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Arma 3 Screen

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I would need a super computer to run that it seems.

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Unlimited detail still needs to prove itself in a real gaming environment. All we've seen so far are sub-par visual demos and snarky remarks by the creator.

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Unlimited Detail needs to proof itself to be fit enough to run a simulator game like Arma 2, with dynamic AI, lighting, particle effects etc.

This would mean you "would NOT" need a super computer to run a game if the unlimited detail tech is good to go and is useful in this form, any computer with a decent cpu would be able to run it, mainly need ram.

Sure does look nice, imagine actually having the grass draw that far and those sweet volumetric clouds.... I got to change my khakis!

Hey Tom, the mods are going to beat you to death!

your image is over the 100KB limit hurry up and FIX IT! ;)

PS: Oh did you make this screen? If so MORE PLEASE!

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Btw current Unlimited Detail progress:

We are really really busy trying to serve you all by making great technology in the shortest time possible. We didn?t expect the resent media wave, we thought that we could just hide and appear from no where with something brilliant, but unfortunately we got caught working quietly in our corner, and so now we have a lot of people saying ?that doesn?t look good enough yet !?, but on our end we feel like a mother who put cookies in the oven and little children are pulling them out and saying ?they don?t taste right !? a bit of patience and the cookies will be fine.

The planned form of the SDK is as follows:


Data can be imported from a variety of sources. We expect to directly support some popular scanning and modelling applications and file formats for both point cloud and polygon style data. The SDK will provide a simple way to import data from any source.


The Unlimited Detail Engine displays 3D models or groups of models which may be positioned, rotated, scaled and viewed from any direction and with any projection. The technique allows geometry of unlimited complexity to be displayed at interactive frame rates without the need for 3D acceleration hardware.


Unlimited Detail supports Animation. (Please see attached video clip of an articulated bird. And remember this is a simple first attempt for R&D purposes so it doesn?t look ?polished?)


In addition to animation, we will be supporting dynamic and destructible environments.

Memory Storage

The Unlimited Detail rendering technology does not require significant system memory to run. The geometry may be compressed, instanced and streamed to allow the best mix of runtime and disk based storage as well as support unique geometry.


Unlimited Detail will have both real-time shadows and pre-calculated lighting as well as a variety of advanced lighting options.


Demonstrations will be available for a great variety of industries, mining, architecture, science, medical, games, and movies/entertainment. In all cases these demonstrations will use industry specific data and will be downloadable from the website.


Pricing will be chosen in such a way that this technology can be accessed by all, including those in developing nations were graphics cards are not commonplace and software based 3D graphics are vital to industry purposes.

Nearer to completion we will be releasing short newsletters to inform interested parties of our progress, we will also have a new website in a few months as there have been comments about the inadequacy of the current website, whilst we do agree with the comments please understand we are primarily creators of technology and the recent media wave was unexpected. Please expect a more commercial incarnation of our public image soon enough.

Downloadable Demos will be available before the SDK release date

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anyways yeah a man can dream that BIS would use Cryengine in conjunction with Unlimited detail.

Crytek engine has good mod support aswell.

Win win right??

Edited by Flash Thunder

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that thing would need a new generation of graphic card.

just an reallife airsoft game would have a better look.

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This picture is pretty similar to the "official" ones. In these pictures BI were using the Linda tree generator to recreate a dense forest environment with the actual amount of trees and shrubs and if I recall correctly, one of the developers mentioned that they expect computers in year cca 2015 to run this environment with such complexity. This was of course a rough estimation and I too don't believe the Unlimited Detail will perform visual/performance miracles anytime soon.


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This is nothing to do with ArmA 2 General.

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