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Campaign from russian community

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Author: letesha

Game type: Single

Island: Chernarus

Number of missions: 3

Voiceovers: Full

Addons: not required

Game Version: requires version 1.05

Description: In September 2012, relations between the nuclear powers to glow like never before in the XXI century. Against the backdrop of saber-rattling and aggressive disputes diplomats have fallen sharply, oil prices. All this could not affect the Chernorusskom conflict. Smashed on the head chedaki again intensified and went on the offensive. In the case once again had to intervene CDF Airforces ...

Thanks for the help, test and voiceovers:




Darken Lord - ART Overview







Also thanks to PIONEER_WEB for "flares" script

The track17 from the URU:ages beyond myst was used

Fixed bugs:

- Wrong animation in the intro

- Guards and board-technique added smokeshells

- Fixed some script errors

- Intro video from the "mission" moved in "intro"

http://rapidshare.com/files/397138989/HAD_EN.rar.html - fixed version

Sorry for bad English :) If you can help me to make right translation in the campaign please reply

Edited by Leteha

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Hey thanks for this stuff, but I have soooo no idea what I'm supposed to do!

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I'm sorry, but stringtables are wrong. I'll fix it.


Edited by Leteha

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Thx that you released now an english version! :thumbsup:

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[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=campaigns&id=34&setlang=en]DOWNLOAD - THE SERPENT (HAD) (v.1.01) - [8.4 MB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

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first mission destroy AT weapons and there is nothing there to destroy?????

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first mission destroy AT weapons and there is nothing there to destroy?????

You have to target the static AT weapons, in berezino there is a D-30(empty), in orlovets there is a spg-9(empty).

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hi, great campaign so far - i just finishied the first mission.

i´ve downloaded the 1.0 at armaholic. now i found the 1.05 campaign here, but the link is dead. would be nice if you upload the file again.


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Well I have yet to beat even the first mission, and I certainly didn't understand a word of the cinematics. Basically I haven't got any right to really review this campaign.

That said, from what I have played of it so far it is fantastic :) The way the copilot complains when the systems begin taking too much damage adds a ton to the atmosphere. One of the cinematics where there are two men launching a shoulder fired AA missile reminds me of something very similar I saw on liveleak one time. I have never been to Russia, nor have I ever been in a helicopter, but as far as my imagination goes this campaign really captures it. Being shot down and running from cover to cover while being shelled by apc's while you wait for another chopper to pick you up is great, also. This resulted in slightly less reliable behaviour from the AI, but for a situation which basically spells "game over" in any other sim this was handled really well. Being thrust from a helicopter sim into a "run away from the tanks" sim so quickly has to be one of the coolest things I have seen in a game in a while, and is a great example of the kind of awesome experience possible in ArmA.

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If only someone could make subtitels for the cinematics....

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I have been playing the first mission 'first flight' after completing other tasks the mission gets stuck at finding the yellow car,how can i complete this task for campaign to proceed?


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If you dont find any solution to your problem you can always use cheats ;) to jump to next mission in campaign.

In mission cheat endmission or in campaign menu cheat-campaign.

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