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About orb1975

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  • Interests
    ARMA3 Editing, Mission Making.

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  1. Hi guys. I have a problem with the loot inside the houses. When I walk in and see the loot, I can't take it. It seems like they become simple objects on the map and I can't take them, the option to take them does not appear. Please I need any suggestions. Thank you.
  2. I wrote this. If you are not a officer... you dont have the access to support. if (typeOf (_this select 0) == "B_officer_F") then { _this select 0 synchronizeObjectsAdd [SupportRequester]; SupportRequester synchronizeObjectsAdd [_this select 0]; BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_supp_refresh"; [_this select 0, NEXO_DE_APOYO, Arty] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, NEXO_DE_APOYO, HeliCas] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, NEXO_DE_APOYO, PlaneCas] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, NEXO_DE_APOYO, HeliTransport] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_this select 0, NEXO_DE_APOYO, AmmunitionSupport] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; };
  3. orb1975


    Try it dude... isnt work. this is the code. the maps is empty... you can try it in your empty altis.... here is the code... _Map_Center = [15000,15000,51.37]; // Altis Map _lst_Soldados_Disponibles = ["I_G_Soldier_exp_F", "I_G_Soldier_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT2_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_G_Soldier_lite_F", "I_G_Soldier_AR_F", "I_G_Soldier_GL_F", "I_G_engineer_F", "I_G_Soldier_TL_F", "I_G_Soldier_SL_F", "I_G_medic_F", "I_G_officer_F", "I_G_Soldier_A_F", "I_G_Soldier_M_F", "I_G_Sharpshooter_F"]; _Soldados_Seleccionados = []; private _Array = []; private _Distance = 2000; private _FirstPos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Array pushback _FirstPos; while {count _Array < 15} do { private _NewPos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Find a new position in random. private _i = _array findIf {_FirstPos distance2D _NewPos < _Distance}; _Counter = 0; if (_i == -1) then { _Counter = _Counter + 1; _Array pushback _NewPos; //If not too close, add it to the array [west, "HQ"] sideChat "Se colocó el marcador_" + str(_Counter); _trg_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _NewPos]; _trg_trigger setTriggerArea [1000, 1000, 0, false, 0]; _trg_trigger setTriggerText "Trigger_" + str(_Counter); _trg_trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; //_trg_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [] execVM 'scripts\bla_bla_bla.sqf'", ""]; _rNum = random 999999; _Icon = ["Nucleo_" + str(_rNum), _trg_trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _Icon setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Icon setMarkerType "KIA"; _Icon setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _Icon setMarkerSize [1,1]; _Icon setMarkerAlpha 0.75; _rNum = random 999999; _mrk_name = "Centro_" + str(_rNum); _mrk_marker = [str(_mrk_name), _trg_trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _mrk_marker setMarkersize [2000, 2000]; _mrk_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mrk_marker setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _mrk_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.25; } else { systemChat "Too close from other position"; }; };
  4. orb1975


    I try 4000, 5000, 6000 but dont....isnt work...the code put triggers with any distance between triggers....
  5. orb1975


    Hi, I tried but the code still doesn't work. I'm stuck on this and ask you please help. The code that the colleague has recommended to me, I put it, adding my code to it; but it does not work. Here is the final code, which does not work, as I indicate that I do not want the triggers to be less than 2000 meters, and still puts them together. _Map_Center = [15000,15000,51.37]; // Altis Map _lst_Soldados_Disponibles = ["I_G_Soldier_exp_F", "I_G_Soldier_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT2_F", "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_G_Soldier_lite_F", "I_G_Soldier_AR_F", "I_G_Soldier_GL_F", "I_G_engineer_F", "I_G_Soldier_TL_F", "I_G_Soldier_SL_F", "I_G_medic_F", "I_G_officer_F", "I_G_Soldier_A_F", "I_G_Soldier_M_F", "I_G_Sharpshooter_F"]; _Soldados_Seleccionados = []; private _Array = []; private _Distance = 2000; private _FirstPos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Array pushback _FirstPos; while {count _Array < 15} do { private _NewPos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Find a new position in random. private _i = _array findIf {_FirstPos distance2D _NewPos < _Distance}; _Counter = 0; if (_i == -1) then { _Counter = _Counter + 1; _Array pushback _NewPos; //If not too close, add it to the array [west, "HQ"] sideChat "Se colocó el marcador_" + str(_Counter); _trg_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _NewPos]; _trg_trigger setTriggerArea [1000, 1000, 0, false, 0]; _trg_trigger setTriggerText "Trigger_" + str(_Counter); _trg_trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; //_trg_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [] execVM 'scripts\bla_bla_bla.sqf'", ""]; _rNum = random 999999; _Icon = ["Nucleo_" + str(_rNum), _trg_trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _Icon setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Icon setMarkerType "KIA"; _Icon setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _Icon setMarkerSize [1,1]; _Icon setMarkerAlpha 0.75; _rNum = random 999999; _mrk_name = "Centro_" + str(_rNum); _mrk_marker = [str(_mrk_name), _trg_trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _mrk_marker setMarkersize [2000, 2000]; _mrk_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mrk_marker setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _mrk_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.25; } else { systemChat "Too close from other position"; }; };
  6. orb1975


    No dude...i have try it but nothing... isnt working... thanks anyway for your help...
  7. orb1975


    Ok. I will try it. Thanks dude!
  8. Hello guys. I have a problem with the atmosphere I want to create in Altis. I have the idea, but I can't materialize it. The idea is like this: 1) Create random Triggers (20) all over the map. 2) These Triggers must have a diameter of 2km. 3) These Triggers must not overlap. They must have a distance of 2.5km from each other. This is my code: _Map_Center = [15000,15000,51.37]; // Altis Map _SafePos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Trigger_mas_Cercano = nearestObject [_SafePos, "Trigger"]; _Distancia = _SafePos distance _Trigger_mas_Cercano; If _Distancia > 2000 then do { _Counter = 0; for "_i" from 1 to 15 do { _Counter = _Counter + 1; _SafePos = [_Map_Center, 2000, 15000, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _trg_trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _SafePos]; _trg_trigger setTriggerArea [1000, 1000, 0, false, 0]; _trg_trigger setTriggerText "Trigger_" + str(_Counter); _trg_trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", true]; _trg_trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [] execVM 'scripts\bla_bla_bla.sqf'", ""]; }; }; This is where I am stuck and extremely frustrated ... I can't get the triggers to overlap. I want that before creating the trigger on the map, the system checks if there is already another trigger nearby, and if it is less than 2000 meters away, then to find another place on the map using the "call BIS_fnc_findSafePos". Please help!!!!
  9. the ({deletevehicle _x} foreach units _Patrulla;) part is not working for me dude.... i dont know what happend.
  10. Dude..this is my code (dont work)... i need to configurate this line: _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "[west, 'HQ'] sideChat 'you are in'; null = [] execVM 'Mi_Loot_Init.sqf'", "hint 'you are out'"]; Isnt working (the desactivation red part ), and i dont know why...
  11. Thats the way? Isnt work for me. What is wrong whit this? I cant make it happend with the desactivation part... _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "[west, 'HQ'] sideChat 'ESTAS ENTRANDO EN ZONA DE LOOTEO'; null = [] execVM 'Mi_Loot_Init.sqf'", "hint 'ESTAS SALIENDO'"];
  12. Thanks abaut that! 1).. in your last post you put this _trigger setTriggerStatements[ "this", "", "" ]; //Replace activation to script call i dont know how can i do it. 2) Can u teach me, how can i put a desactivation scritp (example: when the player leave the trigger area). Thanks
  13. This is my code now. Can U show me, your example with this code? Thanks // Creamos los Triggers _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getpos _Location]; _trigger setTriggerArea [300, 300, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "[west, 'HQ'] sideChat 'ESTAS ENTRANDO EN ZONA DE LOOTEO'; null = [] execVM 'Mi_Loot_Init.sqf';", ""]; // Creamos los Marcadores _createdMarker = [str(_Location), _trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _createdMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _createdMarker setMarkerSize [300,300]; _createdMarker setMarkerColor "ColorOrange"; _createdMarker setMarkerBrush "SolidFull"; _createdMarker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; Thanks dude...