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ACE 1.5 Beta (Advanced Combat Environment)

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updated. but show message OUTDATED userconfig/ace/ace_keys.hpp in game.

Edited by nattanakorn

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updated. but show message OUTDATED userconfig/ace/ace_keys.hpp in game.

The instructions for that has been posted a ton. You need to do it manually if you don't have it set up in the Six GUI(I think, I just do it manually always)

For info about this check the links in the first post.

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Not that hard, wasn't it ?

I've only removed some key settings for features that don't exist anymore because of OA, that's why you got the message.

Everytime we change settings in the config files you'll get a message ingame which tells you that something is wrong with your userconfig and it needs updating

(and if I find some time I'll finish the windows app for changes in the client userconfig files).


Edited by Xeno

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ace-team, thx for update !

just one question: do you plan to make latest OA/CO-beta available via rsync/six updater, too ? or is there a way for now to get it via six already ? my client just detects "53", the latest beta for A2 standalone.

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just one question: do you plan to make latest OA/CO-beta available via rsync/six updater, too ? or is there a way for now to get it via six already ? my client just detects "53", the latest beta for A2 standalone.

Have you chosen the correct OA presets ?

No YAS repo for now, Cross is not available yet.


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Have you chosen the correct OA presets ?

don't know really, but when I choose on main page "Beta (Official Beta Patch)" and reset skip status, then this is what I get on screen:


"Using preset: Beta (Official Beta Patch)

Preset settings profile: Beta

Override action: Install or Update, and Process keys

Resetting skip status.

Autoskip: Disaabled.


Mod Current Latest Remote Changelog Type Fits edition?

beta none 53 Info Changelog Arma2St false"


I have it disabled because it tells me "Type = Arma2St" and "fits edition = false" ...

So interpreting your answer there must be a way to tell six-updater to offer the official beta for OA, but how do I tell six to do so ?

EDIT: pls forget it and thx for answer, think I've got it now, was my fault in not searching good enough :-)

EDIT2: works now as it should ... thx for hint of "presets", Xeno

To be checked:

Mod Current Latest Remote Changelog Type Fits edition?

@ACE 380 380 Info Changelog Arma2Oa true

@ACEX 257 257 Info Changelog Arma2Oa true

@ACEX_SM 50 50 Info Changelog Arma2Oa true

@CBA 112 112 Info Changelog Arma2Oa true

expansion/beta 1 1 Info Changelog Arma2Oa true

Edited by langgis08

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somebody can confirm that the ace FCS tank is bugged ?

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somebody can confirm that the ace FCS tank is bugged ?

If you are talking about the BIS range finder... that one was removed in favour of our system. Just turn it on and use it (TAB key is a good start) :)

Tank FCS doesn't use 1 m steps (like the BIS system) but 10 m steps.


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no when you use ACE tank fcs and you laze (500meter) or another distance you have the 4 0 flashing

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no when you use ACE tank fcs and you laze (500meter) or another distance you have the 4 0 flashing

Then you know where to report it :)


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Which bullet-drop compensation will be used? I get the ACE one when I use a scoped weapon, but the BIS one when I use a non-scoped weapon. This conflicts with the NVG keys, so will we see the BIS version being disabled?

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What is the best way to find a good public server that's running the new ACE beta? All of the ones I've found have been for Arma 2 standalone and I haven't seen any for OA.

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Which bullet-drop compensation will be used? I get the ACE one when I use a scoped weapon, but the BIS one when I use a non-scoped weapon. This conflicts with the NVG keys, so will we see the BIS version being disabled?

Please provide repro steps at our tracker, I guess it's related to TI weaons. The same key is used to switch between TI modes and NVG (which I personally don't like at all and could have been done better by BIS).

And yes, we removed the BIS system from some sniper weapons allready (simply because snipers don't use 100 m steps in RL).

What is the best way to find a good public server that's running the new ACE beta? All of the ones I've found have been for Arma 2 standalone and I haven't seen any for OA.

Hard to say currently. I've seen some servers using it allready, about 10 or more servers, like USSOCOM for example. Hope there will be more in the near future like it is the situation in A2 currently, where about 80% of the servers are running ACE (hey guys, switch over to OA, we need you :p)

ACE OA is still WIP, specially our ACEX parts, and we try to get to where we were with our A2 releases. Yet it will take some time as it is not like take your A2 mod, make some little changes here and there... voila... perfect OA compatible mod/addon like BIS told us.

The problem simply is, without feedback, com feedback, it will take much longer for us to get to the same point again.

But, like I allready wrote, switching to OA was the right decision. Compared to OA ArmA 2 MP is allready dead.


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Forgive the ignorance, but I went to this site http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Features and couldn't really find the answer to the questions I was wondering about:

Can I use any of the ACE weapons that can be found in the Armory in the Single Player campaign mode?

Also, if I want to try out a certain character in the Armory, is there any way to customize his weapon so that he uses any ACE weapon of my choosing?

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Can I use any of the ACE weapons that can be found in the Armory in the Single Player campaign mode?

Also, if I want to try out a certain character in the Armory, is there any way to customize his weapon so that he uses any ACE weapon of my choosing?

You should take a look at the following page:


or the following for CO:


Just add the weapons you find with ammobox addWeaponCargo ["someweaponclassname", 10] and ammo with ammobox addMagazineCargo ["somemagazineclassname", 10] to a crate of your choice.

Btw, yet another service we provide beside ACE.

It's a class browser with everything available in ACE and/or in A2/OA standalone.


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HEY guys i have a bit of a problem, i only use ARMA 2 Operation arrowhead, and not the original ARMA 2, there are only 2 presets so i assume the one to use is "A2_OA_ACE" but my problem is, the original Game works file when i start it up with no mods. but after installing ace, i get an error message on start of game and when entering missions or placing units in the editor, the type of error i get is (No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Rocker1.scope), does anyone have any idea what this means or how to fix it??

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How do I tell if things are set up correctly?

Here's what I've got (in the six updater thing):





Yet @CBA OA is set as "disabled", do I need that? I'm using the default OA preset.

Do I have to have only OA and not original A2 for ACE to work properly?

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How do I tell if things are set up correctly?

Here's what I've got (in the six updater thing):





Yet @CBA OA is set as "disabled", do I need that? I'm using the default OA preset.

Do I have to have only OA and not original A2 for ACE to work properly?

You need @CBA OA only if you are using the OA standalone, the @CBA is for the combined version.

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Rate me late, but rucksacks / on back function don't work

(ACE Rucks.)

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Kelly's ACEOA repo has been updated to 1.5Beta-U1 b380.

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

Combined Ops & OA-Only. ACE1.5Beta


**Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper

ArmA2-Only. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore.


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos

Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.

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How can I get the userconfig to work? I mean. I know how to do it I've changed my name and saved it but still it refuses to work in-game. Anyone got any ideas?

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How can I get the userconfig to work? I mean. I know how to do it I've changed my name and saved it but still it refuses to work in-game. Anyone got any ideas?

There's new interact keys now, mine's right print (personal) and right windows (objects/people etc). Have you tried them? You don't use the old method anymore.

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