requesting support through non module ways
  3. I really would love to use the 64 bit version but when i update the game, all the sound is missing. Its like my headset isn't plugged in. This happens in 32 bit as well. This dev branch did something to it because its not my mods which i disabled for the sole purpose of eliminating factors
  4. I'm having an issue when i insert execVM" JWC_CASFS\initCAS.sqf"; into the init.sqf. When i click ok it says "Type Script, expected Nothing"