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Everything posted by beppe_goodoldrebel

  1. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    it worked back then... I cant help anymore.
  2. I'm porting some of the weapons i've done in the previous release for A2 OA. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186998-black-ops-weapons-80/ I'm starting with Ar15's as you can see here: M16A1 M653 M653 M203 M723 MP5A1 M723 Desert camo ( accessories are not already working ) My plans are to import also some of the weapons previous pack (MP5A1 , MP5SD3 , Remington 870 ). But things wont stop here! After that i'll do a new PVS5 nvg googles ( http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p70/moratz91/2015-12-25_00003_zpszoumvkrt.jpg ) and then some tipical gear and vest from that period: LBV Adventure specialist (Delta) ABA tan LBV ( Green Berets ) AWS chest rig (Delta) TG Faust body armor ( Delta /Seals ) LBT or BHI harness ( Seals ) Life preserver unit ( Seals) Anite chest rig ( Devgru ) Eagle TacV1 ( all SOF branches ) Protec Fullcut with SDU5E and Sun Wind Dust googles ( all SOF branches ) Aimpoint 3000 , Colt Scope
  3. beppe_goodoldrebel

    US Military Mod

    Those pics should be of Fort Lewis '98
  4. beppe_goodoldrebel

    US Military Mod

    If you are talking about 75th Rangers in that time frame they had this mount It's very similar to the classic USGI Norotos rhino but it's a bit larger.
  5. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    Many things I've done are inspired to the late 80's / early 90's ( Panama and Mog the most) but some weapons/accessories could fit well in here. MP5A1 / SD ( adapted from MP5 ARMA 2 model ) M60E3 ( adapted from M60 ARMA 2 model ) REM. M870 ( need a better unwrap and texture I think ) PVS5 NVG ( for pilots and SpecOps ) BTW it's all there , just take what you need.
  6. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    It seems too short. This is the real Colt 4x20 The real XM177E2 doesnt have brass deflector too. It was introduced in 1985 with A2 uppers but XM177 are with A1 uppers.
  7. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Hello guys , I've decided to let free all my work hoping someone will use it. Some of the models are from Arma 2 modified by me. You can find all here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6slvn8154q6fufm/20160731 Black ops weapons backup.rar?dl=0 Feel free to ask any question! Happy modding!
  8. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Nope , I gave up some months ago... I thinking about releasing my work so other can use what I've done
  9. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Once you go TrackIR you never go back
  10. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I've tried 10 min with the Black Wasp yesterday. so my feedback is just a first impression. I've been into flight simulators recently ( DCS , BMS , FSX ) , I expected that basic flight controls would improve with this DLC but they are the same as ever (if they remain the same in the final release). You simply cant use all the throttle ... half is throttle , half is speedbrake.. which is something weird. The flight model feels almost the same as ever but I cant complain much of it , Arma 3 is not a flight simulator. I use Track IR, pretty useless for infantry and groud vehicles but a must have for planes/helos , it would be nice to adjust Z axis when onboard. The default Z axis with Track IR means zoom+/- so you cant lean forward to read the cockpit without zooming. The last thing is , distance view is quite embarassing at 2000-3000 mt for jets that fly over the speed of sound... it will be nice the possibility to have a farther maximum distance ( 5000-7000 mt at least ) that can match less objects and details on the ground to mantain good fps.
  11. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    I wont ask you when this will come out ( it's done when it's done © ) , I'm here to ask you what are the plans and the current situation. We have seen many ground vehicles , are they all done? Planes and helos? Would be great to see Cobras and A10s again. Is the infantry all done? What is missing and what is planned?
  12. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    New update on Steam , fixed missing weapons on Arsenal.
  13. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Yes the problem is on the Dev Branch version. I assume some missing properties in the CfgPatches class, I'm about to investigate.
  14. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    It seems that someone is having trouble seeing weapons in the VA. If so please report in you have stable version or DevBranch.
  15. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    Hooah! Looks like you guys missed only PRC77s and grenade vests ( not seen in OFP though ). You can include my PNW57 for Ivan's pilots ( I can give you the p3d if needed ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30596
  16. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    Any chance for a DBDU? Keep up the good work!
  17. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Hello everyone! I've tried the mod with the new patch. I've found no issue... if you find something I miss please report.
  18. beppe_goodoldrebel

    ARMA 3: Conflict '85 - A CUP expansion

    Damn! I dont think my Matrox G200 can handle it! :unsure:
  19. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    I understand but , as much ref pics I see , custom camo on rifles was quite null. Don't be fooled by BHD movie , maybe in real life only Gordon's M733 was painted... MAYBE!
  20. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    I'm not sure I understand this. You mean new suppressors camo color to match rifle camo color? Not for now. Models need a serious rework for some parts and a complete UV remap... I think I'll work on them this fall/winter. You can use without problem the mod as long there is credits and no file is touched.
  21. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Update on Steam arriving now! 02/08/2016 V 1.35 IMPROVED: -AR15s textures -AR15s Rvmat KNOWN BUGS: -M653 QXL error on class flashlight
  22. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Reworkin all ar15s texture to be more "black" . It will be my last update before holiday! I hope to redifine rvmat but I cant promise.
  23. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Weapons configs are set with the old and new sound "system" ... Apex weapons only with the new . Don't know ... it's worth a try just for science.
  24. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Can someone try the mod without Apex installed? I only suppose that it requires Apex , but i think all should work except M249E1 weapon sound.
  25. beppe_goodoldrebel

    Black Ops Weapons 80's 90's

    Update on Steam! 31/07/2016 V 1.3 From now on BOW requires APEX DLC. ADDED: M249E1 IMPROVED: AR15s eapons sound MP5s reload animation AR15s reload animation FIXED: Colt 1911 rvmat