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About Spaxxow

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. I've been struggling with this for a while. How do I spawn objects to 70 meters? The mission is based on a carrier. Cars spawn on top but the aircraft spawn below it.
  2. Thanks for your help but i still got nothing Thank you this actually made it work.
  3. _localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false]; _localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["JULIET", "PRESENT", true]; _localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "'respawn_west' setMarkerPos (getpos player)", ""]; _localTrigger = createTrigger ["emptyDetector", position player, false]; _localTrigger setTriggerActivation ["INDIA", "PRESENT", true]; _localTrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", " [player, 'Code 99' ] remoteExec ["sideChat",0]; I tried multiple variations of this and i cannot manage to get it to work. I put it in the initplayer.sqf The respawn marker mover works but i cannot get the Code 99 to work. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Thank you so much for these. I intend to use them but how do you apply the chat part too it And how is a create task module connected to the marker?
  5. An scrollwheel option will also work.
  6. Thank you for the hasty reply. I tested this alone and it appears to do the same thing so that means it is most likely to be working properly. I will test it later with some more people but other than that I believe this is resolved. Thank you for your help.
  7. Theirs two halves of this. The half I need help with I have no clue how it works. I imagine it's something like getpos setpos "player" call "ace_captives_setSurrendered" true this is just a guess What I want is to be able to press 0>0>0 and It activates a radio trigger and the player calling it has to be aiming directly at the person they want to surrender withing 20 meters with like a 20% chance of them actually surrendering.
  8. Following is in the activation part of the Radio Juliet Trigger named Code 99 driver vehicle player sideChat "Code 99"; which in turn shows GroupCallsign (PlayerName): Code 99 In the chat. In addition is an audio file being played which is unrelated to the problem. So what is supposed to happen is a player presses 0>0>0 and it says in the chat Code 99 and all other players will go to that units location. But as you can guess it displays in everyones' chat their own callsign. Which causes mass confusion. How do you replace Player in multiplayer so it returns the activating players name to all other machines.
  9. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if ((isPlayer _instigator or _instigator in units group player) && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 2) then { "you ve just killed an independant!" remoteExec ["hint", _instigator]; } }]; addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if (getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _instigator >> "side") == 1 && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 2) then { "you ve just killed an independant!" remoteExec ["hint", _instigator]; } }]; Neither Seemed to work
  10. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    Yeah I could give that a try to. Because like I said I want them to be able to support their AI counterparts. So how would I go about doing that?
  11. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    I take it back. So my secondary goal for this was to pressure my soldiers to operate with the most precision possible. They let there AI die way too much. Right now they're currently under the impression that if they lose a soldier there will be a $250000 penalty on all MCVs. So when I was testing to see if the script worked I was lining up these units from each faction and shooting them to see if it would input or deduct the funds, in which it did. But I didn't test to see if AI killing AI had that effect. It doesn't. addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _instigator && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 2) then {private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac1 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac1 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac2 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac2 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac3 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac3 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; } }]; addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _instigator && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 3) then {private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac1 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 500000; fac1 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac2 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 500000; fac2 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac3 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 500000; fac3 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; } }]; addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _instigator && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 1) then {private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac1 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 250000; fac1 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac2 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 250000; fac2 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac3 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits - 250000; fac3 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; } }]; This is what I have for now. I'm not gonna tell them that it doesn't actually work. I'm going to be working on it throughout the night but I'm sure it has something to do with the Part. So I'm gonna try and find something to replace isplayer. Sorry I'm not that good at this scripting thing.
  12. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    All problems have been worked out. Thank you guys so much for your help. Keep doing great things. -King Mike
  13. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    Fixed it. I took it out of the trigger and put it back in the init
  14. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    Ok I have made progress. addMissionEventHandler ["entityKilled", { params ["_killed","_killer","_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _instigator && getNumber (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _killed >> "side") == 2) then {private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac1 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac1 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac2 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac2 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; private ["_credits"]; _credits = fac3 getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100000; fac3 setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true]; } }]; Problem now is with every kill it adds 3.2 Million Dollars lol We are out here shooting millionaires.
  15. Spaxxow

    Trigger On Enemy Death

    I'm saying the triggers are already in the game and I need either a way to fire them with this or have the line that is in that trigger activated in place of "you've killed an independent"