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About Brutaful

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    -Music (Mostly metal)
    -Sports (Soccer, Hockey, Football)

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  • Biography
    Im an 18 year old dude who lives in Canada. Love the military, guns, and especially metal. Co-Founder of Task Force Crusader.

    TFC Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/taskforcecrusader
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  1. Brutaful

    Changing into a bird upon relog?

    This problem for some reason is persistent on the server that my group plays on. The mission maker tried playing the mission on another server and said that everything worked fine. When we played the mission on our server people we're spawning as birds quite a lot.
  2. Hello, I think this idea is pretty cool and I have always loved organized PVP. I was wondering, would there be a platoon leader on each side in the missions? I like the idea of people having to sign up for specific roles such as Squad Leader, Autorifleman, Medic, etc. but I think having a platoon leader to lead all the squads would help with cohesion, tactics, organization and the overall fun of the operations.