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About dima400

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  1. dima400


    Hey, did you find a solution/workaround for this? Please see my thread, would appreciate some help.
  2. Unable to edit first post. I tried also [_crate,[true],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; and [_crate,[true],false] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; And it doesn't help. Also when i'm alone on the srever when i go from level 1 to level 2 i have to respawn 2 times to get the extra guns in arsenal. When i go from level 2 to level 1 guns will get removed only after server restart.
  3. Hey, i'm currently editing wasteland mission and trying to make virtual arsenal money based loadouts. I have 2 scripts arsenalLevel1.sqf _crate = "Box_East_Ammo_F"; [nil, _crate] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualMagazineCargo; _virtualWeaponCargo = []; _virtualWeaponCargo = call pistolArrayLevel1; [_crate,_virtualWeaponCargo] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; arsenalLevel2.sqf _crate = "Box_East_Ammo_F"; [nil, _crate] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackpackCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo; [_crate,[true]] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualMagazineCargo; _virtualWeaponCargo = []; _virtualWeaponCargo = call pistolArrayLevel1 + call pistolArrayLevel2; [_crate,_virtualWeaponCargo] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; These are partial, showing weapons part. Here is the declaration of pistolArrays: pistolArrayLevel1 = compileFinal str [ // Handguns "hgun_Pistol_01_F", "hgun_P07_F", "hgun_P07_khk_F", "hgun_Rook40_F", "hgun_ACPC2_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F" ]; pistolArrayLevel2 = compileFinal str [ "arifle_CTAR_blk_ARCO_F", "arifle_MX_Black_F", "arifle_MX_GL_Black_F", "arifle_MX_SW_Black_F", "arifle_MX_khk_F" ]; The correct script is being called for player level 1 and player level 2 from "client" side of wasteland. But when my level 2 mate joins the server and i have level 1 we both get arsenal of level 2. It feels like it adds arsenal items for all players on server, not personal Is the arsenal inventory global for the whole server? Is there a way to make it work separately for each player? Getting the following in my client RPT. Can this be causing the issue? Any way to fix it? 1:19:57 Error in expression <Global","_initAction"]; _object = _this param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error position: <param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error Type String, expected Namespace,Object 1:19:57 File A3\functions_f_bootcamp\Inventory\fn_addVirtualWeaponCargo.sqf [BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo], line 19 1:19:57 Error in expression <Global","_initAction"]; _object = _this param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error position: <param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error Type String, expected Namespace,Object 1:19:57 File A3\functions_f_bootcamp\Inventory\fn_addVirtualBackpackCargo.sqf [BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo], line 19 1:19:57 Error in expression <Global","_initAction"]; _object = _this param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error position: <param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error Type String, expected Namespace,Object 1:19:57 File A3\functions_f_bootcamp\Inventory\fn_addVirtualMagazineCargo.sqf [BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo], line 19 1:19:57 Error in expression <"_cargoArray","_save"]; _object = _this param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error position: <param [0,missionnamespace,[missionnamesp> 1:19:57 Error Type String, expected Namespace,Object 1:19:57 File A3\functions_f_bootcamp\Inventory\fn_addVirtualItemCargo.sqf [BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo], line 19