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About CreepPork

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    Private First Class

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  1. CreepPork


    This is a known issue and has been already resolved in the 0.1.0 development branch which is available at our GitHub repository. We now have an option to either add all weapons to the driver or gunner. To pick for each weapon to be assigned to each driver or gunner requires a redesign of our dialog system, which isn't coming soon.
  2. CreepPork


    You can only add different explosives by modifying the source code. The action is not available for the Curator. Players only can open the doors. This is an issue and I'm looking into it.
  3. CreepPork


    ["Money", "Edit Cash", { // Show our dialog private _dialogResult = [ "Money Menu", [ ["Money", ["Add","Subtract","Show"]], ["Set Money", "", "0"] ] ] call Ares_fnc_showChooseDialog; // If cancel was pressed if (_dialogResult isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; // Get our info from the dialog _dialogResult params ["_moneyAsset", "_cash"]; // Parse the string to a scalar (it doesn't return scalars but strings!) _cash = parseNumber _cash; switch (_moneyAsset) do { case 0: { // Global value is MoneyAsset! MoneyAsset = (MoneyAsset + _cash); systemChat str MoneyAsset; }; case 1: { MoneyAsset = (MoneyAsset - _cash); systemChat str MoneyAsset; }; case 2: { systemChat str MoneyAsset; }; }; }] call Ares_fnc_RegisterCustomModule; This should work, I'm not sure.
  4. CreepPork


    You can enable the lightbar using the Garage attribute button.
  5. CreepPork


    In my view, this would be quite challenging to implement. It could be done, the movement of the helicopter but to make the helicopter AI actually engage targets would be most likely over the boundaries of Arma 3 AI.
  6. CreepPork


    I honestly cannot answer this comment, as I didn't make this and you should ask Kex. Also, never used the CfgRemoteExec so I have no idea. Searching the Biki could provide some answers though, faster than Kex will probably come online.
  7. CreepPork


    I'd greatly appreciate if you would create a Pull Request and implement it yourself, as a learning experience as well. But if you do not feel comfortable at least link this Pastebin file in the GitHub issue page of your issue.
  8. CreepPork


    In my opinion, this is really unnecessary but if you really want it, please do create an issue on GitHub.
  9. CreepPork


    Please do create an issue on GitHub if you want to see this feature implemented.
  10. CreepPork


    It has parameters, check the GitHub wiki for more information.
  11. CreepPork


    This is a known issue and has been already fixed in the development branch of Achilles.
  12. CreepPork


  13. CreepPork


  14. CreepPork


    @7Cav Whitsel There are two Advanced Composition modules, one is in Spawn category - which spawns your compositions and the second one is in Development Tools, where you can edit Advanced Compositions.
  15. CreepPork


    As far as I know, Advanced Compositions do not support vehicles. They only support objects.