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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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This happens, when you open the VTS editor and the map is active.

Except it happens when I don't have the map open.

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HEXAgon is on the East side and it's missing some groups (infantry, armor and mechanized infantry).

I've decided to give it another try as it's the only mission generator that doesn't require ACE.

Will this mission ever get stable status? It's been beta and RC for years now...

Edited by Lonestar

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At last report, L'etranger and Gonza stopped working on it. So if no ones continu their works, the VTS is dead.

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Such a shame. This is a truly great set of scripts, that have given me MANY hours of pleasure.

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Yes I don't have time to continu to work on it

thanks to Grimm for this wonderful concept

and Letranger for his excellent improvements

I hope that someone could continu this project perhaps on ARMA 3

the Arma 3 multicam could be an excellent tool for VTS

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My heart skipped a beat when I saw gonza post ! WOOHOO new version then :(

Shame you dont have time to work on it gonza. It REALLY is one of the best tools that I have seen in Arma2. You dont have a final version kicking around that we could use do you?

Do others in the community have your permission to keep working on it (making sure that there is proper acknowledgements)?

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no more version for me. (in fact, Letranger made all the last versions)

I just have time to play Arma a little cause I'm a fan.

I always play VTS sometime.

If someone want to continue the work I think that he must ask letranger and Grimm and me Before and put our names in credits

For me no problem.

anyone have tried MCC Sandbox ? it like VTS ?

Edited by gonza

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If someone want to continue the work I think that he must ask letranger and Grimm and me Before and put our names in credits

For me no problem.

There should be an orphaned missions thread, like the The Orphaned Projects Thread.

anyone have tried MCC Sandbox ? it like VTS ?

It's pretty similar, except it requires ACE.

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I also use MCC but as it uses ACE2 I don't always like playing with it.

There are some great features, but VTS also has great features !

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Hello everybody!

First of all thanks to Gonza, Letranger and Grimm for their work.

I've read that at now the VTS development is no longer supported but maybe somebody who is familiar with VTS can answer my question.

I've tried to add music tracks to play into game master player. When i pack music into a separate addon it works fine and a i can see my tracks in game master interface.

But when i try to add classes for music tracks in description.ext file it doesnt work.

Here is the code i've added to description.ext:

class CfgMusic {

tracks[] = {Dance2};

class Dance2 {

name = "Dance2";

sound[] = {"\music\tracks\Dance.ogg", db + 0, 1.0 };



Does anybody know why this doesnt work?


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Does anyone, who has the skills, know why in camera mode I hear sounds like screams and flames REALLY loud? It doesn't matter if I am far from the actual fire itself, or the person wounded but I hear it whenever I go into camera mode.

Any help would be appreciated.

@Armach - as long as it works in VTS why do you need to add it to description.ext ?

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Next problem I have is that I want to have every soldier spawned after the start to be subject to DAPMAN's first aid. I can type in the init file (in editor mode) [AllUnits] ExecVM "DAPMAN\init.sqf"; and this works.

However I want to automate it and have found the section in code that relates to it. Unfortunately I'm rubbish at coding and require some help. The init code is stored in a variable called console_init

This is the line of code that calls it

call compile format["%1 setVehicleInit ""%1 = this;""+console_init;",console_nom];

However I want to replace console_init with the [AllUnits] execVM "DAPMAN\init.sqf"; but when I try it doesn't work.

Any coders out there help me out? The code is found in VTS\Computer\console\spawn_rt.sqf for those that know it.

Thanks !

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@Armach - as long as it works in VTS why do you need to add it to description.ext ?

well, i wanted to have my own soundtrack at the game. And i found how to realise it - at the file mods/config/generateconfig.sqf there is line like _cfg = configFile("cfgMusic"). There the music list is generated. All music is taken from all addons. So u can make an addon with ur custom music or u can add music at description.ext file but than u have to gather music track using _cfg = missionConfigFile("cfgMusic") - to gather tracks declarated in the mission (in the description.ext).

Also i realised that most of people like to switch off music in their arma configuration so i'm going to try to put my tracks into cfgSound config section for all players to be able to hear music.


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Need to know..

since the Project doesn't seem to get continued. if it is possible to use the GUI with its funktions separately for each running game.

how do I get it separate from the VSTMissions it runs in.

I want to use it as a mod funktion .pbo file. and start it "@-ed" with the game just like "lokis mod" for example.

So I can choose "T" from action menu in every match and bring up the GUI whenever I want and need to.

Hope I can find some Help

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Don't think it works like that. It IS the mission. Just build it around whatever you want.

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Does anyone know how to fix the camera so that mouse button will scroll through AI as well as players ? I'm stumped.

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I'm sorry to ressurect a dead thread, but I really need to ask something.

I love VTS and I basically don't use the Editor to make missions now, just the VTS cause it's way more fun. I especially like the visual filters provided by VTS. I always use the "Stalker" filter cause then the game looks 10 times better (I love when a game has such high contrast between shadows and light). I literally can't play normal missions without this filter which is starting to become a problem. I absolutely adore this "stalker" filter, and now I'm looking for a separate mod that can make the whole game look like that. Is there such a mod or is it possible to somehow extract that filter from VTS and make a simple mod out of it?

I know this is weird but I really need to know this.

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Can't you just use the pp effects that are called from VTS?

I also agree that VTS is wonderful - shame that it's not being worked on anymore. MCC has kinda taken over from it.

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Can't you just use the pp effects that are called from VTS?

Unfortunately I have no idea how to do that because I have absolutely zero experience in modding Arma.

---------- Post added at 13:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

I think I've found the color/visual settings of that Stalker VTS filter in some scripting files.

{colorsarray=[1, 1, -0.008, [0.0, 0.8, 0.9, 0.002], [1.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5], [1, 1, 0, 0.0]]};

So now the question is how to make this into a mod and apply this to the whole game... Actually, it would be great if I could toggle that filter with a press of a button, cause nights in this Stalker filter are ridiculously dark.

Edited by Enzo_0

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first of all ,thx u gays to give us this powerful tools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my issue is i can not see units icons i put on map when i was GM in VTS ???

sometimes i can see their icons,but when the play time goes by,GM can not see icons(red dot,bule dot.........) on map??

when i use VTS3.5 beta8, have no this issue!!

PS:sorry for my bad english:)

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Hi there, I am trying to add Lingor as an island playable with VTS, but I dont understand the instructions:


New method:

The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without the need to edit the mission)."

I have no idea what the above means!! Could someone please re-write this in crayon so that I can understand it? Or preferably show me with some screenies or a video? I must be getting old...

I really enjoy using VTS both on my own, and a few with friends making our own missions on the fly, and changing the outcome/next objective depending on our in game performance or numbers. We are hoping to get some drug interdiction missions going(a la S.A.S. in Colombia in the 1980's) and Lingor seems the ideal place.

Thanks for your time all, and a fantastic mission making tool,

Brian :)

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

Hi there, I am trying to add Lingor as an island playable with VTS, but I dont understand the instructions:

I have no idea what the above means!! Could someone please re-write this in crayon so that I can understand it? Or preferably show me with some screenies or a video? I must be getting old...

I really enjoy using VTS both on my own, and a few with friends making our own missions on the fly, and changing the outcome/next objective depending on our in game performance or numbers. We are hoping to get some drug interdiction missions going(a la S.A.S. in Colombia in the 1980's) and Lingor seems the ideal place.

Thanks for your time all, and a fantastic mission making tool,

Brian :)

Please excuse my demented ramblings! I had a sudden moment of clarity, and made the thing work!

Basically what you have to do is take one of the VTS MP missions, and just add the name of the island onto the end in place of Takistan or Zargabad. Sorry for the topic derailment!!

Have fun all,

Brian :)

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Hey, I just finished porting VTS to Arma III 0.5 :yay:

Still debugging and testing and i will let it rolls out.

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