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New beta build 70313 is up!

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Here you go - http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

Quick-tested it with Mission : _TEST_FPS6-Chernogorsk.Chernarus dl:http://dev-heaven.net/issues/1745#note-30

same sys + ingame settings like yesterday

Duo Core @3Ghz Vista 32bit - ingame settings:

viewdistance 2500m, all others on "Normal", except shadows="High" and postprocess effects="off". No addons and mods used!

pure beta build

"FPS-STAT FPS: 24.6274; FPSmm 17.5439 FPSm: 3.64964 - Chernogorsk (1360 frames in 55.223 s) "

with -exThreads=1

"FPS-STAT FPS: 23.4842; FPSmm 17.8571 FPSm: 3.67647 - Chernogorsk (1296 frames in 55.186 s) "

with -exThreads=3

"FPS-STAT FPS: 24.6609; FPSmm 18.5185 FPSm: 3.80228 - Chernogorsk (1360 frames in 55.148 s) "

Default loading screen "Utes" appears with white textures - loading them fully takes 2-3 seconds.

arma2.rpt error line:

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice
Edited by NoRailgunner
forgot betabuild link

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Well no point me downloading this new beta today, i get my new rig tomorrow. :yay:

so id only have to download it all over again once i get the new rig set up.

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Well no point me downloading this new beta today, i get my new rig tomorrow. :yay:

so id only have to download it all over again once i get the new rig set up.

And you think that someone is interested in that? Stop spamming the forum with pointless, unimportant crap please.

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I'd like to see some 70313 versus 70256 benchmarks if anyone is so inclined. :cool:

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And you think that someone is interested in that? Stop spamming the forum with pointless, unimportant crap please.

Id hardly call that spamming, unimportant crap, when you consider theres far worse REAL spam going on in the forum. I also wouldnt call it spam considering ill be comparing results from my old rig on a number of issues not just beta patches, with the results i get with my new rig, which believe it or not would provide valuable info for the devs. Or would you prefer i didn't post the results up at all and just say the results are a load of crap and info obtained would not benefit anyone or the game??

If anything it was ment as a heads up (that ill be posting results from my new rig for the beta patch tomorrow).

I dont know who rattled your caged today Wolle but dont take it out on me or anyone else that is willing to help test issues within the game. because from what i have seen lately there is not a whole lot of people doing any testing, or providing anything other then FPS results.

Oh And next time instead of publically attacking my posts, if you believe it to be pointless spam of the thread why not just delete it and send me a polite PM informing me of your reasons. instead of spamming the thread in response with a load more pointless crap as you would put it!!

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So what's new in this version? The new .log file for this new version is the same as version 70256.

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Id hardly call that spamming, unimportant crap, when you consider theres far worse REAL spam going on in the forum. I also wouldnt call it spam considering ill be comparing results from my old rig on a number of issues not just beta patches, with the results i get with my new rig, which believe it or not would provide valuable info for the devs. Or would you prefer i didn't post the results up at all and just say the results are a load of crap and info obtained would not benefit anyone or the game??

If anything it was ment as a heads up (that ill be posting results from my new rig for the beta patch tomorrow).

I dont know who rattled your caged today Wolle but dont take it out on me or anyone else that is willing to help test issues within the game. because from what i have seen lately there is not a whole lot of people doing any testing, or providing anything other then FPS results.

Oh And next time instead of publically attacking my posts, if you believe it to be pointless spam of the thread why not just delete it and send me a polite PM informing me of your reasons. instead of spamming the thread in response with a load more pointless crap as you would put it!!

lol you're just asking for a ban :rolleyes:'

Just tested had average 20 FPS with last beta on benchmark, all settings on normal/high

this beta, average 16 FPS on 1st benchmark, "

hmmm...not sure why its so different :/

Edited by Drew

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Just tested had average 20 FPS with last beta on benchmark, all settings on normal/high

this beta, average 16 FPS on 1st benchmark, "

hmmm...not sure why its so different :/

Tried using -exThreads=3 as a shortcut parameter?

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lol you're just asking for a ban :rolleyes:'

Just tested had average 20 FPS with last beta on benchmark, all settings on normal/high

this beta, average 16 FPS on 1st benchmark, "

hmmm...not sure why its so different :/

What -exThread parameter where you using?

As for me asking for a ban... Well it wont be me losing out on the valuable data for issues on dev heaven and beta patch testing that will allow the devs to compare the difference between the results from 2 seperate machines, that is not just solely info based on basic benchmark FPS averages!!! :rolleyes:

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As for me asking for a ban... Well it wont be me losing out on the valuable data for issues on dev heaven and beta patch testing that will allow the devs to compare the difference between the results from 2 seperate machines, that is not just solely info based on basic benchmark FPS averages!!! :rolleyes:

This fact still doesn't allow you to break any forum rules. And we do not allow any discussion on how the forums are moderated nor do we tolerate any personal attacks on Moderators.

And the developers don't care if you receive any infractions here for breaking the rules nor they care if you download the new patch today, tomorrow or next week.

Please stop acting as if you were something special mkay? :rolleyes:

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I wasnt using any -EXthread command, I am using a launcher that has the dual option already selected, therefore I only assumed that you didn't actually need -exthread command

I will try this semi-new command and report my findings tommorow

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This fact still doesn't allow you to break any forum rules. And we do not allow any discussion on how the forums are moderated nor do we tolerate any personal attacks on Moderators.

And the developers don't care if you receive any infractions here for breaking the rules nor they care if you download the new patch today, tomorrow or next week.

Please stop acting as if you were something special mkay? :rolleyes:

PM will be sent to you and a copy to placebo.

And as a moderator on a seprate forum, i know what the rules are, and to be perfectly honest, as this thread is regarding the new beta patch being available to download, then my thread was inline with the thread topic, also this is not a feedback thread as the feedback thread is here:


And further more i am not impressed with your further false claims that i am trying to be special when i am not,which is nothing more then a personal attack on myself (flaming anyone am sure thats a breach of the rules by you). i was merely defending my original post, providing a reason as to what i was planning to do and to why i thought my post was relevant (although i admit i probably should have, for arguments sake made that clear in the original post), which is something i had already made clear on Dev Heaven. Also i never questioned your ability to moderate or how the forum is moderated, if i did i would have asked you why it was "SPAM UNIMPORTANT CRAP". But i didnt need to because it was within the topic of the thread title.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

I wasnt using any -EXthread command, I am using a launcher that has the dual option already selected, therefore I only assumed that you didn't actually need -exthread command

I will try this semi-new command and report my findings tommorow

Hi Drew

Which -exthread command do you use is it =0 =1 =2 =3? =3 seems to give most people better performance, so i think your probably using =0 when you did your tests.

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