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Over-the-shoulder view for arma 2?

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Hey guys, i've just got a powerful enough rig to get me into arma 2, i was a big fan of ofp, and wanted to get the alternate 3rd person view that some mods started adding into arma 2, as it doesnt seem to have been done so far (unless anyone knows of any?)

Here's a vid of what i'm talking about in ofp:

About 1:30 and some at the beginning too.

Also i gather people have done this for arma I:


(pics at the very bottom of page)

Someone posted (for Arma I) that you have to do this:

"you have to create of course a MOD folder, and then open the main config.cpp, and find these lines:


Then change the value inside the {}

Does this still work for arma II? And (i'm a noob) how do i create a mod folder? Does the config.cpp mean a copy i've put in that mod folder? And what goes in the []? X, Y, Z coordinates?

Many thanks guys :)

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It can be done for sure but shooting with that kind of parallax between your camera and the weapon barrel is a bit tough. That is the only consideration, I think.

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yeah, i found that with ofp, but for any kind of accurate shooting you'd always go down the sights, especially in ofp when even shooting with the crosshairs in 1st person was a bit of a hit and miss affair. Its more just for atmosphere, and because i like looking at the unit models :) cheers for the reply!

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the crosshair is only for close distance. i hate using it at all^^ another point where OFP was in advance of its time. later then other games "copied" that aming idea.

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the crosshair is only for close distance. i hate using it at all^^ another point where OFP was in advance of its time. later then other games "copied" that aming idea.

With that kind of distance, though, a weapon will only be accurate at 30m. anything closer or further would be way off, especially if you have a floating zone.

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Yeah, i'm ok with using the crosshairs for general aiming and the sights for precision, but does anyone know how to adjust the camera like i want to? Or anywhere i should ask? Cheers

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Isn't the video showing the external view that you get when you press the Keypads Enter key?

I believe the feature is disabled in expert mode.

Or are you trying to change the Point Of View of the camera?

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yeah, i want to move in the point of view of the camera so its a bit closer and a little to the side so its more over the guys shoulder than right behind his head. The pictures at the bottom of the other link show it well, but thats for arma 1 :(

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Yeah, i'm ok with using the crosshairs for general aiming and the sights for precision, but does anyone know how to adjust the camera like i want to? Or anywhere i should ask? Cheers

My point is that you would not really be able to use the cross hairs for general aiming. You would be more 'pointing in the general direction of'. Depending on the type of sights you are using, at range it may take a lot of practice to even know where your weapon is pointing enough to actually have them in or near your sight picture.

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Someone posted (for Arma I) that you have to do this:

"you have to create of course a MOD folder, and then open the main config.cpp, and find these lines:


Then change the value inside the {}

Does this still work for arma II? And (i'm a noob) how do i create a mod folder? Does the config.cpp mean a copy i've put in that mod folder? And what goes in the []? X, Y, Z coordinates?

Many thanks guys :)

I think is much easier in arma II than in arma I and ofp.

I found around a modification for the ai dispersion coefficients made by thunderbird (you should know this great mod-maker !!) .. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=news&id=2627 .. it is a simple and small config file that modify the cfgaiskill parameters.

To change your 3rd view pov you should create a similar one, and put it in your addon folder. --> this means no need to modify the original config file!!!

You have to search the original config, find the parameters (they should be under "class men/extCameraPosition[]" and then try a couple of configuration ..

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Hey, thanks for the help thats brilliant! I've managed to find the "extcameraposition[]" section in the main config.bin, but when i downloaded that file you mentioned i couldn't seem to unPBO it? Its like there was nothing inside - so what do i need to make my file to put in the addon folder? Is it just a pbo with a bin file containing just the extcameraposition line, or a copy of the config.bin with my changes? Sorry, i'm ok at mission editing, but all this config stuff beats me lol, thanks for all the help!

PS Thunderbird is a legend, FFUR was what kept me coming back to ofp!

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Great Deadfast !!

That was exactly what we were searching for !!

Here the config line inside this mod ..

class CfgPatches


class DFS_3rdPerson


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters"};



#include "\userconfig\dfs_3rdperson\cameraPosition.hpp"

class CfgVehicles


class Land;

class Man : Land


extCameraPosition[] = {__offsetX, __offsetY, __offsetZ};




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You motherflipping legends! :) Thats exactly what i was looking for, and does everything i need! Thanks so much

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Finally I found what I was looking for :D

Now we just need someone to make some COG Armor and some Locust on the OPFOR side and we will have Gears of Arma! (Possible mod name?)

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Wow this is really cool! Thanks.

Preview for anyone hesitant on downloading. :)

Oh yep its pretty cool.

My settings:

#define __offsetX 0.35

#define __offsetY -0.2

#define __offsetZ -1.5



Zoomed in


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Finally I found what I was looking for :D

Now we just need someone to make some COG Armor and some Locust on the OPFOR side and we will have Gears of Arma! (Possible mod name?)


Finished GoW yesterday !!!

Locusts rulezzzzzzz

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Finished GoW yesterday !!!

Locusts rulezzzzzzz

Yeah the Locusts would be quite cool people if they weren't trying to eliminate all humanity and take over the world, other than that they're cool guys to talk to :p

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Woo! Got this working, awesome mod :)

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