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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi, Thanks - I was running C2 - let me check... Appreciate your help !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Folks, Yeah - just mentioned this myself in another thread on squad controls... It would be nice to set a staggered column so each line is right in the edge of a road... Also - would like to see a new formation that puts a guy "on point" as an early warning detector... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Egg, Hah - sorry I missed it - I use Tapatalk most of the time and sigs don't show... I see it now - thanks so much... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Hi Folks, Really nice look'n 1911... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, Look'n good Egg... Hi Open, Hmm - that looks pretty straight forward... I certainly think I could replicate that for other factions in Unsung - if that's a working model... Is there a published list of Unsung class names posted somewhere ? So that's' an ALiVE file ? So - I could create my own groups using this file using "individual" elements - or do only pre-made UNSUNG "groups" work ? If I made a custom list - I couldn't share missions unless it was made official though - right ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Hero, Yep - that's what I'm seeing with both OPFOR and BLUFOR - they hover for 10 minutes or so - then fly off... Now my OPFOR didn't have an airfield so I figured that might be the issue - but BLUFOR is headquartered at a grass runway on one of the smaller Tanoa Islands... Strange... I'll test it some more when I get some time... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Hi Folks, Yeah - the waypoints would be a big help with air assets as well - many times when I don't have time to micromanage the flight - the air assets will fly thought the hottest point on the map for AA - and get shot down... So - I deleted the the Military Logistics for OPFOR and substantially enhanced their initial numbers - so it's a bit better... It's strange though - my BLUFOR Military Logistics helicopters still don't land and I'm based at an airport in "static" mode... The overall mission is supposed to be a bit like the US invasion of Grenada... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Hi Hero, LOL - yep - ditto - many massive collisions in the swarm... I noted your posts on that mission aw well - - I'll download that one and try it too - - my time is somewhat limited and only on the weekends to mess with Arma - so I haven't tried yours yet due to the downloads - but I'm looking forward to trying them when I get a chance and get everything downloaded... Oh - quick side note - you can get the MKV patrol boat included with RHS to work with the Player Transport module - it's a bit of a kludge as the boat seems to take some time to determine a path - but - it seems to find its way around land masses eventually - you just need to keep the drop off/pick up point a bit offshore as if seems incapable of backing up under ALiVE control and will run aground if you force it too close... I think it would help if we could enter multiple waypoints on the tablet... It would be great if ALiVE could somehow improve boat control... Anyway - having a blast with ALiVE... Thanks for taking the time to help me... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Hero, Oh - right - I did forget that - but these helicopters never land or drop supplies - both BLUFOR and OPFOR - they just hover for a while - then fly off... Thanks for your input !!! Regards, Scott
  10. Hi Hero, Negative - I've been messing with this scenario for a while and I had those settings already set before posting - no change... Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Hero, Yep - I had found that setting and made sure they're both - OPFOR and BLUFOR - are set to "Faction" in both Military Logistics module - the Military Logistic modules are synced to their respective Military AI Commander modules - and the OPFOR has "No" set for the "Allow Planes" and "Allow Helicopters" fields... It seems that the options in the Military Logistics modules aren't working 100% (caveat - I'm no expert and still could be doing something wrong) ... Really appreciate the help... :) Regards, Scott
  12. Hi Folks, Thanks Spyder... ============================================= A few more questions or possibly an issue... RE: Tanoa - Latest ALiVE and RHS... I've got an RHS mission setup with OPFOR from Massi... I don't want the OPFOR to have helicopters at all - but - 10 minutes or so into the mission I have around (10) "CSAT" helicopters show up around the location where the OPFOR Military Placement module is located... There shouldn't be any air assets for - let alone CSAT... I'm guessing these are from the Logistics Module ? Is something set wrong and is there a way to prevent this ? I've been through all the modules several times with a fine tooth comb... Also noted - the Tanoa runways don't seem to work with AI (I've tried a few) - I can't get the RSH A10 to fly CAS missions for the Player Support Module - the plane shows up at the airport but will never take off - I even tried placing the start location on the runway itself... The module works fine if I use a helicopter though - so I believe I am using it properly... In addition - I have friendly Army Chinooks (4) - guessing Logistic Modules again - show up at my airfield after 10 minutes or so and just hover 100 feet off the deck - they never land or drop supplies... All my BLUFOR factions are defined as USMC - so they shouldn't be using Army Chinooks either... Anyway - just might be a limit of the sim or me doing something wrong - mission attached if anyone cares to take a gander... Thanks - appreciate any insights you may have... https://www.dropbox.com/s/is02u7hn3gc5ryp/SCO_TANOA_CSAT.Tanoa.zip?dl=0 Mods: -mod=@ALiVE;@CAF_AG1.5;@DS_SonicCracks;@mas;@NATO_Rus_Vehicle;@RHSUSF;Expansion; -mod=F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@CBA_A3; -mod=@RHSAFRF; Regards, Scott
  13. Hi Grumpy, Sounds like a good idea... Let me try it - I do have three different sets of mods - RHS - Unsung - IF3L and the problem did occur across all three... I'll try it again with vanilla... Also - I'm still running that APEX preview edition - realize I need to switch that... Thanks again... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hi Hero, Thanks for the help - yeah - during testing I was just tired of having to go look for the supply box... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Hi Folks, Real simple question - what do I need to put in the players initialization to add the laser designator ? Thanks... Scott
  16. Hi Folks, Now that's what I call teamwork... Thanks - SJ... As I'm sure you are aware - ALiVE adds that degree of uncertainty to a missions - so you can play it over and over again - and never play the same mission twice... I'm surprised all the time by the turn of events on missions I've created myself... It would be great to use this mod in the world of "Unsung" - like peanut butter and jelly... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Hi Folks, Better AI water navigation - spend much of my time navigating the rivers in the Mekong Delta - and it's really tough to get an AI boat to work with you... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Hi Folks, No worries and no pressure - really appreciate all you guys do... It may have been Marcel that posted this on another thread where I didn't grasp fully the responses I got... https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/commit/ab7729380ecc159529fa5f61b5dd94dc0f39b74b It shows UNSUNG_E defined and this is the only one that seems to work... I really don't know where this code goes though... Is this something anyone can do or do you need access to source files to make these config files ? Ideally - you would probably want separate factions by year and/or branch of service - as some of the groups defined have a year already associated with them... I'm looking at that link posted above on ALiVE standardization to see if I can figure it out... I'm still pretty much a novice with ARMA.... Again - my thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Hi Egg, Hmm - and these should work on "Bravo" ? I just went through the entire list - in both full upper case and full lower case... The only one that worked for me was the "UNSUNG_E" in upper case... I made a very simple scenario with 4 modules (required, virtual AI, military commander, military placement) - the faction names were only changed in the "military commander" and the "military placement" - which had the same entry for the test and both of these modules are synced together... I kept getting a message that there were "no groups" for the factions that didn't work... I didn't try the civilians faction... I'm pretty familiar with ALiVE and have built a bunch of sandbox missions with RHS... Still - I certainly could be doing something wrong... Anyone have a test scenario I could try with the factions working in ALiVE ? Thanks for the help and patience... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Hi Folks, I noticed many pages ago "Charlie" mentioned a goal of some ALiVE compatibility - is that still planned ? I've been playing around with ALiVE and it appears that "USUNG_E" faction name works as I can get the NVA to populate on Da Krong... I tried using "UNSUNG_W" for the US and it doesn't seem to work... Ideally we would probably need faction names with a bit more granularity to be able to specify ARVN, US types, NVA types, VC... Would any other factions work with "Bravo" and if so could someone provide the names ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Operation Prophet [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Seems like you are everywhere I post... I'm pretty familiar ALiVE although I've never played anyone else's mission with it - I've just built my own sandbox stuff... ALiVE is great that even when you build your own missions - you really don't know what's going to happen and I've been surprised by events many times... Will do - probably won't get time to mess with this until the weekend... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Operation Prophet [Insurgency]

    Hi Folks, I'm intrigued - time to start downloading - thanks Hero... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks for the response Egg - I thought it was just me being relatively new at this stuff and unsure how everything works... Appreciate the help... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, When I travel my laptop is not capable of running Arma 3 but does fairly well with Arma 2 - plus - I never used Unsung 2.6 so there is plenty of content to explore that's all new to me... So - maybe I'm the last one over here still dabbling with Arma 2... Question - I've been setting up a little sandbox mission protecting a firebase on top of a hill in the La Drang Valley... I'd like to have the player control a small mortar battery and helicopter located on the base... I've tried adding the vanilla artillery support module and syncing to the mortar - however - it never fires when the enemy attacks and it's not listed in a radio options... How would I get it to fire or the helicopter to launch to help defend the base ? I've found the UNS Support Module - but that appears to use only 3 different aircraft and virtual artillery - it does work but not exactly what I'm looking for... Also - it seems "transport" helicopters are never available and the Skyraider never seems to make a successful napalm run on a lightly armed VC squad... The two jets seem a bit better... Any tips would be greatly appreciated... PS - I've seen posts in two Unsung 2.6 threads referring to use the other - catch 22 - I hope this is the right one... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. I've read a bunch of accounts of it being done in WWII - didn't they used to "cook off" grenades by holding them in their hands for a few extra seconds to insure they couldn't be thrown back ? I think AA3 had that ability... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk