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Grey Fox

Ai's stupidest moments

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Ok this post is about the dumbest thing the AI has ever done in the game. I'll start this off:

I was patroling in a forest with a LAW soldier and on the main road is a BMP right? I tell him to attack it since he has the only LAW. Simple, right? He holds the LAW in the forest and fires into a tree 5meters to my right killing me. Not only that he says "2 Negative". "Oh NO 1... is Down", "Damn.....1 is down", "1 is down!" on and on until "YOU ARE DEAD"

Anyone have any other stories?

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yay! great sig!!!


Fighting soldiers from the sky,

Fearless men who jump and die,

Men who mean just what they say

The brave men of the Green Beret.

Silver wings upon their chests,

These are men, America's best,

One hundred men we'll test today,

But only three win the Green Beret.

Trained to live off nature's land,

Trained in combat, hand to hand,

Men who fight by night and day,

Courage take from the Green Beret.

Silver wings upon their chests,

These are men, America's best,

Men who mean just what they say,

The brave men of the Green Beret.

Back at home a young wife waits,

Her Green Beret has met his fate,

He has died for those oppressed,

Leaving her this last request:

Put silver wings on my son's chest,

Make him one of America's best,

He'll be a man they'll test one day,

Have him win the Green Beret.

Had to learn this by heart

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Hey thanks for comenting on that. I originally heard it from somewhere(can't remember where though). I found it again in Tom Clancy's guide to special forces and I think it is a great song for the SF. I also read that "Hey we aren't hats". Do they resent the name?

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Ok going back on topic anyone have any funny acts of stupidity by the AI?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hey thanks for comenting on that. I originally heard it from somewhere(can't remember where though). I found it again in Tom Clancy's guide to special forces and I think it is a great song for the SF. I also read that "Hey we aren't hats". Do they resent the name?

<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, they prefer to be called "Special Forces Soldiers"

or "long tabs"

they despise: "green beret"

"snake eater"

"special feces"

"Special Forces? is that like a SEAL?"

Ok, back to topic

When AI will not board vehicle because they are on other side of a fence. They say "negative" and keep running in place into the fence.

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I once in a while stand and watch how an enemy BMP is pulling full throttle into a wall, just grinding and grinding, getting nowhere. Obviously the driver figures it's faster to dig under the house instead of driving around it.

Then there's the good old chopper pilot, who has a blind spot for trees. "this FlyInHeight 20" usually don't work well.

Not much better are Cessna pilots who decides to pull full flaps when going into a stall. Flaps' not gonna help you pal... you need to look at that handle called THROTTLE.

On the comical side we have AI drivers who don't dare passing a gate arm. It takes about 40 waypoints in succession - one meter apart - to force him through. No... he'll much rather crash through the fence, compromising the security of his own homebase.

Try standing in between a team mate and an empty enemy vehicle... bad idea. AI just hate empty vehicles like the plague. They can easily empty 500 rounds from an MG into a truck, just to make sure it's not going enywhere. Infact, they're so blinded by rage, that I've twice been killed by an AI team mate, just because I got in the way of a UAZ.

You just can't help loving these poor bastards biggrin.gif

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I occasionally have a man trap himself on a vehicle that hes trying to board. He just keeps running into a wheel or a wing unaware he's going anywhere.

And more a limit of the engine but it always amazes me that if you take out a units AA/AT guy the rest of them leave it lying while under attack by something they can't hurt. Even heavy machine guns get forgotten about if you knock out the operator.

Certainly I could tell you a thousand stories about dumb moves in other games but OFP holds up very well.

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One time when I told a Black Op to enter a jeep he stoped 3 meters away from it, looked at it with his binoculars and after like 5 secs he decided to get in.

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When my squad is in a firefight, and I tell my guys to engage at will... that's when I get a lot of stupid AI behaviour.

These guys just have no sense of self-preservation. I'll watch from behind good cover as they run into a hail of bullets. No going prone, no taking cover, no return fire. One time I watched three guys crowd together behind a single bush ("concealment is not cover") and stand straight up as an enemy machine gunner cut them all down. Not once did they return fire.

And don't get me started on the "take cover" command... I order them to watch the road ahead, then tell them to take cover in preparation for an ambush (plenty of cover available, since we're in a village). What do they do? Every one of them now faces 6 o'clock! And they're not even close to being behind cover! In fact, one guy keeps running back and forth across the village square.

I understand how difficult it is to make good, human-like AI in a complex game like OFP, but IMHO it would be better 1) if the AI at least tried to get down and behind cover and return fire when shot at; this would also simulate suppression somewhat, 2) if the manual outlined in painstakingly detail the exact AI behaviour behind each of the command menu choices, and 3) if all useless, broken or confusing commands were removed from the command menu to reduce clutter.

Finally, a note on AI mech inf squads:

If the vehicle/squad commander goes into combat behaviour then everyone in the back should disembark ASAP, IMHO. This not only increases their life expectancy in just about every situation, it also increases the squad's total firepower. I'm currently using scripts to do this in my own missions, but it should really be handled by the standard OFP AI.

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I like the insecurity of the AI hehe Last night I did this while testing a mission I'm working on:

I shot a couple of laws at a T80 along with some other LAWsoldiers. The crew died inside the tank, but the tracks still worked. Turret was destroyed. I boarded the Tank as driver. Turned the beast around only to see straight into the barrel of a BMP-1. The BMP tracked me for some seconds, then did'nt bother anymore and kept shooting at the other west soldiers. Then I placed my T-80 between the BMP and my other men. The BMP stopped firing. After a while it started moving around because I was in his way.

Why did'nt the AI BMP start firing at my T-80. Is it because some of the east-crew was still in it and he saw that Tank as friend because of that?

I guess I he regret he did'nt take a shot at me hehe biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ April 16 2002,12:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why did'nt the AI BMP start firing at my T-80.<span id='postcolor'>

Could be that the T80 was sufficiently damaged for the AI to consider it "dead". Once upon a time I was testing this mission where a "west not present"-trigger repeatedly refused to fire even though we had thoroughly cleared out every capitalist lackey in the surrounding area. Turns out a few of those M1A1 I believed to be dead were only disabled; that is, the gun was disabled and the tank didn't move. I actually had to walk around and plink every tank with RPGs to make the trigger fire. My AI buddies didn't lift a finger to help me.

Could be the same thing or similar.

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How about the idiotic LAW soldiers?

Sitting on top of a hill, can see a bmp clearly at the bottom of the hill. Tell a law soldier to attack the bmp and off he goes running down the hill. Ten feet away from the bmp he decides to stop and shoot at it.

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Yep the law ai is pretty dumb, i been in countless moments when they had a very good shot, but decide to get closer and die

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making a mission with gimbal's planes and the AI keeps crashing into eachother.  they seem to like to turn into eachother a lot

when firing a PK on full auto when the AI walks in front of me

telling 3 to lay a satchell charge then hearing "3 negative" when i tell him to move anywhere, which usually ends up a couple minutes later with "touch off 1 bomb" and then "damn 3 is down"

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Oh man, don't mention Westwood... I tried out Emperor:BfD and I still can't get the stink out of my comp.

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you mean when you shoot an enemy standing next to someone else, other guy is actually supposed to do something?

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After a minute of not doing what it's told, it's justified to shoot the AI for disobeying a direct order...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ April 17 2002,10:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One time when I told a Black Op to enter a jeep he stoped 3 meters away from it, looked at it with his binoculars and after like 5 secs he decided to get in.<span id='postcolor'>

lol omg that made me laugh for about 5 minutes

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GFX707 @ April 17 2002,17:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ April 17 2002,10:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One time when I told a Black Op to enter a jeep he stoped 3 meters away from it, looked at it with his binoculars and after like 5 secs he decided to get in.<span id='postcolor'>

lol omg that made me laugh for about 5 minutes<span id='postcolor'>

I also cracked up when reading some review of OFP - they showed a screenshot of a CO looking into a small wooden shed with his binocs.

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One of my favourites (not sure if this still happens with 1.46) is when you get in an empty enemy vehicle, then the AI on your team suddenly decide you must be a bad guy if you drive a vehicle from the other side. The worst case of this was when we we're playing LAN and had the squad filled out with acouple of AI. One of the human players captured a BMP, and brought it to our position. So one genius AI whips out a frag and hurls it at the "enemy" vehicle. Ironically, the only one to survive the explosion was the "bad guy" in the BMP, the grenade wiped out the rest of the squad (me included).

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Hehehehe. One of my team mates managed to land a UH60 on its back without it breaking. So he jumped out, told his co pilot to exit and then enter as pilot. And then he gave him a new waypoint. So the poor AI started the rotors.. and bounced his way down a hill where it broke down. The AI then exited and sayd "2. NEGATIVE"

To hillareous.. but question is.. who was the stupidest, the ai for obeying the commander. Or the commander for giving the order in the first place smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 17 2002,02:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Cessna pilots who decides to pull full flaps when going into a stall. Flaps' not gonna help you pal...<span id='postcolor'>

Flaps lower stall speed, increase drag in the process, but improve lift. Why else do they use them on takeoffs and landings ? Because it lets the aircraft roll/touchdown at slower speeds. When a plane like Cessna stalls, nothing serious happens, as long as you've got some altitude. The plane will point nose down (due to engine weight) and once it reaches about 120km/h you'll gain lift again. Extending flaps during such a manuver is not a common excercise, but it would lower your stall speed to about 95km/h

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