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Soundblaster live! 5.1 causing scratching in game.

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does anyone else have the soundblaster live! series sound card? when the hardware acceleration is enabled in game i get a scratching sound when driving trucks, flying choppers, i had assumed this was a really good card when i bought it, does anyone else have this problem?

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Do you have a VIA southbridge chip on your motherboard? If so, join the club. There's nothing you can do about it, besides turning off HW acceleration.

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I didnt have one of those chipset but did have the scratching and warped noise when HW is on and AEX is well .... WIERD. Then i bought this speakerset from creative with surround sound and all that over priced stuff and i must say its quite nice

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Ermm, did that solve the sound problem?

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I have an intel motherboard so i dont know if i have that northbridge chip.

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....south..bridge wink.gif

But yeah it happens with other chips too. The VIA chips just have it alot more.

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Yes it did solve my problem. Now when some russian sneaks up on me and opens up with his AK i nearly get a heartattack. It may how ever not be the answer to your problem.

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your speakers, are they the creative 5.1?

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The scratching sound is caused by the windows XP soundblaster live! drivers i believe, not much we can do unless creative can be bothered to update them. To solve the vehicle scratching sound, flick to external view/internal view and it should go.

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Pressing escape works too.

Creative has got really, really bad driver support (for ALL of their products). The only drivers that are getting updated are the Audigy drivers, it seems.

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There is a workaround; when you start driving (flying.... whatever) switch to 3rd person and back ...and voila!!!!

You´ll just have to do it everytime you get in a vehicle and start driving/flying.

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Yeah...the 3rd/1st person switch works sometimes, but if you play in a league that doesnt allow 3rd person view or ona aserver that has is shut off, your screwed sad.gif

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i have the scrachting too, intel board too, win2k

but i can solve when switch between 3rd and Firstperson look.

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well i have windows xp.. and i have creative live 5.1

i do not i repeat.. i do not hear any scratching.. just in Ghost Recon game.. but concerning to OFP... hella great sound.. i have 2.1 system.

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Even the audigy gamer makes cracking sounds now and then sad.gif

That`s indeed a creative driver problem. And not a new one!

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I have the problem also... Since 1.3

Creative 5.1DE SIS chipset

I noticed that putting up the voice volume above the sound effects volume fixes alot. But everyone yells too loud.

Actually Ghost Recon had the same problem with Creative cards... but after I and some others comlpained they fixed it.

It is definately a problem with OFP. Creative drivers should work fine.

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