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BCA Cat Toaster

The "Official" Advance and Secure Thread (AAS)

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Many thanks for the quick answer! :)

Just one more thing:

I want to replace the standard units, weapons etc with the ones from my favourite addon xy... now I know how to do this, BUT I have a little problem understanding license agreement paragraph (1). I may quote?

License Terms

(1) Anyone is allowed to do anything at all with the code

(2) You don´t demand credit for your contribution as a licence condition. You may be credited, but it is not a right

(3) The above only applies for the core AAS code (in chernarus template), peeps hold full copyright over the maps they add/design etc.

(1) Sounds as if there is a type-o. Do you mean people may or may not alter the code? Sorry if I'm a bit slow. Also English is not my native language...

Oh, and after a quick test: I really like that pack. Countless hours of modding must have been put into this. Thanks for sharing!


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You´re welcome Dimitri! ;-)

You´re free to do everything with the code. Here´s some additional info from CoolBox from the init.sqf:


You may do as you wish with these script files, they are released for the

good of the community. Copy the code, edit it, improve it, claim you wrote

it, print it out and make a papier mache tree out of it, I really don't care.

So if your choice is the "papier mache tree" please take a photo and post it here! :-))

Seriously, all I would ask for is that you use different version-information (in globalDefines) in case you´re touching the AAS-Core-Scripts dramatically (everything that´s not mission.sqm, initSAAS.sqf and mapname.hpp) and of course it would be great if you can inform us what great things are you doing. If you just want to add a new island, other vehicles and weapons without touching game-mechanics, you can leave it as it.

Edited by BCA Cat Toaster

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You're very welcome - and thanks for that handy un-pbo'd version.

I plan nothing big yet. Only P'85 or DIH Africa units instead of the standard ones, and maybe some little AI enhancements because I usually play with a rather small group of people.

I'll post any results here.


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I really like these maps and don't play MP so I'm a big fan of AI. However, how smart is the AI in terms of meeting objectives? I've played a few rounds and haven't seen the AI overtake a base. Would be nice if I could recruit some AI as I keep getting my ass handed to me. I know that the whole point of AAS is PVP but I like playing offline.

BTW, the link http://basecamp.foren-city.de/topic,877,-aas-complete-mission-overview.html doesn't work. Not sure what it says. Appears to be German or something. Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden

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I´ve seen the AI taking objectives several times but it depends a lot on the individual map layout. If the flags are inside buildings or hard to reach because there´s a lot of decorational stuff in its way, the AI has serious problems, confirmed. "Kill Hill" on Utes for example does not work good with AI. I suggest using smaller Chernarus-Maps for the AI-Mode that are more "open". Maybe try "Beachhead" or "Battle for Krasnostav", some I´ve tested with AI.

Also you´ve to keep an eye on the following settings if you want to focus on AI-Gameplay:

1. What did you set up in your ArmAProfile (Server or Local-PC if you play local LAN-game)?

This is what we are using:





There´s also an "UltraAI" Switch, never tried that one. ;-)

2. AAS-AI-Integration is based on UPSMon, which is already a smart solution and it was extended with what was needed to make the AI play AAS. In addition you can run the "Zeus-Addon" (works server-only btw) which is running on our Server#1 as well. That makes the AI even smarter. If your PC is the Server because you want to play it locally in LAN you can use it as well.

3. What Ruleset do you use? Perhaps you should try "Classic", that requires being within 10m for the "takeover", while all other Rulesets require being within 5m in range of the flag (if "blinking"). So Classic makes it easier for the AI to get in range for capping.

4. Within the Mission-Parameters, you can enable "AI Aggressive Mode" to speed up the initial firefight and also the "AI Debug Mode". With that you can track the AI movement on the Map, so you get an idea what they are doing at least.

So, yes, AI-Mode is a bit tricky at times and most Missions weren´t originally designed with AI in mind but if you play around with everything mentioned you should be able to find some challenging setups. However, "User-Controlled AI" isn´t planned yet.

The Links should work again, the Forum-Database was down.

Edited by BCA Cat Toaster

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I think the biggest problem is that when the AI is in combat, it will maneuver very slowly, which means by the time it reaches the objective you would've already respawned plenty of times and killed all of them, sending them for the long (and slow once they get back into combat) run all over again. Also, if they are in a group, it's enough that the leader up front is in combat for the whole group to be in combat and move much much slower. Sure when the leader is ahead they move a bit faster, but still much slower than you would want for AAS, and when the leader is back you get the exact opposite effect too.

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By default the AI is organized in 12 groups of 2 Units (24 Units each side) like on this screen:


Only one group is really "marked" for defense. Another thing you can try is to increase the number of groups while you make them just one unit each group

Of course, you´re right, that´s why I said try smaller maps where the distances between the objectives are just 100m. Reducing the AI-Numbers might also help, because on a small Map with 48 AI-Units it´s normal that they don´t get far.

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Any idea why I get an error about CYBP_LittleBirdsConfig being missing when I try to load some AAS maps based on the panthera island? I tried 3 different ones now and I get the same message.

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Former JO player here (AAS was the reason I bought the game): This looks great! Thanks for your efforts, guys!

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A good number of the Panthera maps were made initially for AGW's C3, which used Little Birds. The maps below have Little Birds, and some more as well. I do recommend downloading the addon though from it's ArmAholic download page.

Berkabut Valley - Rainy Night, 19:55

Bloody Bend - Partly Cloudy Morning, 07:30

Cold Water Gap - Clear Day, 15:00

Death Row - Partly Cloudy Day, 15:30

In The Trees - Light Foggy Day, 10:00

Kobarid River - Clear Day, 13:00

Koritnica Triumph - Clear Evening, 18:05

Mountaineers - Clear Evening, 17:30

One Day - Cloudy Evening, 16:30

Panthera Highlands - Foggy Day, 09:00

Skooma Showdown - Clear Night, 22:30

The New World - Light Rainy Night, 23:20

Tropical Thunder - Rainy Morning, 8:00

Valley of Death - Partly Cloudy Night, 23:00

Zelezniki Assault - Partly Cloudy, 14:30

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These Panthera-Missions do (should) not require the Little-Bird Addons as far as I remember:

- "The New World"

- "Berkabut Valley"

- "Panthera Capital"

- "Black Rock Coast",

- "Battle at Lake Bled"

- "Liquid Delta"

and some more...

From the initial post here:

Some Missions in this package are dependent on additional downloadable free content like the Panthera-Island or the Little-Bird-Addon, available here.
Edited by BCA Cat Toaster

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Thanks once again BCA... I guess I need to read things a little closer. I never had this much fun in Arma2 before. Love these maps. Lots of variety. I think the AI should keep getting tweaked as I think a lot of people would enjoy these like I do. Keep it going!

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Agreed - this mod is a jewel. I hope more people will see the beauty of AAS and we will see some more players playing it !

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We play AAS exclusively on our public server. 10-40 people on every evening/night eastern US time. Server allows 64 people, so feel free to hop on and have some serious PvP fun !

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- Added more detailed information about the AAS-Game-Mode in the initial post

- Added Class-Description in the initial post


Try the following Addons also, they work great with the AI-Mode:

- Zeus -> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8250

- VFAI (makes AI taking equipment from dead mates/throws Smokes) -> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6844

- ASR Grenadier Fix for the AI -> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8618

All these work Server-Only as well and we´ve them running on our AAS#1 (so you can check it out without donwloading!) but you need to install them locally if you want play around with this alone.

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While preparing AAS V1.1 we formed up the "AAS-Network" with our partners during the last few weeks and started a new Website and Forums at www.advanceandsecure.com covering all the latest changes and activities like the start of the AGW-Tournament this weekend or the Clanbase-AAS-League and a lot of facts and help as well. If you´re interested in AAS, this is the place to check out!

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i enjoyed aas in project reality for bf2, i'll give this a try as soon as i get my new pc.

do the servers run with ACE?

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no, not yet. AAS-ProMode will do and as Project Reality is coming to ArmA2 as well we´ve yet to see what that brings.

We are currently working on providing an easy access to AAS and ArmA2 for players that are completely new to this game and ACE2 does not fit in that concept yet, with all the ongoing changes and progress that is being made.

For now we need a more static environment that does not change once a week to reach that:

1. Easy Access to get AAS up and running

2. Easy Access to the AAS-game-mode itself

3. Easy Mission-Design with no scripting knowledge required

4. Updates released every two or three months, that adds new Worlds and Missions.

Our soon to be released AAS-Installer will be a major step in that direction.

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makes sense.

as a long time PR player i can say that PR development will probably take more than ace 2 to reach a somewhat complete and stable version.

PR bf2 started 3 years ago and is still in version 0.9x

this said they have done a great job, though some gameplay elements they implemented in bf2pr were rather questionable. the game ended up being too complex altogether to be played in a public server and eventually it got stressing. I'll wait and see but i'm looking forward to OP arrowhead more..

anyways you guys keep it going and i'll surely become a regular aas player as soon as ace is implemented. i'm glad the pvp aspect of the game is being worked on.

was also wandering what kind of addons the servers allow; i find playing vanilla much less fun without my addons but i realise even a small addon that for example modifies tracers can give a big and unfair advantage over other players, not to mention other scope-related addons, etc

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I guess the biggest problem is the lack of Players in ArmA2 and what it is worth having a Bazillion great Addons that no one plays? It seems all these Addons are part of the problem turning players off.

Last weekend I was on an event that uses the great Panthera-Addon by Icebreakr. About 40 Players, having FOUR different versions of the same Addon running (2.31, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.61 that was released just that day) on the Clients while the Server was running on 2.6. That was a real mess with people spawning in water, running below the ground from other perspectives just because all these different versions are signed with the same server key so this could happen.

The usability of this game, especially if it comes to - no doubt awesome - Addons is a drama not to mention how to install and make them running in MP-Environments. Even if there are great and mighty tools, there are still way to complex for the average user.

So I guess we´ll have to limit ourselves here on using the whole one bazillion Addons available by just picking a few ones that are really worth it and that get used by the AAS-Missions, at least for Server-Side Addons. Those Addons will be re-packed and re-signed with every further release of the AAS-Addon-Package to avoid situations described above in the future.

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Initial Post updated:

"AAS-Advance and Secure" Addon-Package V1.1

Today I´m a little bit proud to say that using certain Addons for ArmA2 especially in combination with the Advance and Secure game-mode has never been easier as with this release of version 1.1. Of course the Community has to agree yet and I´m looking forward to the feedback we´ll hopefully receive. The AAS-Advance and Secure Addon-Package V1.1 contains for the first time all Missions, Addons and Keys that are needed to play/host AAS today in one simple to use Installation package supporting numerous languages:



- LittleBirds 2.2 by Cyborg11

- Panthera 2.61 by IceBreakr

- Isla Duala 1.6 by IceBreakr

- Community Base Addons 0.4.0 by Sickboy, Dr_Eyeball, killswitch

- Namalsk 1.02 by Sumrak

- Quesh Kibrul 2.0 by floosy

- Everon 2.9b by SgtAce

- More than 100 Missions

Other Changes:

- New Feature using 3rd Person-View on vehicles only

- New Feature makes it possible to use Aircraft-Carrier as Base or Objective

- New AI-Features (Aircraft Collision Avoidance System and AI Throwing Smoke by Victor Farbau)

- New Missions (more than 20) utilizing the Worlds Quesh Kibrul, Namalsk and Everon

- New AAS-Server-Key will change in every new version to ensure consistency in MP-Environments

- Several Bugfixes

Download Mirrors:

Mirror #1 AAS-Addon-Packager 1.1 Installer (855MB) - woofiles.com

Mirror #2 AAS-Addon-Packager 1.1 Installer (855MB) - basecamp-allstars.de

Mirror #3 AAS-Addon-Packager 1.1 Installer (855MB) - advanceandsecure.com

Mirror #4 AAS-Addon-Packager 1.1 Installer (855MB) - slingfile.com

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Let us know what you´re thinking!

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Definitly a step in the right direction - just what ArmA2 PvP needs.

Downloading now! :)




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