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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. If you shoot the first one or two for insubordination - the rest should fall into line pretty quickly... Regards, Scott
  2. Hi... Ahh - so the manual has been updated as well - this just keeps getting better and better - off to download manual... It's funny though - with the previous version - I did a bunch of the "Resupply" button with Unsung - and one peculiar thing I noted - when the troops hit the AMMO/WEAPONS box - everyone walked away with a LAWS rocket launcher they didn't have before... I'll do more testing - - - and reading... Thanks as well... Regards, Scott
  3. Hi Folks, NICE work Cheese !!! Played around with the new release this weekend - pretty amazing stuff - probably only scratched the surface based on the vid posted previously... Question - while testing - my AI squad had a long running battle that depleted most of my men and supplies... I happened to have a 1911 left in addition to my main weapon and the AI Rifleman had no ammo for his M1... We decided to make our last stand in a barn... I threw the 1911 on the ground with all the magazines - stepped back and instructed my AI to resupply via the HUD... The Weapon and Magazines appeared as two separate line items on the interface... During multiple attempts - I tried both line items - the AI moved to the pile - ran what looked like a resupply animation - yet never retrieved anything... Should this work or is picking stuff off the ground beyond the scope of this mod ??? Maybe they can only resupply ammo for weapons they already have ??? Thanks for all your hard work and time !!! Regards, Scott
  4. Hi... Yeah - that does sound odd - so after subscribing - did you see them download - massive amount of content - might take a while... You could check your ArmA directory and see if the files are physically there ? I know it gets a little confusing sometimes for me as well as I maintained two repositories - one for STEAM and one for SIX... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. You need to click the MOD screen and make sure your subscribed mods are loaded when you start the game... Or - download ArmA3Sync - it's a launcher that in my humble opinion makes it much easier to manage your mods... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. scottb613

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Probably the topic MOST players want real improvements for - . Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Folks, RE: Script Example Would anyone have an example of how we make a given AI aircraft fly over a given point and release its unguided bomb load ??? Specifically - what mechanism is available to "release ordinance" ??? I've truly searched this forum and have yet to find the explanation... Any help appreciated... Regards, Scott
  8. scottb613

    Aircraft Bomb Drop

    Hi... Sorry - one follow up if you don't mind - confused on the "aiming" vector - shouldn't the dumb bomb fall off the aircraft and fall the same as if flown by the player - no aiming required providing the release point is correct ? What am I missing ? Thanks for your patience... Regards, Scott
  9. scottb613

    Aircraft Bomb Drop

    @bad benson Thanks so much - perfect - a starting point - yep - exactly what I was looking for... "bore" - LOL - hardly - I'm only in and out around here - but "rock star" would probably be more appropriate... Will do - it seems like a common question - I'll post here when I come up with something workable... I'm probably just an intermediate level scripter - learning as I go - with TONS of trial and error - example of some code posted here: Thanks again... Regards, Scott
  10. scottb613

    Aircraft Bomb Drop

    Hi Folks, Yeah - DOH - sorry - I had forgotten that post but it didn't really answer my question (I think)... I don't use Zeus as I'm strictly SP - so that offered solution really didn't work... I've seen it's been done on the Unsung mod in A2 - so I know it's possible - it's just the how that remains a mystery... Is there no BIS function to simply trigger x aircraft to drop bomb ? I'd prefer scripting solution as I kind of enjoy writing the code... For arguments sake - let's use the A7 Corsair and Snakeye 500 lbs bombs (huge Unsung fan) on a CAS mission... It doesn't have to be perfectly accurate - as realistic is what I'm shooting for - human error - performance - etc... I'll mark a position somehow - perhaps via some dialog - smoke - marker - - - once I know the release mechanism I can figure out when to trigger a release based on altitude and such to hit in the ballpark of a target... Thanks for your time and sorry for the dup... Regards, Scott
  11. scottb613

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi Folks, Yeah - my two biggies for AI: some intermediate discovery state - heard something - start looking - pointing - hands over eyes to see better... some sort of sense for self preservation morale system (anyone play Total War series - troops run away when decimated) Regards, Scott
  12. Understood and thank you !!! Regards, Scott
  13. Hi @Barden, Thanks for the response... Hmm - just noted in your sig there is a patch for Delta - is that what fixes the Huey's ??? I don't think I have that... Would that happen to fix the Bell helicopters that were stuck on the ground as well ??? I'll make sure to grab it when I get home this weekend... Much appreciated... Regards, Scott
  14. Hi... One other thought - I believe there is another addon that contains actual Huey's that may be era appropriate - if Unsung proves the problem - perhaps you could add that mod and use their aircraft ? Best of luck... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27960 Regards, Scott
  15. Hi Folks, Re: Dunkirk Above and beyond the call of duty... Regards, Scott
  16. OK - that seems pretty straight forward - and that might be a flaw that still needs to be fixed in the mod... One of the Unsung guys should be able to give you a definitive answer.. One thing you can try is just swap out the helo for a vanilla model - whatever they call the one that looks like a Blackhawk - and see if your symptoms change ? That should prove whether mod content issue - or mission issue ??? If it proves the mod is the issue - perhaps try a different helo like the Sikorsky... I recall different models had different issues... Regards, Scott
  17. I've done some pretty extensive scripting (intermediate level) creating helicopter CAS functions and SLICK insertions - specifically for Unsung... The pop-up maneuver I believe is just inherent in ArmA - all the helicopters seem to do it - I know it's been that way since ArmA 2... It's aggravating as hell I know and a sure way to diminish your chances of survival... When researching my scripts - I came across a method where you actually hand fly each helicopter and record its track - offline - then play it back in the mission - not something I really wanted to do but from what I gather - it's really the only way to get a nice low combat approach and flare... Haven't tried it myself... I believe the A3 Unsung helicopters may be still flawed - I know they had some real problems - like just going ballistic or unable to leave the ground... Would you have more specifics on describing your problem and how your are doing it ??? No idea on the parachuting thing... Very interested in this topic as what's Nam without Huey's... Here's my script from A2 - only recently started porting them to A3 - not sure if they will be any help... SLICK Launch Mission Script - (4) helos that keep formation and fly plotted course to LZ - drop troops then fly plotted egress and RTB: Regards, Scott
  18. Welcome to the jungle... Be sure to try grab "Prei Khmaoch Luong" as well - it's an incredible map and fits perfectly with Unsung... Regards, Scott
  19. scottb613

    Krokom, Sweden

    Hi Folks, Man - I'd like to build my retirement house there - simply beautiful - how much for a few acres ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Hi Folks, I have a couple scripts I made for helicopter CAS support in A2 - now porting to A3... Just wondering if anyone had any insights for the best method for doing this tailored to heavy jungle terrains such as Tanoa ??? Best altitude - should I slow them down to a "Limited Speed" to slowly and methodically search the jungle - any other thoughts ??? The scripts launch two helos to a place marked on the map or the players position - then sets up a simple grid to effect the search using waypoints around the given position... The RTB script sends them home... Launch Script RTB Script Regards, Scott
  21. Hi Hero, Not sure of your issue - I'm still using a 4:3 (1600x1200) monitor - but my display looks like @Harzach... Also - just an OBTW - you really might want to look at (ArmA3Sync) - it make managing your content SOOOO much easier - trust me... I have categories setup for - Iron Front/FOW - 3CB British stuff for your Inshallah - Unsung - CUP Cold War - and RHS... It's a snap to drag and drop various addons - change your startup parameters - add a new category - whatever... It's just a single click to launch ArmA with all your desired settings and chosen addon group... I could never go back as it just makes life so much easier... Best of luck... Regards, Scott
  22. Hah - I recall that HOT LZ from A2 - the first time was a true surprise - I was like where the heck was the fire coming from- nicely done... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. scottb613

    Radio Trigger ?

    Hi Folks, I think I have it - you need to open the map view to see the radio that has the triggers - DOH... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, Used to mess around with scripting a bunch in A2 - been a while - can someone remind me how to fire the radio triggers (the alpha, bravo, charlie thing) - I need a radio to fire these - right ? They're not showing up in the command menu... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk