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ARMA2 does not use my 4 cores

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Hi All,

i run a Q9300 core but ARMA2 only run on 2 cores. I can clearly see only 50% CPU usage (2 Cores). The setting cpuCount=4 does not change the behaviour. Any Idee ?

thank you

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How many games you know use 4 cpu cores?

And it's already been discussed. There isn't much you can really do.

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it is a bit frustrating .. looking at the game cover you can read QUAD Core but as you already mentioned no game really supports Quads so this is just a eye catcher. Anyway thank you there was a small hope ..

see you on the battelfield

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Although ArmA 2 doesn't use 4 cores for itself it still profits for more than Dualcore CPU. ArmA 2 pretty well uses up 2 Cores so Windows and all drivers still have 2 remaining cores to run at.

So don't be worried, even when ArmA 2 just actively uses 2 Cores full, it still has advantages against Dualcore CPU's.

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It is using all four cores, but not all the time. During some periods only one core is used, at other times all four are working. The 50 % you can see is an average value. For more detailed description you can visit Real Virtuality Going Multicore blog.

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Try running benchmark mission 2 and see the cpu use. It'll go over 50%. On my pc benchmark 2 will max out 1 core and use the others on about 50-60%. You probably wont notice the diffence between a triple and a quad core but there's certainly improvement moving from 2 to more cores.

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I'm running W7 and I can see that all 4 cores are utilized in the task manager.

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It is using all four cores, but not all the time. During some periods only one core is used, at other times all four are working. The 50 % you can see is an average value. For more detailed description you can visit Real Virtuality Going Multicore blog.

Thanks - that is good to know since I have an Intel dual (both cores running nearly 100% most of the time) and could jump to a i3/5 dual at a push, however, would prefer to stick with an Intel quad (9550) for now.

Will OA make any more use of additional cores, or the same as Arma2 ? (I think I know the answer, and apologies to the original poster for the highjack).

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it is a bit frustrating .. looking at the game cover you can read QUAD Core but as you already mentioned no game really supports Quads so this is just a eye catcher. Anyway thank you there was a small hope ..

see you on the battelfield

there are games that support quad core- supreme commander being one of them(though i dont care for the game, just throwing it out there) and im sure theres others

but on addonsync they have a box you can tick and select the number of cores- alternatively, you could put it in the parameter start up - if it works or not, i dont know

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There's no use for the game to use 4 cores all the time, it's like working in an office and sprinting everywhere when you could be walking. You end up expending more energy than you have to.

There's also a common mistake people seem to see. When you use -cpucount=2 as oppose to -cpucount=4 you get 1 or 2 more FPS in the benchmarks. Because of this people automatically think that using 2 cores is better than 4 but in other areas when the game attempts to use 4 cores and only has 2 then it loses performance.

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Simple fact is that it's very difficult to write an engine that REALLY uses all 4 cores. A2 does but not brilliantly well. To be fair, A2's engine is a hangover from A1, so it's a miracle is manages even this.

The fact is that with A2, at the same price point, as fast dual core will always trump a slower quad.

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