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[OA]M4A3 with Acog and IR-laser

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Sure i can do that, but if he edited the p3d with notepad++ or something like that, its just very important that what you replace needs to be the same character length. Like:

Here i have the path to the texture in the p3d file:


And here is the one for my texture:


Now, if i hadnt changed the filename to "JellizM4_camo_co", and kept it "M4_camo_co", the length wouldnt match, and it would cause a crash.(Most times without a error message).


JEL_M4\data\M4_camo_co.paa <--- Too short, will cause crash.



JEL_M4\data\JellizM4_camo_co.paa <---Same amount of characters as the original file path, this works.

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Yeah, I know about that. :) could you add the weapon to my config, and the model to my pbo etc.? I'd appreciate it, I don't really have the energy to mod right now, as I've mentioned in my Tier 1-thread, so I'd be happy if you joined in. :) and it's better to release it in the same pack.

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done, check PM's dude. ;)

EDIT: Forgot to add the readmes and the rest to the PBO i sent you.. Sorry:p

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Nice job, BIS have this annoying tradition of combining acog's with grenade launchers so if you want everyone to have these sights available you end up with a full squad of grenadiers... wich sucks.

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Nice job, BIS have this annoying tradition of combining acog's with grenade launchers so if you want everyone to have these sights available you end up with a full squad of grenadiers... wich sucks.

Im actually more annoyed that they didnt bother to include these fine models in the game, but i guess they had their reasons. Just would like to know why:p

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So are we to assume that there will be an update for this addon? If so, those added models will be great.

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So are we to assume that there will be an update for this addon? If so, those added models will be great.

Yes, an update will be out shortly with the ironsights version of the M4A3. :)

Edit: And the update is up, enjoy, thanks again to Jelliz for his help. :)

Edited by McNools

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Will the one with the reflex sight ever be released? Great work getting these out.

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Will the one with the reflex sight ever be released? Great work getting these out.

I'm not sure, if it's ever possible to fix the reflex-sight, then yes, maybe. :)

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Great Work! I'd like to play with it. I just have one problem, excuse me i'm a beginner... I didn't understand that :

"Simply put McM4A3Acog.pbo and McM4A3Acog.McNoolskey.bisign in your addons folder."

Where is the addon folder? Do i have to create a new folder? Where? What is the folder's name?

Thx a lot!

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Great Work! I'd like to play with it. I just have one problem, excuse me i'm a beginner... I didn't understand that :

"Simply put McM4A3Acog.pbo and McM4A3Acog.McNoolskey.bisign in your addons folder."

Where is the addon folder? Do i have to create a new folder? Where? What is the folder's name?

Thx a lot!


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Is it me or is Filefront crap today, couldn't download the Tier1 V2.2 earlier, now can't download this............

Rifle looks good btw.......

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Thanks Cole.

So i have to create a "Addons" folder in the main directory of the game, then to copy the pbo and bisign files in it.

What do i have to do with the bikey file?


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Thanks Cole.

So i have to create a "Addons" folder in the main directory of the game, then to copy the pbo and bisign files in it.

What do i have to do with the bikey file?


The addons-folder should already be there. :) the bikey file is just for servers etc. so you don't need that as far as I know.

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Great thanks!

But it's not there because i don't have addons. I have the steam version of ArmA2OA, could it be the reason?

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Great thanks!

But it's not there because i don't have addons. I have the steam version of ArmA2OA, could it be the reason?

could be, if it's not there, try creating it and see if it works. :)

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Please never install addons into your main AddOn folder. That only causes problems, especially if you ever make a mission that you intend others to use.

Follow the easy instructions linked above, create a folder in your main OA install folder called MyGuns then create a folder under that one called AddOns and put all the PBOs and bisign files in that folder. Then add -mod=MyGuns to your startup string and safely use your new guns. If you're not running a server, you can ignore the bikey files.

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Great news! I got the M4A3 reflex to work. All I did was copy and paste the .p3d file from the weapons.pbo and placed it into the addon pbo and changed the config to this (main change in bold text):

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{

class CfgPatches


class McM4A3Acog


weapons[] = {"M4A3_ACOG_EP1","M4A3_EP1","M4A3_REF_EP1"};

units[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.5;

reqiuredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons_E"};



class CfgWeapons


class M4A3_CCO_EP1;

class M4A3_ACOG_EP1: M4A3_CCO_EP1


scope = 2;

displayName = "M4A3 ACOG";

model = "\McM4A3Acog\m4a3acog.p3d";

handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\Ca\weapons_E\SCAR\Data\Anim\SCAR.rtm"};

picture = "\McM4A3Acog\Data\m4a3acog_CA.paa";

modelOptics = "\Ca\weapons_E\SCAR\ACOG_TA31_optic_4x.p3d";

opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera2","OpticsBlur2"};

opticsZoomMin = 0.0623;

opticsZoomMax = 0.0623;

distanceZoomMin = 300;

distanceZoomMax = 300;

opticsFlare = 1;

opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1;

irDistance = 200;

class OpticsModes


class ACOG


opticsID = 1;

useModelOptics = 1;

opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"};

opticsZoomMin = 0.0623;

opticsZoomMax = 0.0623;

opticsZoomInit = 0.0623;

memoryPointCamera = "opticView";

visionMode[] = {"Normal"};

opticsFlare = 1;

opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1;

distanceZoomMin = 300;

distanceZoomMax = 300;

cameraDir = "";


class Kolimator: ACOG


opticsID = 2;

useModelOptics = 0;

opticsFlare = 0;

opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0;

opticsZoomMin = 0.25;

opticsZoomMax = 1.1;

opticsZoomInit = 0.5;

memoryPointCamera = "eye";

visionMode[] = {};




class M4A3_EP1: M4A3_CCO_EP1


scope = 2;

model = "\McM4A3Acog\m4a3";

displayName = "M4A3";

picture = "\ca\weapons_E\Data\icons\m4a3_CA.paa";

handAnim[] = {};


class M4A3_REF_EP1: M4A3_CCO_EP1


scope = 1;

model = "\McM4A3Acog\m4a3ref";

displayName = "M4A3 Reflex";

picture = "\ca\weapons_E\Data\icons\m4a3ref_CA.paa";



class cfgVehicles


class ReammoBox;

class M4A3_ACOG_EP1: ReammoBox


scope = 2;

accuracy = 1000;

displayName = "M4A3 box";

model = "\ca\weapons\AmmoBoxes\USBasicWeapons.p3d";

class TransportMagazines


class 30Rnd_556x45_stanag


magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_stanag";

count = 200;



class TransportWeapons


class M4A3_ACOG_EP1


weapon = "M4A3_ACOG_EP1";

count = 12;


class M4A3_EP1


weapon = "M4A3_EP1";

count = 12;






The only negative is that you can't see through the reflex sight because it is filtered blue for some reason, but the weapon fires and works. I tried to get some screenshots, but FRAPS is acting silly. McNools, you may want to look at it and my game did not crash at all.

Edited by bugkill

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I think Jelliz got it working a while ago, but like you said, the reflex sight doesn't work properly, and I don't think there was any way to fix it without MLODS, which we don't have. :(

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You can see through the sight in 3rd person, but not in 1st person. I have not been able to figure out why.

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Well, I have assigned the weapon to some units that I normally do not use for missions. It just looks too cool to leave out, lol.

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It just looks too cool to leave out, lol.

True, it is a shame it was not finished by BIS. :p

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