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sideChat...but not?

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  AnimalMother92 said:
Just define more messages in the description.ext

class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {};
 class RadioMsg1
  name = "";
   sound[] = {};
   title = "John Doe: Hey!";

 class RadioMsg2
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "Bob: How's it going?";

 class RadioMsg3
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "bla?";

 class RadioMsg4
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "blabla?";

Then I'll try to do this, will the game crash, and i have a error that said 'line number 19 is wrong'

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class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {};
 class RadioMsg1
  name = "";
   sound[] = {};
   title = "John Doe: Hey!";

 class RadioMsg2
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "Bob: How's it going?";

 class RadioMsg3
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "bla?";

 class RadioMsg4
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "blabla?";

It's cause of the thing in red, that goes at the bottom to close it. Just paste as many radio messages as you need:

class RadioMsg2
  name = "";
  sound[] = {};
  title = "Modine: How's it going?";

^^just that bit

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Okay, now I have a new problem. The game doesn't crash now, but ingame, then I'll enter the trigger I placed on map, and filled in the On Act thing, there comes a pop up there says " Could not found Radiomsg3 "

- Thanks in advance

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  CarlGustaffa said:

Note that little EL symbol at the top. It will work in coop, but you have to make sure the script is run for every client you want the radio message to appear on, using i.e. addPublicVariableEventHandler.

So how does this have to look ?

Can someone explain how to make "globalRadio" work in Mp too ?

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Would be cool if someone knows how to do it that everyone (JIP Players too) in MP gets the globalChat messages...


Really, it does not work in Mp, tested it today !

I dont get it, there must be a way to get globalChat work in MP too...

Edited by Wiggum

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Thanks for the little tutorial. Will definitely use this!

Edited by IronSight94

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Well guys, how to make the text in blue? Sidechat?

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  ViV said:
Well guys, how to make the text in blue? Sidechat?


unit sideChat "message";

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I want to make a simple thing... Well, i have a team who i need to cover with sniper rifle from the hill... that is not a my team, i am individual... But i want to see a sideChat or globalChat message from that GROUP, every time when some team member gets kiled and which member. Without caps, blu color... Do i need a description file to do this or can do this with the triggers only?

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  Lightspeed_aust said:
ok this is what i have done -

my chat.sqf sits in main folder contains -

logic globalRadio "RadioMsg1";
sleep 2;
logic globalRadio "RadioMsg2";

my description.ext -

Respawn = "BASE";
RespawnDelay = 6;
RespawnDialog = 0;
#include "R3F_revive\dlg_attente_reanimation.h"	

class CfgMusic
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
tracks[] = {};

// Definition for each sound
class radio
	name = "radio"; // Name for mission editor
	sound[] = {"\sounds\radio.ogg", db + 0, 1.0};

class CfgRadio
 sounds[] = {};
 class RadioMsg1
   name = "";
   sound[] = {};
   title = "John Doe: Hey!";

 class RadioMsg2
   name = "";
   sound[] = {};
   title = "Bob: How's it going?";

plus placed gamelogic on map called - logic

plus put trigger when blufor present - null=execVM "chat.sqf";

but nothing happens - as i said Arma2guru works with his set up but its not ideal.

I need to put this commands in my mission before to use globalRadio:

enableRadio true;

enableSentences true;

player disableConversation false;

player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", false];

Best regards

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I haven't tried to do any of this stuff, mainly because I can't stand messages and conversations in the game, so I always have them disabled. I still see chat messages from players, but I never see scripted crappy messages on my screen, it just junk on my screen. Anyway... if you want to see your scripted conversation messages and you are wondering why you can't...

In game, hit escape, then select "Options", then select "Game Options", then you want to set "Subtitles" ENABLED, and also set "Radio Subtitles" ENABLED. Then it should work. Doi lol

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If that other guy didn't respond to the reply then, Can anyone tell me how to add voices to sideChat Script?

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  Walther009 said:
If that other guy didn't respond to the reply then, Can anyone tell me how to add voices to sideChat Script?

For custom voiceovers you need to use .oggs. You'll basically have to find a voice actor or record the sounds yourself and convert them to .oggs. Then play them at the correct time during your mission. ie; when sidechat script runs.

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  Iceman77 said:
For custom voiceovers you need to use .oggs. You'll basically have to find a voice actor or record the sounds yourself and convert them to .oggs. Then play them at the correct time during your mission. ie; when sidechat script runs.

Thanks dude! I'll look further into converting custom sounds.

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