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Commander Salamander

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Everything posted by Commander Salamander

  1. Commander Salamander

    Paradropping Vehicles

    I would like to know how to script the functionality of a vehicle being paradropped from a plane for my Russian Airborne/VDV unit. Please state the specific steps required to complete these actions, because I'm new to scripting, and as much as I would like to learn how to do it, I simply don't have that much time to dedicate.
  2. Commander Salamander

    cupCore2p Issue

    I can't extract the CUP - Core information to my P: drive, even though I have the correct mod installed to the correct directory; does anyone know why this is? I haven't a clue. https://gyazo.com/27852bf8f1b7410de376313d058e8263
  3. Commander Salamander

    cupCore2p Issue

    Much appreciated, ROF. That did the trick. +rep
  4. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    I could upload the project to Google Drive or Drop Box if you would like to review it, which would be much appreciated. Instructing me upon what I need to search for to resolve the issue that I addressed would suffice though as it's my own issue. Also, I can't install L3DT from the store as it's down and I need to create a height, shaders, lighting, attributes, and normal map for the map that I plan on making as I would like it to be based off of an actual location that I've already chosen. Are there any alternatives for L3DT that are currently available?
  5. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    I have encountered this peculiarly frustrating issue in that I cannot select my project folder in my P: drive in the "Output root folder" selection within the "Location" tab of the "Mapframe properties" window of Terrain Builder; I don't know what's causing this. What makes this the most frustrating is that I wasted a considerable amount of time because it deleted all of the contents of my P: drive after following the Atlas Terrain Building guide flawlessly otherwise. Atlas Terrain Building Guide: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28049 - It would be much appreciated if someone knew how to resolve the issue that I addressed as I haven't a clue as to why it won't allow me to select my project folder within the P: drive.
  6. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    It required me to include my P:\ drive for the directory that I needed to target. What I decided to do is replace the changed template with the original template, and then I repeated the process of replacing the yourtag_ yourproject template texts with my directory reference texts. After I completed the process, I then had the ability to generate the layers, but subsequent to running through the processes, of which there were two, for generating the layers, I received a similar error.
  7. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    I have a new issue. It's that I cannot Generate the Layers because apparently there's an issue with the P: drive. Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/e578efb346406692fff419c20437a2ff
  8. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    I resolved this issue by copying & pasting the arma3work information from there to my P: drive. I'll update this thread if there are any further issues.
  9. Commander Salamander

    Output Root Folder Issue

    My P: drive was named the same as my C: drive & Arma 3 + Arma 3 Tools are installed on my E: drive, so is that an issue?
  10. Commander Salamander

    Terrain Builder Freezing

    I didn't say that it was crap in general. It's just not good for real-life terrains. I also said that it's good for the basics or doing something else. I decided to to follow the Atlas guide, although I can't expand the P: drive so that's an issue.
  11. Commander Salamander

    Terrain Builder Freezing

    Unfortunately my Terrain Builder freezes frequently, and it can freeze my computer for over 10 minutes and I need to restart my computer to resolve the frustrating issue. I honestly don't know why this happens, so I'd like some clarification if available. This happens even when I don't have any project loaded, so the project isn't what's causing it (I would presume). I encountered the issue of not being able to even access Terrain Builder, as in whenever I clicked on it using the Arma 3 Tools menu, everything would just close instantaneously, and I resolved the issue by removing all of the Arma 3 data & then replacing it. I don't know if that correlates to the issue of freezing, but I think that it's probably the effect of something else.
  12. Commander Salamander

    Terrain Builder Freezing

    The tutorial's kind of crap for making your own map that's intended to be specifically based on a region for historical authenticity like what I'm attempting to do, but it's good enough for the basics I suppose. I just still don't know how to make textures & the steps don't apply to what I have.
  13. Commander Salamander

    Terrain Builder Freezing

    I also have these loaded onto my Terrain Builder and when I connect to Bulldozer, I see a white landscape, but when I zoom in the textures are that of a much more warmer area in which there isn't snow (the ground consists of grass & dirt). There's also absolutely no variation of elevation. I configured some textural components for a snow environment, but I think that I did it wrong so perhaps that's why the zoomed in textures aren't correct. I couldn't find any information specifically regarding the development of Arma 3 textures based off of seamless images that are converted to PAA's (as I did - I created 2x PAA's and 1x RVMAT for the .PNG texture), so I would like for that to be clarified if anyone knows how to do that properly. That information wasn't included into the tutorial unfortunately.
  14. Commander Salamander

    Terrain Builder Freezing

    Yes I was following the guide that you posted and for the tutorial on how to mount the drive properly. I'm confused by the (subst p: /d subst p: "c:\arma3work") component of the instructions; I added that onto the mapdisk.bat file in Notepad++ with the scripts that were already there, although nothing happened upon running the batch file. I also attempted doing that without the scripts that were already there. I created an "arma3work" folder in c: & then changed the (subst p: "c:\arma3work") to (subst p: "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools [WorkDrive]" - not directory.. that's another folder).
  15. Unfortunately upon installing Arma 3 Tools, I attempted to Mount the Project Drive and it mounted it onto my much smaller 250GB SSD on which the OS is installed and many other programs that I prioritize highly, so I wanted to assign it to the lower priority 1 TB HDD on which I have all of my Steam games including Arma 3 & Arma 3 tools, but it wouldn't install there. I would like to be instructed procedurally upon how to mount the project drive onto the correct drive (1 TB HDD). Perhaps the fact that Steam is installed onto my SSD is causing the conflict. Steam.exe & Arma3.exe are both not administrator-only executables. Additionally, I receive the "0x50001002: Failed to mount the work drive" error when I attempt to run the mapdisk.bat file. I also haven't updated my version of Windows after the update that was released on the October of last year because I was unable after my first and only attempt to install it. My computer frequently crashes programs and freezes as well. Perhaps that may have something to do with the error specifically?
  16. Commander Salamander

    Can't Mount Project Drive Properly

    Thank you for the response.
  17. I'm currently searching for a milsim unit in which realistic policies are enforced and discipline & CoC is prioritized highly. I have an extensive amount of leadership experience as I created a unit & managed it for over a year after being in another milsim unit for almost 2 years. I was at the rank of a Leytenánt (equivalent of a 2nd Lieutenant / Platoon Leader), although I typically lead squads, sometimes I'd lead groups of people that would go up to 40 or 50, much of the time from other units & I'd need to coordinate with squad leaders. Because of my previous experience, I do not expect a promotion to any leadership role and/or rank. I think that I should progress through the ranks as would anyone else and the speed at which I'd progress would be dependent on how well I serve the unit. I have almost 2 years using the M249 & M240B when I was in a U.S. army unit, and even though I haven't used those weapons in awhile, I think that I could become proficient and competent with using them relatively easily after some refreshment with their usage. I have an extensive amount of information about Russian vehicles, weapons, accessories, and my knowledge about their tactics isn't necessarily extensive, but I know it well enough, as I've read their documents, to apply the principles of a Russian unit, & especially a VDV one. I know much about parachuting as I was the leader of my own VDV unit for over a year. I wouldn't mind writing doctrines, AAR's (After Action Reports) & documents for SOP & training people and/or being a drill instructor as I was the (self-appointed) Drill Instructor for my unit for BCT's. I know how to conduct FTX's (Field Training Exercises) as well. Be advised: most of this experience has been gained in a Russian unit, but by & large the principles can be applied to an effective extent. I have many documents & SOP write-ups, so if you'd like any of those, then you may simply request for them and I'll provide them to you. I would like to explicitly state: I will abide by your rules & procedures according to how they're intended to be done regardless of my agreement or disagreement, and if I will not attempt to insist on changing it simply because I have ideas of my own. I once knew someone who attempted to join my unit and he was so conceited and he disobeyed my orders and was so condescending because of what he knew & had experience with.. he wasn't in the unit for long and when he was he was such an annoyance, so that's why I would like for anyone who's interested in recruiting me to know. I'm consistently available (only occasionally not available) from 1800-2200 EST on Mondays-Fridays. I'm inconsistently available during the weekends.
  18. I have an issue with my server that causes the loading sequence to be wrong in regards to how quickly the "remove all objects" module functions. I presume that the loading sequence is the issue anyways, considering that the vehicles that are placed in those areas become destroyed because of the objects that were intended to be removed, but were removed too slowly. Does anyone have any idea of how to resolve this issue? I'm running the mission through a dedicated server.
  19. Commander Salamander

    Moving Targets

    I'm the leader of an Arma 3 milsim unit, and I'm attempting to complete a shoot-house with moving targets. How do I script an object (namely a target) to cycle movement directions? I'm specifically asking for the initialization script for cycling movement directions for objects in the 3den Editor. Please state the specific steps required to complete these actions, because I'm new to scripting, and as much as I would like to learn how to do it, I simply don't have that much time to dedicate.
  20. Commander Salamander

    Issue w/ Server

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/2928tgkz423smmc/arma3server_2017-11-27_15-39-43.rpt - I have all of the mods when I loaded into the server, the Command Line is 100% compatible with the FTP (I confirmed this earlier when the server functioned). When I access the Role Assignment for any given mission, the roles aren't available = issue. Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
  21. When I view the log file for starting my server, I see numerous errors that relate to the mods that I have on the server. The Commandline & FTP have both been meticulously ensured to be correct with the mods. The Customer Support, like the customer support that I communicated with the last time I purchased a server, say that the server's functioning properly, but the mods must be the cause of the issue. RPT: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fd34u3xjfthvtjc/arma3server_2017-11-07_08-16-08.rpt
  22. Commander Salamander

    Mod Errors Preventing Server from Running

    I did. The mods were exactly the same.
  23. Commander Salamander

    Mod Errors Preventing Server from Running

    So.. What can I do to resolve the issue?
  24. Commander Salamander

    Mod Errors Preventing Server from Running

    Well obviously I need the mods that are ran by the server, but I have those mods and regardless I receive those errors, and that's why I'm posting here.
  25. I agree. I need a solution for this as well.