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Fast Forward, Turbo, Vehicle Turbo?

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Can anyone confirm that these all function exactly the same? I do not see a difference between Vehicle Turbo and Fast Forward when I'm driving, say, an APC. If I either use Move Forward (held) or analog control full forward, then add either Fast Forward (held) or Vehicle Turbo (held), it seems to get the same effect: a small boost in speed.

Like with some other controls - it seems to be all about preference. So if I have a separate Move Forward and Fast Forward key, there is no need for me to have Vehicle Turbo key, right?

And what is the regular Turbo key used for?


edit: correct terminology

Edited by rangoon

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Cant be too sure if this helps, and this is my own personal opinion. But the difference in having slow, move forward, and move fast commands for a vehicle refer to different applicable tactics for vehicle bound units. Whether u want a convoy to move slowly as too keep a column formation in the open desert, or travel a team of tanks real fast over a stretch of paddock, or have ur HUMVEE platoon adopt a medium pace flexibility while they travel down a highway through to a village.

Different speeds adhire to different situations, so Arma2 allows for such difference to be maintained through vehicle speeds. It wouldnt be too good if all vechiches had just one speed to travel in, and markably, there are many circumstances where travelling in fast sprints is more tactically better than just regular speed.

Hope that helps

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You can use W+Shift or E ? (default)

if this is what you're talking about, they work and should make you go faster.

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Hm, I guess I didn't explain it very well.

If I'm an infantry soldier, I can Move Forward by holding down the appropriate key. We also have an option to have a toggle run/walk, a temporary (hold down) run, and and all-out sprint key (Fast Forward).

If I climb into the driver's seat of an APC, I can use the same Move Forward key to move forward. I can hold down the sprint key (Fast Forward) to get my turbo/additional speed boost. There is also a key called Vehicle Turbo. This seems to have no different effect than the Fast Forward key when held down (it gives a speed boost). I'm just verifying the is the same in others' experience as well.

And my other question is: what is the plain "Turbo" (not Vehicle Turbo) used for? Anything?

Aside from that, I realize there is a difference when acting as vehicle commander, in that the Move Forward, Fast Forward and Slow Forward all have discreet functions insofar as they are instructions to the driver. However when acting as the driver proper, you can then use the speed boost on top of a basic throttle setting (I guess it's a perk for having a human-controlled driver as opposed to an AI driver).


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I hate the way the vehicle speed in Arma2 behaves.Its so freaking hard to drive say a tank.The move forward slow command goes up to around 30 and if your going downhill your flying in no time.You hit the backwards key and you brake down to zero in a split second.What I have been doing is using the fast forward key and have my SHIFT key as backwards so when pressed at same time the speed slowly starts to come down.But again its slowly and there is no real control over the vehicle speed.

Forward slow/Forward/Forward fast......these keys should be removed.Instead have SHIFT as turbo key and the normal W as forward slow.Now a BIG change.....tweak the physics so that when you reach a speed you want you release the W key and the vehicle maintains this speed.Right now if you are running downhill the vehicle speeds up even when you depress the W key.Since we are driving a vehicle from a keyboard we need to simulate that we would be able to maintain a certain speed "very easily" by just removing foot off gas pedal and applying some brake pedal.

So W is slow forward SHIFT/W is gunning it for evasive manuever.Same thing can then go for braking where S is brake slow and SHIFT/S is slam on the brakes.

Another area that could be changed is how you skid when you are turning and release the W key.Its an ok system but Arma 2 needs more than ok system.Why not then use the now unused Q and E keys.For ease of use though you would have them in diagonal corners so that turn left/slow is A and turn left/fast is E.Makes for easier driving.:(

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  rangoon said:

If I climb into the driver's seat of an APC, I can use the same Move Forward key to move forward. I can hold down the sprint key (Fast Forward) to get my turbo/additional speed boost. There is also a key called Vehicle Turbo. This seems to have no different effect than the Fast Forward key when held down (it gives a speed boost). I'm just verifying the is the same in others' experience as well.

And my other question is: what is the plain "Turbo" (not Vehicle Turbo) used for? Anything?

Nope, I think they do the same thing, bit of redundancy I guess. You can never have too many buttons for the same thing. :p

  rangoon said:

Aside from that, I realize there is a difference when acting as vehicle commander, in that the Move Forward, Fast Forward and Slow Forward all have discreet functions insofar as they are instructions to the driver. However when acting as the driver proper, you can then use the speed boost on top of a basic throttle setting (I guess it's a perk for having a human-controlled driver as opposed to an AI driver).


Yeah, that's why quite a few people just tell the driver to get out and drive themselves, much better control.

I heartily recommend the use of any sort of PC racing wheel with ArmA, it allows you much more control over where you're driving. You can drive quite quickly without hitting anything using a racing wheel.

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I find driving in 3rd person easier. 1st person I swear to god fences and trees have magnets in them.

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I use an Xbox 360 controller for driving vehicles, the analog triggers are really useful for acceleration, and can be used to maintain a slow speed, or whatever. Much easier than the keyboard.

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First person can be mastered.You have to slow down.When you first learned to drive a car it was hard to judge the side opposite you were sitting on and that was a learned thing.Same with 1st person mode.Just look towards that corner and proceed slowly.....then again its hard to go at a slow speed in A2 since...NM.

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I disabled 2xW and always use Turbo instead (for both infantry and vehicles). It's similar to the Sprint key in other games.

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  Simon C said:
I heartily recommend the use of any sort of PC racing wheel with ArmA, it allows you much more control over where you're driving. You can drive quite quickly without hitting anything using a racing wheel.

The problem is I already have the full suite of CH Controls (stick, throttle, pedals) and am not sure how/where I would even fit a wheel into the mix. I need the flight controls for, well, flight. I do sometimes use the stick for controlling ground vehicles because at least it's analog, and I find it works alright for tanks but not so well for cars/HMMWVs/APCs, etc.

Maybe I could slap a wheel onto the edge of my keyboard tray... Will ArmA 2 recognize that many axes? The setup I have already uses 9 analog axes (though I only have 4 of them assigned in the game).

Oh, and upon further testing, I think the regular Turbo command is just a sprint key for infantry. Not sure if it does anything else, but it does work as a sprint key when held in addition to Move Forward. So both of them (Turbo and Vehicle Turbo) do seem to be redundant. It's good to have options, I suppose.

Edited by rangoon

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I tried with joystick and while I love simulators like Lockon,IL2 I feel that Arma is better suited for keyboard only.There are many ways to improve the keys only for controlling of vehicles.What I posted above is one way.Another is to make the reverse key not brake the vehicle to a stop instantly.Another is to not automatically brake to a stop when no keys are being pressed and vehicle speed reduces to 15.Those two alone would make for much better controlled vehicles.I am hoping that PR:Arma works some magic into the sim in this regard.

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