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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. @BurnerTactical It is against the rules friend to post on really old threads :)
  2. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I ain't a Brit as I clearly state below my profile picture. I do not own a sten. I do not own any italian weapons. My dad is a Brit but was never enlisted in the British Army. I of course haven't shot any WW2 weapons because I don't need to shoot with them. It's not ilke I'll be handed one and be told "From now and on you'll use this". You need to watch your attidude. As Barden said we can debate in a civil manner and that's what I attempted to do which you obviously didn't like. A friendly debate is always good and fun but you've ruined it. I can like what I like, to me your Italian gun doesn't look as appealing as a Sten and it's pretty much the first time I see it in a game when I've seen the Sten a lot more times, hmmm why would that be. I do not care how it shoots since I will never be asked to shoot one or use one at all. You are also looking at this from the Italian point of view. You keep bringing up "Oh the Italian this and the Italian that", you should learn how to debate properly and look at other point of views as well. Did the Brits prefer your Italian gun? Probably not. Did the Americans prefer your Italian gun? Probably not. You see the Sten did come out after the MAB38 so I don't think the MAB38 would be better and superior at everything. It's like saying "Yeah the Abrams is a modern tank but I am sure the Sherman would beat it". You keep bringing other weapons into the debate too, you mentioned the MP40 when we were talking about the Sten and now you mention the Thompson. We are doing a Sten vs MAB38 debate here and you bring other random guns into it which is wrong. To end this you are neither nice or friendly and you should change your attidude not only towards me because I am a moderator but to others too. If you are nice to a police man because you are afraid of the punishment but a proper arse to others that is hypocricy. So I don't want you to only be nicer to me but to others as well.
  3. Alex150201


    And I agree with you, my original response was a bye have a great time link but then I thought, "Wait a minute, he found me politely reminding him the rules offensive he'll think I am harrasing him with this" so I deleted it right away.
  4. Alex150201


    It's not like we don't want you here but I would assume the first thing people do when they make a new account somewhere is read the rules. I am only doing my job as a moderator to inform you of the rules since you are, from the looks of it, too lazy to read them. Good bye.
  5. Alex150201

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hahahaha :D Well you can always hotwire it ;)
  6. Alex150201


    It is against the forums rules to ask for any kind of update or release date.
  7. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I don't but zio sam certainly does. But you compared it to the sten, not the MP40
  8. Alex150201

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are you kidding me?
  9. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I can come here and say single engine planes are better than multiple engine planes. Will you believe me? Probably not unless I show you facts. Show us facts.
  10. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    I think it's from Punisher's friend only steam workshop.
  11. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    I remember a friend of mine asked him so he could make some vests specific for deltahawk's uniforms but deltahawk never replied to him as far as I know.
  12. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    I agree with bolo, I suggest you stick with what you have for now.
  13. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    No because of the way DeltaHawk's BDUs are made.
  14. Alex150201


    Hello, It is against the rules to ask for any kind of update. Thank you.
  15. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    As I said before I really like the way you are going with this and I love all these frequent updates.
  16. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    Definately agree with this. You must be able to see to fly at night.
  17. You might want to improve your joking skills. I said any further discussions should be done over PM and I do remember saying get back on topic and you continued off topic again. Do you want another warning point? I'll gladly give you one if that's the case.
  18. Alex150201

    US Forces 2000s

    I like the way this is going!
  19. It is great to see you are making Hunter Six 2, I've been waiting for this :) I also finished the survey.
  20. Still though, you've been here longer than me, you should know the rules by now. Enough talking here any further discussion shall be done over PMs. Back on topic.
  21. To be honest even after the forum updates I could always tell when someone was a moderator.
  22. Alex150201

    MK20 SSR

    And we love fighters! And god damn that's a beautiful weapon there friend!
  23. Are you kidding me? You should be more observant next time. Hmmm how can I prove to you that I am an actual moderator? Oh! I know! :) Hahahaha thanks @wsxcgy this made me laugh :D
  24. For as long as you are here you are going to follow the rules wether you believe you need them or not. Asking of ANY kind of update is against the rules period. There is nothing you can do about it. No matter what approach you choose if what you are asking is an update on the mod which you clearly asked here: then you are breaking the rules. Read the rules here:
  25. Responding to long dead threads is against the rules. Since you are new here please read the rules: