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About herr_kaleun

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. The author of the SWS item contacted me and deleted it.
  2. Unfortunately it happened again.A German community, Bundeswehr Roleplay (arma-bw.de/) is distributing our mod on the Steam Workshop. This is happening without our knowledge or permission.Today and yesterday I spent a good hour each on their teamspeak trying to reach somebody. It's the second time this particular community has uploaded our mod to the SWS and they don't seem to want to talk to me, probably because they know what they are doing. Steam was informed, but I have no idea how long that may take.The Link to their SWS item: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=871985070Please do NOT use this link. We as authors have no control over the files in this mod and it might not mirror our actual mod in function.I personally think that this is quite a brash thing to do and I unfortunately have no real power to do anything against it, except contacting Steam. One thing is for sure: It ain't motivating.
  3. Hey lionhawk123, The cold war is not really our target timeframe. Thanks a lot for your time though. I think the guys from the German Armed Forces Mod would be more suited for the F-4 Phantom. I sure would love to see the F-4 in ArmA 3! :) Cheers, Herr_KaLeun
  4. We are live on the steam workshop! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835394852
  5. @lumnuon Thanks a lot for sharing, It is unauthorized and I will see to it. @eckart The most up-to-date versions will always be on our link. The external mirrors are not directly done by us. I will see to the problem.
  6. They don't have to buy their own gear. The Bundeswehr does provide full gear but it's a little last week. That's why a lot of soldiers stepped up their gear on their own. To my knowledge a lot of German units (like Fallschirmjäger platoons) also buy commercial gear for their soldiers and provide it. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong, I also didn't ever serve. That's just what i gathered. There is no real gain in us doing the same uniforms, vests and other gear the BWmod is doing. (especially because Feldhobel and I are part of it) We don't want to get into any kind of competition with the BWmod, we much rather want to add to it. Also and this might sound selfish: We don't like the IDZ stuff. Neither the visuals nor the gameplay a proper IDZ gear would provide.
  7. @Aniallator: That's a little complicated. Going into Afghanistan Germany didn't even had a vest. So during the first years there was a lot of development going on and there are many prototypes. Nowadays there is the proper IDz system by the German Military, but it is in quite small numbers. Most soldiers buy their gear themselves. The 2 vests we will do are the Lindnerhof Gen 5 plate carrier (commercial plate carrier worn by many) and the IDz 2006 vest by Mehler (one of the prototypes). The IDZ 2006 to us is the best looking. The modern proper IDZ vest is avaiable in the Bundeswehr Mod, if you are interested.
  8. Hey mondkalb, nice to see that you are still around! The pictures look amazing. @Aniallator: No, there won't be any Tropen versions of the Koppel and Splitterschutzweste, since there weren't any in real life. We are working on other vests which will also be available in Tropentarn. Here is a WIP picture of the Lindnerhof Gen 5 plate carrier in coyote:
  9. @pipewr3nch: We would certainly like to do vehicles at some point. Right now we are not really able to do so. For one thing we don't have a lot of time to do anything for the mod, so it makes more sense for us to do smaller projects. On the other hand, we are no masters/geniuses at modding ArmA at all. This is our very first mod and we are learning a lot as we go, making lots of mistakes along the way. @Red Partisan: I wouldn't say we really considered it. Our Texture-Guy, Feldhobel, actually lives in the ex-DDR area and i believe he has made a retexture of the Feldbluse in "Nadeltarn"-style, just for fun, a few months back.Still I don't think it would be wise to diversify our mod by adding another era, even if it is just done by retextures. There is still a lot of stuff we want to do with our current set era and the mod should represent that. One thing should be said here though: If you want to do retexturing work yourself we are not opposed to that. If it is done right you may be allowed to post the retextures as an independent mod.
  10. @khaosmatical:We have translations for all items, I don't actually know whether our ACE options are translated. If not, I shall add it to our To-Do List :) @pipewr3nch: as the very first post states the timeframe for the mod is 1995-2005. If you are interested in the proper IDZ gear the Bwmod has what you are looking for. Our upcoming vest, the Lindnerhof Gen 5 plate carrier, might satisfy your KSK-needs though ;)
  11. Thanks for the feedback! @madpat3: We will look into it, thanks for posting the bugs!
  12. New version is live! See all changes in the changelog! The TFAR Radios are optional. If you are not using TFAR you can just delete the pbw_radio.pbo.
  13. Today we set up the versions for the Koppeltragegestell, with and without the Splitterschutzweste. We will have versions for: (Group-)Leaders, Machinegunner, MG-Assistant, Medic and Rifleman. There will be a blank Splitterschutzweste for VIPs and tank-crews etc aswell. Do you guys have any wishes for more versions? If so: What versions and how could we distinguish them? All our versions are visibly different right now and if we implement any more classes it should stay that way. Should you have a wish for another class, we would also need an idea how to implement it visually. Greetings
  14. Hey guys, Today I we would like to present a small WIP-update to you: Here you can see our new Splitterschutzweste with the Koppeltragegestell. We aim to produce a high variety of versions to outfit a full Squad. The Koppeltragegestell will be a separate vest as well and will also be available in the said versions. We are also working on a modern vest called the Lindnerhof plate carrier V5. ( https://www.hqg.de/hqg/de/shop/Ausruestung/Kategorien-Ausr/Schutzwesten/Plattentraeger/Plattentraeger,+abwerfbar+V+Generation/?card=9362​ ) We also aim for a bunch of variants. Depending on how good our progress will be, we might throw in one or two suprises ;) Cheers, Herr_KaLeun