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BCA Cat Toaster

The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)

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Thanks a lot, your "AAS-Advance and Secure" Addon-Package V1.1 is causing me endless problems, everything was fine until I wanted to uninstall it - instead it uninstalls Arma2 and leaves the AAS on there, after reinstalling Arma2, operation Arrowhead now crashes when played online:mad:

Unfortunately this is the only known issue -> http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10717 . :( What I could not foresee is, that the latest patch 1.07 brings the original ArmA2-Uninstaller back in place and overwrites the AAS-Uninstaller, so all "AAS-Uninstaller" Links no point to the ArmA2-Uninstaller instead. Still working on a solution for that.

Meanwhile you have to delete the @AAS-Folder within ArmA2 manually if you want to get rid of AAS, it´s not really an installed application anyway, just copied Data and Shortcuts. Again, I´m really sorry for this!

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Unfortunately this is the only known issue -> http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10717 . :( What I could not foresee is, that the latest patch 1.07 brings the original ArmA2-Uninstaller back in place and overwrites the AAS-Uninstaller, so all "AAS-Uninstaller" Links no point to the ArmA2-Uninstaller instead. Still working on a solution for that.

Meanwhile you have to delete the @AAS-Folder within ArmA2 manually if you want to get rid of AAS, it´s not really an installed application anyway, just copied Data and Shortcuts. Again, I´m really sorry for this!

OK, ok, I understand there is loads of BIS quirks to deal with, but normal addon installation procedure will be appreciated in future.

I was quite pissed yesterday (and today) because I had to sink many hours in to figuring out what was wrong with the game, long story short: latest patch 1 - 1.07 doesn't contain battleye, so if you are doing a fresh installation it won't get installed and there is no error messages on A2, just booting of the game and AO's BE had some weird bugs because of it.

No hard feeling dude, you are doing a good job, love the PVP side of Arma ;)

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Unfortunately that was clearly my fault. However, will think of an Exit-Strategy for that Installer-Project.

Meanwhile maybe something positive for the other five AAS-Fans out there: A new AAS-Mission-Release: "AAS-Advance and Secure for Operation Arrowhead V1.13".


  • Thermal View disabled in AAS on Vehicles that gave Blue an unfair advantage. (Currently Beta-Patch dependent!)
  • Medic Revive working again (dead bodies do not disappear instantly anymore if the patient is using the latest Beta-Patch)
  • X-Ray Spawn-Protection added, you can´t shoot into and from X-Ray-Bases anymore
  • The AAS-HUD has been improved: Enlarged Minimap, Improved Contrast everywhere and fixed overlapping AAS/ArmA-HUD-Elements
  • Added AAS-Network Loading-Screen so people know where to go find our more about AAS
  • Moved Standard Linear-Default AAS-Template without Neutral from Chernarus to OA-Desert
  • Ten new AAS-Mission
  • Added M32/M79 Grenade-Launchers to Grenadier-Class to both sides (experimental)
  • Added Themal View Mk16 to Blues Recon as counterpart for Reds Goshawk. Great for spotting Snipers!
  • Improved Engineer-Class-Names
  • Improved Weapon-Descriptions on Kits-Menu
  • mproved/Rebalanced Kits
  • Added already legendary "Naked Mole" Fireteam
  • Several Bugfixes

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I love the AAS gamemode.:yay:

Thank you for this big update. The removal of Thermals on BLUFOR vehicles is very welcomed. Medic revive? Nice one, will try this out asap. The improved HUD is much better to read. I wish the AK goshawk would not have its stupid zoom in the sights and not that big recoil it does have. With the goshawk thermal you cant recognize good where your shots do impact at big distances and it doesnt have a grenade launcher. But thats nothing you can change right? And ok, it doesnt need to be 100% equal between BLUFOR and OPFOR. Your changes to balance the gameplay are already pretty good!

Thank you and cya on the battlefield guys.

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Thank you very much Ginger! I guess the AK74 was almost the worst weapon one could think of to add Thermal View. It makes more damage to throw that rifle at your enemy (and has almost the same range). :-))

Unfortunately there is no SCAR without grenade launcher and Thermal View that I could use as perfect choice but your post brings me to an idea: What I can do is simply remove the M203 grenades from that weapon in that Kit. Thanks for that. ;-)

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Hi Cat Toaster and all the others developing/playing AAS.

I haven't been playing the game for quite some time now but I've just ordered OA so sometime next week I'll be joining you people on the battlefields again. I can't wait!

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Updated Inital post with V1.13 Information (it´s already four weeks old, I know, better late than never)

Haven´t checked out AAS yet? Then it´s about time! Checkout www.advanceandsecure.com for dedicated-server-Activies, there´s an Activity-Indicator on the right side below the AAS-Network logo. Click it for more detailed information.

The AAS-Network is hiring! We´re looking for:

- Newspostes/Bloggers on our AAS-Homepage under www.advanceandsecure.com and Forums

- Making an englisch AAS-Video-Guide (german version is already up, englisch subtitle-file would do the job already)

- AAS-Promoters in ArmA2-/OA-Related Forums (Armed-Assault.de/BI-Forum/Armaholic) offering help and support to new A2/OA customers in general and of course for those who are interested in AAS

- AAS-Supporters (passive, just spread the word about AAS by using our Logos as Avatar or the signatures like I do here in other Game-Related Forums)

Edited by BCA Cat Toaster

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I was playing on a server last night , I cant remember the name of it , had 80 players I think.

Was great fun , One of the best online Arma2 sessions Ive had - even though I spent most of it lying on the ground riddled with bulletholes...:butbut:


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great , I'll be sure to add this one to my favourites tonight.

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@ BCA Cat Toaster

First i must say i love the AAS game mod! Realy nice work!

I have only one question. Is it possible that on the main AAS server (Basecamp) sound mods be allowed?

I think for example the JSRS Sound mod is truly amazing and it is realy sad that this amazing work not allowed is on many servers.

Ok JSRS is still not final but if the mod is stable would this an enrichment for the Basecamp server.

Many thx for your efforts.



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Hey bensdale,

thank you very much. Due to stability issues we disabled Addon-Support completely to sort that out. As it seems Ingame-VON-Support was causing the server-crashes we might get back to support some Addons, guess I´ll start a poll about that soon in the Basecamp-Forums to get an impression if this is welcome and what Addons our players like to see supported.

Thanks for your Input! Can you point me to that Sound-Mod-Release-Thread?



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Thanks mate! Seems it has still some stability issues here and there right? Requires CBA as well. Honestly I´m not sure about Addons at this point as they might give me and the players a hard time again if crashes (clients and serverside) occur that might be caused by OA, Betas, specific settings, AAS, Hardware or such Addons. It ends up in an endless minefield of troubleshooting.

We already have many issues like:

- FLIR-Vehicle-Disable-Fix not working JIP-Save and only with Beta-Patches (so some can still use FLIR, some not on the same server and of course only Blue has it...)

- Medic-Revice only working with Beta-Patches

- Beta-Patch-Players have an aiming-Disadvantage due to changed recoil-behaviour

- Weather and Daytime not JIP-Save (Players on the same server have different daytimes and weather!)

which is far from being perfect in a PvP-Environment. At least the first three points will be fixed/consistent with the next offical OA-Patch.

So I´m not really convinced yet that I like the idea of having players on the same server hearing differents sounds, seeing different textures or explosions especially if this can affect the overall gaming experience and stability.

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Hello Caty!

I have to say, that AAS on ya basecamp-server is rockin' like hell! ;)

Last week, we had a nice teamplay!

I'm glad to play this weekend also on Basecamp-server. :yay:


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Time/Weather can easily be fixed (well, to the point where it will be as good as if you set it in the editor, but still won't sync rain/fog on all machines because the game doesn't do that even in missions with 0 scripts). All you have to do is have a game logic on the server with its init line running:

if (isServer) then {....};

Where .... is where you set the time/weather based on parameters. If you want to do it by calling a script, do it with the call compile preprocessFile and not with execVM. That way the time/weather will be set on the server before any client even connects, and then all clients connecting will get the correct time/weather from the server.

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(well, to the point where it will be as good as if you set it in the editor, but still won't sync rain/fog on all machines because the game doesn't do that even in missions with 0 scripts).

I thought that this is the point where we are at already but I´m not a coder/scripter to finally judge that. From what I´ve heard as you just said as well the handling of weather/tod needs to be changed fundamentally to really fix it. At least the according ticket got not rejected so far.

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You seem to be reporting JIP players getting a different time of day which is easily fixed the way I described. Time and weather are local, but when a player connects he will get the time of day that the server is running, and then if any bogus scripts run they might change it to something else. All you have to do is make sure the time/weather are set on the server and only on the server, and set before the server even finishes loading the mission (aka from an init line of a unit/game logic and using call compile preprocessFile rather than execVM). Let me know if it didn't work, because I hadn't had any issues with it (while I did have lots of issues with F2 framework and the likes.

What you cannot fix is the fact that if you, for example, set it to max clouds/rain or max fog, there will be random variations in actual amount of rain and fog which are not synchronized and may cause some unfairness, but if you use my method at least everyone will get the variations based on the same starting value (so all will have intensive fog but still some will have slightly more and some will have slightly less and it'll change randomly over time).

Edited by galzohar

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Ah, ok thank you very much galzohar. Problem is: As much I´d like to try what you´re suggesting immediately so completely unable I am to do it as long as I don´t know what to change in which file exactly, I´ve really no coding-skills worth mentioning. :(

AAS has no dedicated coder for months now and kju helped a lot to prevent this project from being dead already if it comes to coding. Maybe I can get him looking into your post.

Thanks again!

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Yeah, I don't think it'll take him more than 5 minutes of work, at least to apply it to one mission (copying it to different missions may take time though but then again if he knows his way around mission.sqm it'll probably be quick too).

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Hi Cat Toaster

Sry for my late answer...

Thx for the fast and hopeful feedback!

I have now a look on the AAS site ;)

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Can't wait until Combined Operation will be played on Basecamp! :yay:

T90, Kamov, BTR, BMD-3... and the OPFOR will be much heavier!:D

i love OPFOR! :681:

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Hey Caty,

what about the maptime @ medium/large maps?

45min are sometimes too short!

Sometimes when its starting to be very funny, the map is over.... :confused:

What du you think guys?

have a nice day!


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