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So, I spoke with Dwarden on Steam.

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Log follows:

"Walter: D of the BI Forums, correct?

Walter: If that is so, maybe you could hint as to what the surprise we may recieve at 6:00 AM Sunday?

D: it was meant as something revealed when group gets 500 or 5k depending which

D: so get more people into official groups and there will be more info :)

D-Dude: or screens

D: or vids ... w/e i make or get approved

Walter: I friended you to ask one question

Walter: Is it the demo?

D: no

D: demo not

Walter: Reassuring, do you have any news about the Demo?

D: each time some number of members is reach some details info


Walter: Ah.

Walter: I will have to guess this will be more info as to the supposed UK faction in OA.

D: this is unrelated to demo or game release or steam release/preorder/preload or QA faqs on BI Wiki

D: that are seperated events

D: blergh

D: guess my good will to reveal screens for communites is taken out of context as always :)

Walter: I apologize for any blerghs I may have caused.

D: nah just people see too much and want too my dreams and drool all over :)

Walter: People are observant, especially those who play military simulators as amusement."

TLDR Surprise on Sunday is not the demo of OA, for all concerned.

Edit: The man I spoke to is an administrator of the Forums, who gave me some info. I omitted his name not to cause a sh*tstorm of talking to him on Steam.

Edited by Walts

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You can too! The account of the Steam page appears to be legitimate.

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He was pretty nice, especially for a guy being badgered for info.

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:butbut: so much for having private convo with someone asking for more info


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I apologize! I thought it was kinda known that this would get posted.

Edit: With so little information floating around, I thought that this would need some closure.

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no problem, it was just not ... official wording style for public :)

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So, you spoke to Dwarden...... :459:

I guess some people don't understand sarcasm. :j:

No offense to Dwarden of course, but really... he's not Jesus or anything.

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He's just a dude, but that dude gave me some more info at a critical time before the games release. Looking back at it, I did write the post in a douche manner.

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Oh, dear god. What have I unleashed! I will now remove all mention of who I talked to from the post.

Not that its really going to do anything to stop the impending hellstorm.

Edited by Walts

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Best bit of reporting i have seen in the past 3 mins.

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Final release is only 25 days away...I'm guessing the demo will be released simultaneously with the game.

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I'm guessing the demo will be released simultaneously with the game.

That would be SOO lame.

I want that Demo now! :(

That promised FAQ Answers thing that was supposed to be released on the 30th of May would also be nice.....

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Who's Dwarden :P ?

A guy named Dwarden always made ArmA II related threads, posted tons of information on the games as well on another forum I visit(ed) - I just never knew what his position was.

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Yeah and now we close it, before some guys again turn it into a spam fest.

Lesson learnt: Join the steam A2OA group! ;)

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