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Zoom is not realistic IMO and iron sights suffer

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Is hold breath even that good?I don't use it since it really doesn't do much.Its not that noticable a difference for me.If it were to stabilize weapon say for a second to get a shot off I would love it.

Well then you should love it. That is exactly what it does. Not completely solid but certainly half the sight bounce. I may rebind it to the same key as my zoom (not ironsights). Odds are if I am pressing that key I am firing at an enemy well in the background.

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Never noticed it calming the sway effect....most likely due to I was constantly pressing it to zoom in and so always out of breath.Gotta try it as seperate key.

For the ease of moddability A2 has I do not see it.I tried to change it but all I get is a mumble jumble of odd characters and numbers.Stalker was so easy to mod.Each weapon had its own txt file.Velocity=......RPM=.....Recoil=.....zoom=...etc.

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For the ease of moddability A2 has I do not see it.I tried to change it but all I get is a mumble jumble of odd characters and numbers.Stalker was so easy to mod.Each weapon had its own txt file.Velocity=......RPM=.....Recoil=.....zoom=...etc.

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to open the pbo and bin files first.

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I did that and its all weird characters.All I want to do is change the amount the weapon auto zooms when sights come up to half of what full zoom is set at now.I'm gonna try again.

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Lets just think of zoom like this: Your character has just put on some really powerful magnifying glasses. Problem solved :)

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Yes I converted the pbo file but I got lost.I give up and I'll live with it the way it is.

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Magnifying glasses is perfect example.Maybe weapons with just ironsights should not be able to zoom(just default when you first bring up sight).Give weapons with magnification lenses the benefit they really have.Zoom must be removed and each weapon has it set permanently in tune with its magnification.

So weapons with iron sights and reflex sights are only weapons where you leave fov alone(maybe slight increase over what is default for sights now)and just move weapon back towards eye for better look ingame.Gives them better CQB ability with wider FOV but their targeting of distant targets is diminished. .

ACOG could instead of having whole screen the reticle could go to looking like M4 when zoomed in.Meaning the scope is visible but so is outside world.Easier targeting at distance and worse CQB ability since tunnel vision is present.

Snipers should go to full screen reticle as they have farthest range benefit and fighting CQB should be a bitch with them!!!

Edited by Wolfstriked

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Maybe weapons with just ironsights should not be able to zoom

Here is the issue. You don't have your game's FOV set correctly.. Nobody does. My particular FOV calculates to 20x32 to be correct. To make it as if I were looking through a 12 inch high 18.5" wide window 34 inches in front of me, into the arma world. That makes if very hard to play however. You lose all your peripheral vision because you don't have a 50" monitor wrapping 180 degrees around our head.

So when you or I bring up ironsights, the game needs to compensate for all of us not having our FOV's correct. What should happen is it should temporarily change our FOV to whatever perfect degree number is correct for us during ironsight use. A number able to be figured out on my FOV thread here>> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100235

Zooming with Ironsights is a good thing. It makes the game for a split second MORE REALISTIC. I just wish we could set all the specific FOV's easily from a menu as the predifined ones are just guesses.

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Zeos I agree that every weapon should zoom to correct level.Thing is it zooms in to far in A2 IMO.Also the amount of time it takes to zoom in....should be quick.A proper way to do this would be to take a person at 100meters distance and measure their height and then take your individual monitor and zoom in till that person is same height on your screen.That would be the ultimate solution but that's some complicated stuff though.

Instead I have resorted to a smaller FOV as standard for me.I see you have tried this also.I am using %25 percent less than the standard 0.75/1.0.It makes the initial zoom from standard weapons enough since your zoomed in already.It also feels more real especially with longer weapons.Shorter weapons like an AKSU aren't as viewable onscreen anymore though.Bad thing is it decreases fps by 5 for me.This is due to looking further ahead so more detail.I think I can drop down some settings like object detail to bring the distance detail is rendered back a bit.

I think that Arma2 may have excessive FOV since I do just fine with it like this.It looks very close to how Insurgency mod for Half life plays and people do fine with that FOV in a small map with enemies around every corner.

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The problem is that while it might be realistic with your size display 2 feet from your nose, targets at 100 meters appear to be about 300 meters away.

This results in lots of engagements taking place at ranges that should be point-blank range for an assault rifle, even in an open field.

So the farther away from the avatar, the MORE zoom is needed in order to look realistc. The discrepancy is clearly not linear, but increases with distance.

This is because the FOV is adjusted for peripheral vision, and not for accurate representation of a man-sized target at any given distance.

If you want an idea of how big a man-sized target looks at 300 meters, check out the qualification range in America's Army 1. Operation Flashpoint wasn't too far off of this, if I remember correctly. It is only with Armed Assault 1+ that this has become an issue.

Something seems to get lost when you switch to magnifying optics, too. Check out the video of the mine mission for Operation Flashpoint: Operation Arrowhead. The guy is ID'ing targets at 200 meters, but even through the scope they look like they are 500 - 600 meters away.

I have tried adjusting the FOV to something realistic (without relying on zooming), but what happens is that you spend a lot of time running into walls because you have no peripheral vision.

Until we get wrap-around displays, I don't know how the need for peripheral vision and for an accurate representation of a man-sized target at distance can be reconciled.

I don't own one, but I am guessing that a TrackIR would solve my peripheral vision problems with my adjusted FOV settings.

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Functional realism over aesthetic realism.

Are you going to complain about how movement is done too? Last time I checked, there is no WASD control IRL.

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Ok no more complaints from me on this.I am getting used to it and see its a must have effect.Uziyahu,I doubt trackIR would help since I have freelook bound to my space bar and I still feel lost with to low of a FOV.

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