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Everything posted by the_noob

  1. the_noob

    the war of 1812

    Ideally, they would have tomahawks and bows, but the default axes look and feel a bit weird so I went for pikes instead. ;p
  2. the_noob

    the war of 1812

    Few pics I took: DXDLL water reflections make the sea battle even more atmospheric. :)
  3. the_noob

    the war of 1812

    The rate at which you put out new mods is impressive. I have a feeling OFP/CWA modding is more active than Armed Assault and ArmA 2's combined, if we account happenings outside this forum too. Even though we have to work within certain limitations (we really need that multi core and memory extension patch ;p), it's still great fun to do stuff for this classic game. It's basically inviting players to make stuff for it which can't be said for many other games out there (with possible exception of open-world action games like GTA, TES, Fallout - concepts that can all be done in OFP/CWA too thanks to it's great versatility).
  4. Large ancient battles in OFP/CWA (VVV mod, two islands from me, DXDLL water reflections): - o Download all pics (png format): https://www.mediafire.com/?q3wx43trfqhhob4
  5. That's a interesting perspective that I must say I haven't thought about it. I though the lack of "proper" MP optimization (most commonly texture aspect ratio errors) was due to lack of time to test it properly or some hard to spot bugs. Thanks for explaining your stance. But I must object your view that OFP is a "dead" game. As long as there are people playing or modding it, it's still very much "alive". ;p
  6. the_noob

    AMD CPU Bottleneck?

    PC games in general have poor multi-core/multi-threading support. Here's BF4 running on 16 threads (very low CPU utilization): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bql4x9YIPZU
  7. Your work and continued support of this expansion is admirable, but I must also say that a lot of your work does not get fully utilized in the environment it was made for. WW4 mod was clearly made with MP play in mind and while OFP/CWA MP is a relatively niche deal these days (forget about 30+ people on a server for example) and the extension may be a few years too late to catch the popularity it would deserve, I feel it could still get a better utilization. Right now there's only one server running WW4 EXT with the most recent update and it's a semi-closed clan server and I have some "first hand insight" that your extension isn't considered or is only partly considered by some established or developing mod/addon packs for MP play because it might not have been extensively tested in a MP environment prior release. With that said, I'm also aware that's not really your issue since you're only providing the content itself and not managing it. Just sharing some thoughts in relation to your hard work. ;p
  8. the_noob

    Cold War Enhanced

    I like it how he called ECP and FFUR series "mischaps". :P You know what they say, if you want better, make it yourself. Atleast in OFP/CWA this rule still applies. ;p And let's be realistic here and say that OFP/CWA is only friendly to old systems when you're playing the SP and MP missions that come with it. But when you play custom, community made content, it's not unusual to require a relatively modern system to run it decently. A fast single-threaded CPU and fast RAM is very recomendable.
  9. the_noob

    Cold War Enhanced

    @wiineri: thanks for reply.
  10. the_noob

    Cold War Enhanced

    I've been testing the mod a bit too and I must say you (or your team) nicely upgraded the Binmod formula with advanced features like fully functioning 3D sights, multiple stances, blind fire, weapon jamming, improved gun sounds and generally improved sound, etc. But here are some suggestions with how, I think, you could yet improve it, in case development will continue: - currently, the 3D sights on scoped weapons are useless, as are tank sights. I've figured that backup (2D) sights can be activated by pressing V, but I personally think it would be better if it would automatically switch to the 2D sight as that's more intuitive in my view. Ideally, the scopes could be made transparent and zoom out further but I realize that may be problematic to implement. - I see that you are aiming at a mixture of realism and playability, but I personally think some sort of fatigue system and related weapon sway would be nice. If we look at original OFP/CWA, we can see heavy breathing when we run for a longer (actually quite soon ;p) period and there's also a bit of weapon sway on the guns and while we don't actually slow down, I find switching to jogging from sprint after a while of sprinting would be sensible. - shooting while running is another feature that is possible in reality but not really safe for anyone involved in such maneuvers. I find that being forced to walk with sights up after shooting while running would be nice to have. - I noticed that the magazine ammo checking feature was removed. Not a big deal for me at all but maybe some people would like to have that. - since you used HYK and ICP units for the West and East units, maybe using Edge's retextured guerillas would fit Res units too. Of course this is a purely cosmetic thing and not a requirement by any means. - I might be an exception to the rule but I really like the swimming feature in FFUR 2007. Maybe adding some form of swimming would be plausible? Just suggestions. :)
  11. the_noob

    Cold War Enhanced

    Cool. Your Binmod had some very nice features already so it's good to see you're continuing it in this new form. Keep up the good work. :)
  12. Looks like Russian comrades are making something which just might be what you're looking for - Escape from Tarkov: http://www.escapefromtarkov.com/
  13. the_noob

    R9 390 Vs R9 390X in Arma 3?

    Well said. I also believe that ArmA is not simply a game but more a development platform. The only downside is that BI won't allow us to access the source code but I can understand why they don't want that. Also, for all it's shortcommings (which, btw, can be ironed out - follow VBS development and you'll likely agree), the Real Virtuality engine is easily the most flexible non open source engine I have seen. Almost all game/simulation concepts are doable on this engine.
  14. the_noob

    Steam discussion

    Sounds like damage control. ;p But yeah, Steam is not a safe place anymore either. I wonder if BI and other companies will opt for their own alternatives to Steam now. Not sure how much more proprietary DRM PC players could still handle though.
  15. Modders can do whatever they want and aren't bound by what ArmA should or should not be. If certain mods (i.e. Day-Z, Life) affected the community in a fashion that doesn't correspond with a certain part of the community, that's another matter. Also, modders aren't obliged to continue on their work if they so choose, neither take into consideration what it's players wish for. It's a non-profit activity without any obligations.
  16. the_noob

    Legal Violations / Realistic cars in Arma 3

    Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use Yes, you can use real world car brands as long as you don't monetize it. A typical work around in commercial games is naming the cars differently like in the GTA games for example.
  17. the_noob

    Ghost Recon - Wild Lands

    The graphics engine looks very nice but the game is a different genre than GR used to be (open world sandbox action game rather than tactical shooter). Looks more interesting than the last few GRs though.
  18. the_noob

    Evolution of OFP

    A nice vid showing the evolution of OFP from it's "Poseidon" roots till the final version: None of the "beta" versions were ever leaked, however you can download and play the original incomplete demo of the game on this site: http://download.freenet.de/Operation-Flashpoint-Demo--2758.xhtml?autostart=1 If you haven't played it yet or a lot of time passed since you did, you will be surprised just how different it feels to Resistance or Cold War Assault. For example the guns sound different (better, more realistic), there's way more recoil, reloading is slower, you're unable to crouch (not realistic but okay ;p ), vehicle physics are a bit different, AI voices are different, it's harder to spot enemies (could also be because of the foggier look) and so on. Only things missing are player fatigue while sprinting and the ability to not sink like a rock when going into water and I would say this version had a better gameplay to it than the Resistance expansion and CWA re-release. If you're interested into OFP history, check it out.
  19. the_noob

    Evolution of OFP

    Gravon: Real Virtuality, the first game to use the RV engine (Atari Falcon, 1995) and the predecessor to OFP/ArmA in spirit: Game 2 aka OFP 2, which later turned into ArmA: Armed Assault: More pics of Game 2 here. Download Gravon here (requires Atari emulator "Hatari"; it's playlable in Take On Mars too).
  20. Thanks for sharing that information.
  21. Aka OFP 2, the true successor to OFP that would continue the story of renegade Soviet generals, the Resistance movement, Nogova Republic, Malden Island, etc. :P Question is just if BI could get back the rights to OFP name and it would also be a departure from the current evolution of the ArmA series which is evolving towards the future.
  22. Maybe ArmA 4 will have a more post-apocalyptic feel to it if they decide to take the series further into the future. Imagine a Tiberian Sun only with a much more sim-feeling and full control over individual units. ;p
  23. Well anything is possible, they already made a cartoon sandbox game ;p
  24. the_noob

    Multiplayer in 2015

    If someone wants - I uploaded a single file [LOL] clan WW2/Nam addons collection/mod for play on their server or personal use and fixed the bugged addon name. Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ej1zhjxmqg5fj88/LOL_sideshow_addons.rar The missions pack is here: https://mega.nz/#!oEpB1DBY!cuERWH9P7lCOkjHjAtxWyRBNUmVYXBmz39UoNDnmuaA
  25. the_noob

    Rainbow Six Siege

    That what you get for being a UbiSoft consumer. ;p I will stick to Raven Shield and it's expansion, the last RS game not catered towards a arcade/console audience.