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About scottb613

  • Rank
    Master Sergeant

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  • Interests
    US Navy, Submariner, Scuba Diver, Skydiver, Pilot.

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  1. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Been testing out SOG_AI over the last weekend. Just one observation - I know it's based on how you changed the movement - I usually use the team markers and it was a bit of a surprise when your teammates vanish during movement. When operating with NVG's it can scare the bejesus out of you when your teammate approaches - unmarked - in the dark. Too funny. The use of grenades in the towns on Tanoa becomes a bit of an issue - we seem to kill more friendlies with nades than enemy. I'm not sure if there's any way to improve this - as the nade use in the field is pretty helpful. Thanks for your efforts. Regards, Scott
  2. scottb613


    Hi Folks, Perfect - thanks. Regards, Scott
  3. scottb613


    Hi Folks, Thanks - I think I have it now. I was using ACE (No Medical) which throws errors - - - When I load the original ACE - no errors. I'll just have to wait for an updated (No Medical) to be released. Appreciate the help. Regards, Scott
  4. Hi Folks, Did someone remove the ACE COMPAT for SOG/PF? Used it for years - now it's been removed from my HD and I can't find it in the Steam WS... Thanks. Regards, Scott
  5. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Congrats - well deserved. Regards, Scott
  6. scottb613

    Extended Morale System

    Hi Folks, Sounds promising - thanks - I've used a couple of morale mods before and the units just surrender and stand there - I've been wanting a more realistic behavior to disengage and flee. This sounds like a good fit - I'll give it a shot. Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Pierre, I think my groupings are good... Alpha on Herc1 - Bravo on Herc2. Initially - I had the landing issue from when the first AI left the aircraft - the following additions to the code seemed to solve that issue. Again - all AI works perfectly - if the "player" becomes the "Copilot" all works perfectly - only when the "player" leaves the aircraft does the issue occur. [_x] ordergetin false; [_x] allowGetIn false; Here's my full ejection script - modded a helo script made by someone else. I've never used or tried the "Cargo" portion of the code. I had intended to remove the "Cargo" portion to suit my needs. I call the script from a WP but I don't think I'm doing anything else that would affect operation. Thanks for the interest. 😉 Regards, Scott
  8. Hi Folks, Yeah - tried that - I think I'm stuck with the altitude excursions... One follow up question - if I may - as you can see in the video - the ejection and aircraft perform as expected with AI. When I turn one of the AI jumpers into the "player" - as soon as the player is ejected - the aircraft immediately dives to land at the airport in the shot - regardless of which jumper I choose to use as "player" and regardless of which aircraft I choose to ride - - - instead of following the waypoints to their conclusion. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Here's my ejection sequence. _x setVariable ["Saved_Loadout", getUnitLoadout _x]; removeBackpack _x; _x disableCollisionWith _vehicle; _x allowDamage false; [_x] ordergetin false; [_x] allowGetIn false; unassignVehicle _x; moveOut _x; _x setDir (_dir + 90); _x setVelocity [0, 0, -5]; sleep 0.5; // Delay between each unit exiting the aircraft. [_x, _chuteheight] spawn ParaLandSafe; Thanks... Regards, Scott
  9. Hi TeTeT, Thank you kindly - let me give that a shot. 🙂 Regards, Scott
  10. Hi Folks, I'm trying to setup a decent airborne para drop - I have it working nicely - EXCEPT - for the annoying altitude transitions over terrain. Is there a way to force the aircraft to maintain a level altitude for the para drop? Thanks. Regards, Scott
  11. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi Folks, Nice work JB. SOG_AI just keeps on getting better and better. Updated the VA profile for SOG_AI in my sig with the new features and other functions. Regards, Scott
  12. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, I'm back with my PC - I'll give this a shot and update my profile. I did notice the medic needing orders previously. Thanks for the hard work... Regards, Scott
  13. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Thanks for the consideration… I’m away in the the remote woods of “DownEast” Maine at the moment - I’ll check later in the week when I return home. Looking forward to testing the new goodies. Regards, Scott
  14. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, I'm not sure how often I would use something like that - honestly - if I am attacking over a hill - I am probably using your awesome bounding attack. I could be missing the real benefit you intend with such a command. Just my 2 cents - please take it for what it's worth. One thing I only recently noticed is your stance command is not definitive - meaning you need two clicks to go prone - one more to go copy my stance. One click to stand and another to copy my stance - and they just loop around. I know the wheel is an extremely limiting factor but it's also probably how most people enjoy your Mod. If there was a way to hit Prone - Knee - Stand - Copy My Stance - with single definitive key press - it would be better. Keeping track of what you're setting and how many times you press the wheel gets confusing. It would also be beneficial if you could assign stances by Squad, Team, or Unit. I did try using vanilla stance commands and they don't work well with SOG_AI - much like the move command you mentioned. Again - just throwing my thoughts at the wall - please treat them as humble suggestions for which they are intended. I hate making work for other people. 😉 Regards, Scott
  15. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Thanks for all. I'll keep your input in mind. I don't think I use a vanilla "Move" command at all - fortunately - your SOG_AI Move is the one command that works by Squad, Team, or Unit. If I am doing a move - it's a SOG_AI move. In addition to setting a vanilla patrol - staggard aware column - with a scout in stealth advanced out front - I've added a unit "with me" command that seems to work well. So - when you're broaching a hill with suspected OPFOR on the other side and you don't trust AI to do it alone - "Scout - with me" pulls the scout from the halted squad in aware diamond and we go on a little joint exploratory foray - to see what's on the other side. It's nice to have an added set of eyes and the extra firepower just in case. I have this setup for the sniper as well - as it would be much needed with that type of operation. "Scout - with me" TEST VAR [_scout] Begin Integer Compare : [_scout] Has Not Been Set Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\error_beep.wav' Exit Command End Condition VAN SCOUT REGROUP Quick Input, '[F{INT:_scout}]' Pause 0.175 seconds Press 1 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Pause 0.175 seconds Press 1 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Pause 0.175 seconds VAN SCOUT AWARE Quick Input, '[F{INT:_scout}]' Pause 0.25 seconds Press 7 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Pause 0.25 seconds Press 3 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Pause 0.25 seconds VAN SCOUT DIAMOND Quick Input, '[F{INT:_scout}]' Pause 0.175 seconds Press 8 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Pause 0.175 seconds Press 9 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release Play sound, '{VA_SOUNDS}\confirmation_beep.wav' Man - what a hoot - you're a breath of fresh air to this old sim. Regards, Scott