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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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Heya here is the hot Arrowhead version of the VTS

Armaholic mirror:

- Virtual TrainingSpace 3.5 - OA Co-105


-For Arrowhead only or Arma 2 Combined operation

-Added all the AO stuff to play with

-Added an option to populate village with takistan civilians

-Fixed minors bugs

-Added check to prevent the gamemaster not be able to spawn stuff anymore at certain time

I got ride of the carrier and starting stuff for compatbility. The GM is able to spawn ammobox and training range.

Edited by L etranger

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I've got Combined Operations + ACE2 running and I can't seem to be able to find how to spawn the Magicbox.

Is magicbox spawning possible with VTS?

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I've got Combined Operations + ACE2 running and I can't seem to be able to find how to spawn the Magicbox.

Is magicbox spawning possible with VTS?

Not yet, the next version will be updated to support lastest ACE addition (Medical system etc)

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Beta 11 out.

For Arrowhead only or Arma 2 Combined operation

- Virtual TrainingSpace 3.5 - OA Co-105 Beta 11


-Removed the change side option (too buggy)

-Improved ACE compatitbility

-Improved gamemaster performance

-Added an option to parachute existing group

Edited by L etranger

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Thanks for the update: magicbox spawn works now, but the init line doesn't seem to work. Tried it on the box, as well as a vehicle with setfuel, and no dice.

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Thanks for the update: magicbox spawn works now, but the init line doesn't seem to work. Tried it on the box, as well as a vehicle with setfuel, and no dice.

I will try to take a look, i ironed out major issue on Takistan.. Map click are counted to be X & Y right but on Z its -100 meters... I let you imagine what type of issue it let go. You can't rely on 3D position for your scripts :(

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Nice Mission as always..

Tried to play with public yesterday. Me as GameMaster.

Couple of suggestions from me..

1) JIP-Visible Objective marker. Example here in Doolittle's script pack http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91149

2) Ability to delete Obj Marker (or make delete function do it as well)

3) Respawn markers only visible to side or friendly sides (for PvP Reasons)

4) Disable factions at the Start/Lobby thru params. So that people cannot join the enemy side.

GJ again .. :thumbs-up:

1 - That something i ll add in my todo list

2 - That should be doable, but only for those objectives marker (to prevent bug and other unknow issues)

3 - Adding it to my todolist, shouldn't be a big deal to change this

4 - Hm.. i could kick back player to lobby if they enter a faction not authorized in the parameters. Need r&d

Thanks a lot for the OA update guys...

I'd still very much like to see the above points implemented though :D

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Thanks a lot for the OA update guys...

I'd still very much like to see the above points implemented though :D

fixing another nasty bug that make the mission acting weird on certain island, on i will do the easier one :p.

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Hey Cross, i implemented all the stuff you wished for :p, Let's hope that can brought the mission to be playable on public server. I'm in testing phase to check multiplayer locality and fix some bugs, then i will release the package ;)

beta 12 changelog :

-Fixed join tool

-Fixed scripts using map click not correctly working on certain island (including Takistan)

-New Gamemaster markers system implemented

-Fixed JIP issues

-Fixed OA compositions not spawning

-Added the ability to turn on Alice Module

-Added the ability for the GM to use HIGH COMMANDING to move units on map (be carefull, you can ask ennemy side to attack themself)

-Improved group spawning

-Improved vehicle spawning

-Base marker are now hidden to other players sides.

-Removed Evac chopper

-Fixed another bug that would prevent the GM to spawn more units after an error.

-Fixed marker for base and compositions not spawning correctly after one spawn

-Fixed init field not working

-Improved scripts performance

-Added params to lock play side (player will lose control and is asked to change side)

-Players are no referenced as user instead of joueur

-Objectives markers are now JIP compatible and per side displayed.

-Dynamic Tasks based on objectives markers state.

-Updated GM mini map icons

-Added an option to disable different GM during a session (True by default)

-Improved specific user teleport option

-Added a Land movement waypoint to make ai chopper to land.

-Fixed US static list

-Fixed group and unit skill setting

Edited by L etranger

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Wow! This new version sounds very powerful. Excellent work guys!

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Wow! This new version sounds very powerful. Excellent work guys!

Agreed! Very much looking forward to it. Thanks for ironing out the init field problem.

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Beta 12 out !

beta 12 changelog :

-Fixed join tool

-Fixed scripts using map click not correctly working on certain island (including Takistan)

-New Gamemaster markers system implemented

-Fixed JIP issues

-Fixed OA compositions not spawning

-Added the ability to turn on Alice Module

-Added the ability for the GM to use HIGH COMMANDING to move units on map (be carefull, you can ask ennemy side to attack themself)

-Improved group spawning

-Improved vehicle spawning

-Base marker are now hidden to other players sides.

-Removed Evac chopper

-Fixed another bug that would prevent the GM to spawn more units after an error.

-Fixed marker for base and compositions not spawning correctly after one spawn

-Fixed init field not working

-Improved scripts performance

-Added params to lock play side (player will lose control and is asked to change side)

-Players are now referenced as user instead of joueur

-Objectives markers are now JIP compatible and per side displayed.

-Dynamic Tasks based on objectives markers state.

-Updated GM mini map icons

-Added an option to disable different GM during a session (once one is picked he can be the only one for the session)

-Improved specific user teleport option

-Added a Land movement waypoint to make ai chopper to land.

-Fixed US static list

-Fixed group and unit skill setting

-Cleaned some unused scripts

Armaholic mirror:

- Virtual TrainingSpace 3.5 - OA Co-105 Beta 12

Edited by L etranger

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WOOHOO ... you just made my day (and prolly everyone elses !)

Good job. Booting OA now to have a little looky.

Cheers guys - it is MUCH appreciated !

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Excellent and incredibly enjoyable.

Can this version still be edited to be used on other islands without issue, as outlined in post #1?

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lovely...... I'll try to give it a go tonite..

thanx a lot for the release l'etranger ;)

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Excellent and incredibly enjoyable.

Can this version still be edited to be used on other islands without issue, as outlined in post #1?

Yes, you juste have to do some little editing from the Zargabad version. Gonza wrote a tutorial on day. I should try to take a look at the location of islands, so we could port the mission just by renaming the .pbo :D

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I should try to take a look at the location of islands, so we could port the mission just by renaming the .pbo :D

That would be incredibly awesome.

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New feature implemented for RC1.0 :

-Fully compatible with all addons and mods (the missions now display dynamicly every units groups or vehicles you did install in your arma, Wohoo)

-Random spawn on island (Just rename .pbo to the island extention if you want to play on that island, no need of editing the mission)

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Now that IS nice. I have been trying to get LurchiderLurch's AC130 and madbull's R3F Arty and Logistics system to work properly with VTS .... this looks like it may just do it :)

Good work guys !

I play VTS almost exclusively as it is SO powerful.

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The objective system & the marker works quite nice.

One small point -> The US Army Special BOX missing under West/USArmy/Logistics (the MK17s are in them ;) )

GJ :thumbs-up:


Edited by Cross

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The objective system & the marker works quite nice.

One small point -> The US Army Special BOX missing under West/USArmy/Logistics (the MK17s are in them ;) )

With generated objets lists from your .pbo, nothing will be left on isde for the RC01 :)

One quick question: is ACE mandatory or just optional ?

VTS Only need Operation Arrowhead. It will detect then if you are running it with ACE, ARMA 2 or any other addons. to Adapt to your installation.

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