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    Private First Class

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  1. Please give an example of the blinking parameters - the light source should have a decay rate of 3 seconds.
  2. our team needs a script expert. There are many tasks and they are interesting. for example, write a quest generation system or a dynamic equipment market, and many more interesting systems Join the work on the global mod!
  3. it is the copy of the real secret territory https://www.google.ru/maps/@51.3049842,30.0658373,950m/data=!3m1!1e3
  4. if you about weapon have told, then several models are presented there and it is not the final version
  5. I haven't understood that you wanted to tell
  6. It will be very difficult to hide from NPC (there will be it humanoid or brutish - it isn't important), we pursue hardcore
  7. There is more information on development on the Russian social network, you should take information and to translate for the work
  8. don't apply to replace RHS, but we will try to make weapon the and it isn't worse from the best more we
  9. will look so all 921 models of buildings on map
  10. Work on creation of static models - buildings of the cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat, the CNPP and the confidential city of Chernobyl 2, Doug's ZGRLS and Volkhov, the Jupiter plant and the railway Yanov station, and also other settlements is complete, including also villages, wrecks, bridges, towers,high towers, the power line - everything that has to be in the Exclusion zone - only 921 models! all these models completely technically working, have all lods. about 650 models still need to be put textures. development details in community in albums