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AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

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This script simulates an AC-130 in ARMA2.

Current version: 0.8


Download page v.0.8:



Older versions:


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arma2oa2011-10-1411-373kzl.png arma2oa2011-10-1410-165d6l.png arma2oa2011-10-1410-169cas.png arma2oa2011-10-1410-03af9x.png arma2oa2011-10-1410-006e1x.png arma2oa2011-10-1409-583fbm.png

Older Screenshots:




UAV with Mando Missiles v.0.6:








Uses Scripts:

- mando_angles.sqf v1.0 by Mandoble (http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=441&game=ArmA)

- setPitchBank.sqf by General Barron (http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?;act=ST;f=71;t=73312;top)


- Mandoble (mando missiles used for the UAV)

- Kremator, Cyborg11, Pele93, Uziyahu--IDF, 204 Kallisto, ademczuk, B1n4ry, UGLY58 (beta testing)

- swtx (sounds)

- kju (multiplayer scripting)

- =L2D=Curry (rearm script)




Changelog v.0.8:

  • Detailed online readme
  • New AC-130 Mode: Only functional in MP with two players (COOP pilot/gunner), more stable and interactive (see readme)
  • New designed HUD (with working buttons)
  • When hit ESC the script won't terminate any more: a dialog with the options "close" and "continue" appears (http://www.abload.de/img/arma2oa2011-10-1410-006e1x.png)
  • Improved some functions, scripts and fixed some minor bugs f.e: AI delay via parameters didn't work
  • Assign targets for AI AC-130 with Laser Marker is now possible (see readme)
  • Shells for invisible AC-130 (lite AC-130) need more time to hit the ground
  • Script uses new shells (thanks to B1n4ry)
  • Fixed: Exiting the script with FLIR enabled and starting a new camera lead to the issue that the new camera had FLIR enabled
  • Change camera modes with N is now possible
  • Change the radius and height of the AC-130 in the map is now possible with a dialog window
  • Rearming is only possible for a slow or standing AC-130
  • Help dialog (F1 or H) redesigned

Known Bugs:

  • Sometimes weird camera/gun behaviour when fixing the camera with Shift
  • Script error in createParticleSource.sqf
  • Infantry strobes are hardly visible with FLIR enabled
  • Standard (not mando) hellfire is weak and rather useless

Changelog v0.7:

  • Scripts now terminate correctly
  • Fixed: Minor bugfixes, HUD indicators showed wrong values in attached mode
  • Added: More options, LDL_actionsInGame, UAV Mapclicks, Rearm-Logic and function
  • New Sounds for 25mm and 40mm, empty sound

Changelog v0.6:


  • OA Standalone & Combined Operations support (ARMA2 standalone is no longer supported)
  • Improved weapon system for the UAV
  • New HUD
  • MMA Missiles for the UAV (only if MMA is correctly initialized)


  • Type of plane (and pilot) depends on the players faction now
  • There is now a maximum / minimum height and radius
  • Some code optimization
  • Time is now shown formated: f.e: 00:02:00
  • Fixing the camera on a target/position in exterior view now possible
  • Plane stops changing height/radius immediately when released an arrow key

Changelog v.0.5:


  • Minimap
  • Set height and radius in the map
  • Delay for mapclick AC130 to arrive
  • Marker for AC130 / AI AC130
  • Fix camera on target (or position)
  • Give AI AC130 orders
  • New 25mm gun sound (still bad)
  • Disable sound
  • Optical zoom (BETA only for rotating AC130)


  • Sound "amb07" was missing
  • Slow down AI aiming
  • Removed engine sound when calling mapclick AC130
  • Limit the amount of times the mapclick can be called

LDL_options added:

  • Delay for mapclick AC130 to arrive
  • Sequence at startup
  • Available mapclicks per player
  • Disable sounds
  • Enable optical zoom

Changelog v.0.4:

  • Added Ooperation Arrowhead FLIR
  • Added Addon version
  • Easy configuration for AC-130
  • AI uses all guns now
  • You can set a time how long the AC-130 is in the air
  • Enable/disable Hud, Monitor, Vehicle squares, Infantry signals, Third person view...
  • Added new shells (Addon only)

Changelog v.0.3:

  • Multiplayer support
  • New HUD
  • New particles
  • Improved zoom (every weapon has its maximum zoom)
  • AI controlled AC-130
  • C-130J has gear up
  • Shells are less accurate, more slowly and fly correct now
  • Only one player can use the AC-130 at a time
  • You can see when your weapon is reloading or empty
  • If you activate the NVG FLIR will be turned off
  • Simpler to set up the script

Changelog v.0.2:

  • Camera now flawless (even with ACE2. However if problems occur, please report)
  • Starting the script from an existing C-130J as a pilot or copilot
  • AC-130 is now able to fly to a new position (right-mouse)
  • New sounds
  • New crosshairs
  • New controls

Have fun,


Edited by LurchiDerLurch

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Woot first reply. Thanks for this. Gonna try and merge this with Domination.

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Well done making it MP compatible, Thanks for all your hard work on that. ;)

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A brilliant brilliant mod. Outstanding. the bofors is the best.

One issue however; probably more an issue with arma 2 than with this mod, is that when i use the AC130 from the laptop (dont know about the others;) everyone on the ground gradually stops engaging each other. If two opposing groups meet whilst observed from the ac130 they dont fire a shot. I had two opposing tank batallions sheepishly move around each other as they followed their search and destroy waypoints; the AI is pretty docile whilt you are using the AC130.

Is this to do with the AI switching off when it thinks you arnt looking? or is it to do with the AC script?

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I like how each weapon has a set zoom level, and the sounds are much better, did a great job!

How can we edit the amount of rounds for each weapon and options that are default on/off in this version, as I can't seem to find it.

I used the following in conjunction with some waypoints, I put this in the last wp:

[Plane, 1000, 1000, true]call LDL_ac130_rot_setup;

When it reaches the last wp, it doesn't start the turn. It shows the turn point in the middle of the cross hairs, but when I hit ESC it then shows the turn point on the map. Am I doing something wrong?

It could be perhaps that I already have the player/copilot in the camera view using:

player moveInCargo this; nul = []spawn{waitUntil {(LDL_initDone)};nul = [Plane, 1000, 1000, 60]spawn LDL_ac130_att_setup;};

I would like it to have the plane's turn point where I have the wp on the map.

Edited by thegunnysgt

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@thegunnysgt: One player can only run one AC130 script. And one C130 can only "be part" of one script.

Here's an example: http://www.file-upload.net/download-2550254/AC130_v0.3_example01_WP_rotate.zip.html

I don't know how to tell the AI that they should fly exactly to the position where the WP is... the plane starts its turn where he is at that moment when he finishes the WP...

You can change the amount of rounds in the setup scripts:

- \ac130\Rotate\ac130_rot_setup.sqf

- \ac130\Attach\ac130_att_setup.sqf

or you change it via scripting:

- plane setVariable ["LDL_Ammo25", 1000, true];

- plane setVariable ["LDL_Ammo40", 100, true];

- plane setVariable ["LDL_Ammo105", 50, true];

@Muzza: I know... must have something to do with ARMA2... :/

Edited by LurchiDerLurch

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In your waypoint example I get moved into the camera view when it reaches the wp, but when I duplicated the same waypoint, plane, and player in another test all I get is a rotating plane, nothing more. No camera view or anything, just me watching from the ground???

Although I think I know how to avoid the HUD problem I found earlier, with the turning point in the middle, where I can't control it until I hit ESC, by using:

LDL_ac130_abort = true;

In the same init of a waypoint to stop any AC130 code/script from being used, and then immediacy after start it back up again so the player can control where the AC130 fly be right-clicking and so forth.

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In your waypoint example I get moved into the camera view when it reaches the wp, but when I duplicated the same waypoint, plane, and player in another test all I get is a rotating plane, nothing more. No camera view or anything, just me watching from the ground???

the plane is rotating but you're not in camera view? this is quite strange... :confused:

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Fantastic news! This script-pack has matured beautifully!

(Now just make it into a module or free-standing unit.) ;)

Great work!

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the plane is rotating but you're not in camera view? this is quite strange... :confused:

Oh yeah!? I think I know why, I duplicated your wp example mission and placed it into your v0.3 example mission, I had very little time to transfer files and throw together a test mission when I did the testing so I simply used your other mission that already had everything there. I'll do another test in the mission where I plan on implementing this when I get more time later and post up the results.

If I use the method to place a player in the copilot seat of the C130 in camera view, when the C130 reaches the wp is there an easy way to transition into the full AC-130 script such as in your wp example, since I've noticed that the copilot method can't control where the C130 goes by right clicking. Would I need to use the stop script method to stop the copilot script, before the full AC-130 scripts start to allow for the control of where the C-130 rotates.

Btw.. I'm sorry for all the questions, I don't want to seem like I'm doing things that are aggregating, just trying to use your scripts to the fullest potential and to find new ways to create missions.

Edited by thegunnysgt

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I think the most important sounds when operating the guns are the loaders letting you know when the rounds have been loaded and you're ready to fire, again. Lots of the chatter doesn't always fit the context.

Also, did you increase the rate-of-fire on 1 or more of the weapons? Seems like it doesn't take so long to load, now.

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Also, did you increase the rate-of-fire on 1 or more of the weapons? Seems like it doesn't take so long to load, now.


25mm: 0.075 sec

40mm: 0.5 sec

105mm: 3,5 sec


25mm: 0.08 sec

40mm: 0.5 sec

105mm: 3,5 sec

I think the most important sounds when operating the guns are the loaders letting you know when the rounds have been loaded and you're ready to fire, again. Lots of the chatter doesn't always fit the context.

The crew sounds are just for the ambiente... and there is a reload sound for the 105mm.

If I use the method to place a player in the copilot seat of the C130 in camera view, when the C130 reaches the wp is there an easy way to transition into the full AC-130 script such as in your wp example, since I've noticed that the copilot method can't control where the C130 goes by right clicking. Would I need to use the stop script method to stop the copilot script, before the full AC-130 scripts start to allow for the control of where the C-130 rotates.

If you use the "ac130_att_setup" the camera will be attached to the plane and nothing more. There must be a pilot controlling the plane or a AI unit with waypoints. That's more or less for multiplayer.

If you want the plane to rotate you will have to stop the attach script and start the rotate script.

How do I use the old buttons on this?

What do you mean with old buttons? Q,E,C,X... instead of F1, F2, F3... ?

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Yeah, but I mean the sound of the loader letting you know that a round is up and ready, probably on the 105mm.

Hard to tell what he says. "Boom! Ready!"?

Why did you choose SABOT rounds for the 40mm? They seem to have no splash damage, now.

Also, in real-life it looks like the Bofors is loaded with something like giant M1 Garand stripper clips of ammo, so there should be a reload time for each batch of rounds. I doubt that a real-life crew could maintain the constant fire of 40mm now possible in the script.

Do they not worry about the weapons overheating?

UPDATE: BWAhahahaa! I'm going to post a video of my several failed attempts to make a mission with Tunguska's on the map. They totally PWN any A.I. AC130 that shows up. I even put them in "time out" for "bad behavior" at distant airfields. They simply resorted to missiles, instead. NO AIR SUPPORT FOR YUUUUU!


Got it Working!


Blooper Video 1 (Result of not following instructions perfectly...)

Edited by Uziyahu--IDF

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Hello, i have a question. I made a map with script and when i tested this map, this script worked, but when i give this map to my friend, he was host of our game, but i dind't can use script in AC-130, but my friend can do it. How can we work together?

I found this addon http://pvpscene.arma-creations.com/files/temp/LDL_AC130.7z but he didn't work

Sorry my English is not good.=(

Edited by IIyIIa

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Hello, i have a question. I made a map with script and when i tested this map, this script worked, but when i give this map to my friend, he was host of our game, but i dind't can use script in AC-130, but my friend can do it. How can we work together?

I found this addon http://pvpscene.arma-creations.com/files/temp/LDL_AC130.7z but he didn't work

Sorry my English is not good.=(

Actually this add on is from kju and he made v.0.2 MP compatible. And I don't know if it's supposed to be used...

The example mission is working in multiplayer. Just open the server and your friend can join.

The only way you can work togheter is when you fly the AC130 and your friend is co-pilot and activates the camera view.


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Ок. Thanks, i have 2 question, the first How can i extract the addon from kju? And the second, i understand that only host can use this aadon in MP, am i right?

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1: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Community_Tools and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2

BUT why do you want to extract it? 0o

2: No you're not right... everybody who is playing the mission (and that means he is running the script) can use the AC-130. (no add-on needed, it's just a script)

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Thanks, but in my map, only Host host can use this script, i copy all from unit file and escription.ext and copy ac130 folder in my mission and pack this mission. And only host is god of this map=) Maybe i made something bad, i am beginner in this way.


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You could upload the mission somewhere and I'll have a look at it... that would be much easier ;)

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You've done everything correct ;) But I think there could be the reason why it's not working:


if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "NOT Server"};
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Serv_bot.sqf";
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Lin_Kontakt.sqf";
sleep 3;
_an = [] execVM "Start.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Resp_Veh.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Garnizon\Random.sqf";

//init.sqf for Lurchi's AC-130 Script

//Call LDL_init for Lurchi's AC-130 Script
LDL_init = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ac130\LDL_init.sqf";
[]spawn LDL_init;
waitUntil {!isNil "LDL_initDone"};
waitUntil {LDL_initDone};

The first line

if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "NOT Server"};

Means: If you're not the server, go out. That means your friend (who is not the server because that's the host.) won't execute the rest of this script. And there's the init for the AC-130.

Try to put the AC130 init in the first line of the init or somewhere above this code. ;)

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