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Everything posted by Nutzgo

  1. That didnt work. The UGVs and UAVs can't be grouped.
  2. I'm trying to duplicate and reconfigure the AddEquipment.fsm from Arma 3s End Game, the reward system for successfully downloading an intel. It gives you new loadout classes as a reward. I've successfully editet the loadout itself, it appears as I want it to in the respawn menu and all. But I want to change how the notification appears. As you can see in the picture: I get 2 classes. One has an empty name " - ", and the other is "Recon Marksman". How can I change it, so it says " Soldier (AT)" instead of " just "-" " The whole .fsm is here: And here is where I editet mine:
  3. I feel so embarassed. That did the trick. Cheers.
  4. Oh my god. Hope that fixes it. Will test it.
  5. I've created a custom endgame-mission. On it I have custom selectable loadouts. I use Ace3. I have both selectable medic and engineer class. Problem is, when they respawn they aren't defined as medic or engineer by ace anymore. Is it possible to link a setvariable in to a specific item (e.g. If a player has the toolkit, he get ace engineer asset) or uniform/vest (e.g. If the medic class has a unique vest, the vest 'trigger' activation of the ace medic asset). How do I fix this?
  6. You know what, I fixed it after all. I defined the other vests in the team to setVariable ace medical class 0: Thanks anyways :)
  7. OK, so, I've changed it a bit now. I put this in "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" Now it works; if you have the ToolKit you are Engineer, if you have the specified vest, you are medic. New problem is: When I change class (e.g. you choose medic, then die - and want to have another class, e.g. machine gunner) you still are medic.
  8. So I tried this. Now, it worked, and it didn't work. Medic is not medic. But! Engineer is now medic, but not engineer.
  9. Thanks! I'll try it out :)
  10. Me and my friends are looking into playing an custom made end game scenario. I have all the DLCs. Some of the boys dont. Do they also need the Marksman DLC to play an "end game" session?
  11. I found out. Had a guy without DLCs test my mission, he had no trouble.
  12. Gman, I have one question. Is it possible for Zeus to change the Civilian Relation as Zeus while a mission is ongoing? Let's say it's on "Average" at mission start, and the players do an action that doesn't kill the civilians (e.g. they kill an OpFor officer, blow up an empty building or something not directly linked to the civilians) - can I as Zeus change the relation in a module or something?
  13. Yes. In the Ambient Units settings in the editor, you can change faction. Here's a setting with Takistani civilians, set to BAD. On this CUP Wiki page, you can find the faction class names for the different units. Use the line in the "New name" column:
  14. Hi! I use the background-civilian-patrol thing for my missions. It does work very good, but for some reason when someone e.g. shoots at the civilians (God forbid), this error comes up (Imgur link, it's safe) What does it mean? Imgur Picture
  15. I come seeking help with a bit annoying .. bug? Sometimes when my other squad members use TFR, I experience double voicing. Especially if he uses the long range radio (LRR). First I hear him on the LRR with the sound effect. Then after 2-3 seconds I hear him again, as if he was right next to me. We've all in my squad disabled VON in ARMA3 by muting or changing hotkey. Could this be due to latency? We use a 'local' TS-server (I'm hosting it). Or is there an another possible explanation?
  16. Thanks guys! :) I'll try it out
  17. So I'm making a kind of "shooting range"-scenario with live targets. On one place, I want the players to have the possibility to spawn enemy units. Per now I have a laptop with Init -> I have a SpawnAI-module with VariableName "spawn1", synced with a trigger with condition ->"Spawned" - that starts spawning of 1 enemy AI. When he dies, a new one spawns after 15 seconds. But I can't figure out a 'temporary disable' function. Help?
  18. I'm making a mission on a custom map, Takistan. I was wondering if it's possible to make changes in the Civilian Presence Module (CPM). Is it possible to make it spawn only CUPs Takistani civilians? The Altis civilians are a bit.. eh.. misplaced as an civilian population in Takistan.
  19. Nutzgo

    Simple Zeus questions

    Hi. I'm trying to create my first scenario. have some questions about EDEN and Zeus. 1) When I place an Ai, eg a civilian in Eden-editor, how can I controll that Ai when I enter play as zeus? When I'm Zeus in a game, I can place an Ai and controll him, but I cannot controll pre-placed Ais. How do I do this? Same thing goes for preplaced objects and buildings. 2) Is it possible to make custom presets in Zeus and/or Eden? Say I want to create a custom made base, road controll point, or a custom made personell group, and save them as presets in the menu - how can I do this? Thanks in advance //Nutzgo
  20. Nutzgo


    Hi. I had the same bug. I see that this is a bit late, but I found the fix I think lukio used the files you have linked in you Dropbox. They do not seem to be the same as the MOD-files you get from Steam. I copied the files from my Steam folder to the Devserver folder, and voila - it's now fixed.
  21. Thank you, for your help and your patience with me! Okay, now it seems to be loading, I do not get the error message anymore. So, next question.. The "Save"-button is greyed out. For half a second, when I log in, where the savebutton is supposed to be, I get an option to "Skip" - but it disappears really fast, and is replaced by a greyed out save-button. I feel so green for asking for this.. but, how do I save? :blink:
  22. Oh! Okay! :-) But, how to integrate the script on my Dedicated Server? Just, paste the mod inside the server directory, and add "-mod=@inidbi2" to the server startup parameters?
  23. I pasted: call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi2\init.sqf" as the top line in init.sqf in my pbo, as the instructions said. (I'm kinda new into this missionscripting, so have patience! :))
  24. Thanks for the tip! I will try to check it out If I find an answer, I will post it here!