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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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VTS was originally created by (Grimm (Elgarion) and the Centurion team).

Thanks for this wonderful concept.

What is VTS

VTS is a mission sandbox

one of players connected choose to be the Game Master when the mission start

VTS allow the Game master to create multiplayers cooperatives missions in real time (players connected). with a lot of short cuts to make it quickly

You don't need to know anything in scripting or mission editing

it's really easy to use, you can spawn everything on the map just in 2 clicks

You can play in MP or SP (very good to test new islands, vehicles or to use Arma in Role play with friends)

features (thanks to l'etranger)

-Compatible Arrowhead only or Arma 2 Combined operation

-Full ACE II support (but it work if ACE is not installed)

- Support Players versus Players operations

- Norrin revive script

- All side are now playable (West,East,Guer,Civ)

- mission parameters

- Moveable respawn/Startpoint for each side

- Possibility to take control of all units (just by a click on map) (like in matrix !!)

- Possibility to join any units between them (just by 2 clicks on map (Source and target))

- Game master can delete any units (just by a click on map (50 M or 500 M radius))

- Game master can start music from a list

- Game master can change Game colours (stalker ambiance)

- reassign order to any unit on map

- order units or groups to get in a vehicle (just in 2 click)

- Camera 3d for the Game Master

- Teleport any groups or vehicle

- 3D teleport (objects,players,vehicles...anythings)



New methode :

The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without the need to edit the mission).

Old methode :

you must take the utes or queshkibrul version of VTS to do it

in this sample i'm porting utes version to chernarus

1-Unpack Mission

2-Change the directory name co@25ace_vts35.utes -> co@25ace_vts35.Chernarus

3-Edit mission.sqm and change all "utes" -> "Chernarus"

4-Start the mission in the editor ARMA2 and :move the aircraft carrier, its objects and markersmove the marker "center" to? center the mapmove markers Boothill, respawn_west, preview ... on an isolated island

6-Save it and that's all

User Guide

Start the mission and chose “Computer†with the middle mouse button or press T (teamswitch key by default)

When you start the mission there is nothing on the island (only some vehicle at your base)

You can place objects, vehicle, men, groups, statics with a computer interface

this is the Game master computer (really easy to use 5 Mn to understand how it work)


To place the something (vehicles, groups, men, objects...):

-chose it setting

-click on preview If you want (preview button will show you the selected unit during 3 sec)

-click on the “2D†or “3D†button

-click on map where you want to see it spawn

Unit settings:

1 – Side of the Unit to place (Blufor, Opfor, Civilian...)

2 – Team of the Unit

3 – Type of the unit (Men, vehicle, static)

4 – Unit

5 – Behaviour

6 – Speed

7 – Movement

8 – Skill

9 – Direction


With that button you can set what will the unit do after spawn on the map

1-Nothing >1 click on map > the unit will stay at the same place until that it see a enemy

2-Go to Objective > not used in Real time mod

3-Go insertion > not used in Real time mod

4-Go to Game Master >1 click on map > the unit will move to the game master

5-Guard >1 click on map > the unit will randomly move around it insertion point (50 M)

6-Circle >1 click on map > the unit will circle around it insertion point (300 M)

7-Large patrol >1 click on map > the unit will randomly move on a large area

8-Go to a point on map >2 click on map > the unit will spawn at the firts point and go to the second point

9-Patrol between 2 points >2 click on map > the unit will move between 2 points

10-Put on Master > only for men > the unit will appear at the master place after 4 seconds (same direction (great to place units in buildings)

11-Follow Mark1 >1 click on map > the unit will follow the mark1 (you can move mark1 , the unit will continue to follow it)

12-Get in > 1 click on map > the unit will get in the nearest vehicle

13-Get Out > 1 click on map > order to all crew of the nearest vehicle to get out (only use with apply orders on map)

Others stuffs:

apply order on map > reassign the movement (7) selected to the nearest unit or group on map

Del (50M) > delete all units in a 50 M radius

Del (500M) > delete all units in a 500 M radius

Join > allow the GM to make a join on any unit on map (click near the source unit then click in the target (if you click on target the source unit will receive an unjoin command) (very useful to create convoy for example)

Take control > this button allow the GM to take control of any unit on map (just click on button and click near the unit that you want to take control)

Teleport everyone > click on OK and click on the map where you want see every players connected appear

Teleport > same as Teleport but with only 1 player (click on OK then click on the map)

Call Chopper > Call the evac chopper (click on OK then click on the map)

Fill interior... > put (side selected) units randomly in buildings (in a 100 M radius)

Add objective marker > just add a marker objective

Objective completed > just put the message “objective completed†on the screen of any players

End mission > finish the mission

VTS 3.5 Demo Video

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pm9QUIApFM&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pm9QUIApFM&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

VTS 3.5 takecontrol Video

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0sS7-yRuj8&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0sS7-yRuj8&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

VTS 3.5 create a convoy Video

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iV9hpBryP0&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iV9hpBryP0&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Current version :


Armaholic mirror:

- Virtual TrainingSpace 3.5 - OA Co-105 RC11

Island supported :

-The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without the need to edit the mission).

For Arrowhead only or Arma 2 Combined operation

RC 05 change log :

- fixed 3d placement when not on dedicated server

- able to listen music before broadcast to all players

- new Vts Freecam

- divers fix

RC 04 change log :

-Revamped GMs marker, smoother & faster

-GMs can now also see vehicles on map. (yellow = empty vehicles)

-Added GMs interface tooltip for all buttons (all functions shall be explain)

-Improved GM's interface speed

-Fixed restoring GM's interface parameters

-Improved populate functions

-Added options "Fill roads with land vehicles from the current faction"

-Fixed EAST, GUER, CIV respawn when using Revive params

-Fixed random patrol exiting the specifided radius

-The GM's map now display satellite data

-Various fix

rc02 changelog :

-fixed issues with addons breaking the mission init (thanks to Sekra)

-fixed resistance and civilian objective not displaying for thoses side

-Populate functions are now run on the server side

-Added on options to select on on wich side addons are read (server or gamemaster)

-spawning on dedicated now have a visual feedback for GM

-Improved delete function to clean group and reduce max group limit obtention.

-GM interface improvement

RC01 changelog :

-All installed addons are now usable in the mission (from units to musics... )

-Improved Game master interface speed

-Fixed game master interface parameters sometime not restored when opening it

-Fixed AI parachute opening the chute too late

-Fixed JIP GM not having access to high command

-The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without the need to edit the mission).

-Logistics are now on the object side

-Added option to sit on chair (Communication Menu > Anim : Sit on chair)

beta 12 changelog :

-Fixed join tool

-Fixed scripts using map click not correctly working on certain island (including Takistan)

-New Gamemaster markers system implemented

-Fixed JIP issues

-Fixed OA compositions not spawning

-Added the ability to turn on Alice Module

-Added the ability for the GM to use HIGH COMMANDING to move units on map (be carefull, you can ask ennemy side to attack themself)

-Improved group spawning

-Improved vehicle spawning

-Base marker are now hidden to other players sides.

-Removed Evac chopper

-Fixed another bug that would prevent the GM to spawn more units after an error.

-Fixed marker for base and compositions not spawning correctly after one spawn

-Fixed init field not working

-Improved scripts performance

-Added params to lock play side (player will lose control and is asked to change side)

-Players are no referenced as user instead of joueur

-Objectives markers are now JIP compatible and per side displayed.

-Dynamic Tasks based on objectives markers state.

-Updated GM mini map icons

-Added an option to disable different GM during a session (True by default)

-Improved specific user teleport option

-Added a Land movement waypoint to make ai chopper to land.

Beta 11

-Removed the change side option (too buggy)

-Improved ACE compatitbility

-Improved gamemaster performance

-Added an option to parachute existing group

Beta 10

-Added all the AO stuff to play with

-Added an option to populate village with takistan civilians

-Fixed minors bugs

-Added check to prevent the gamemaster not be able to spawn stuff anymore at certain time

Beta 8

- added Bis module commander (really useful and easy)

- fix 3d placement when not on dedicated server

- music listen on the GM before broadcast

Create a unit and press "CTRL+space" to active the Bis Module commander barre



Beta 7

-Added a system to play any unit of your side (go to a tent and select one of the available player unit class)

-Added a simple system to leave team or regroup with any players of your side. (In Communication menu (0-8)

-Added mission parameters to turn off group modification and class change.

-Added support for Bundeswehrs mod units

-Added support for Hexagone mod units

-Added support for Undead mod units

Beta 6

-Fixed too much crew spawn on vehicle spawn

-Fixed trigger creation

-Improved GM interface

-Fixed GM base marker

Beta 5

-If running mission iwith ACE, ammobox will now have ACE necessity (earplug, gasmask etc...)

-Trying to fix the weird shadow bug on very high shadow setting

-Added Base compositions to the objects side

-Many bugs fix and improvements

Beta 4

-Compatible vanilla ARMA 2

-Else Full ACE II support

-Support ACE-X

-Support ACE-PLA

-Using ACE II functions if detected

-Support up to 105 players

-All Arma II side are now playable (West,East,Guer,Civ)

-New mission parameters to setup side's alliances (West allied with East etc...)

-Moveable respawn/Startpoint for each side

-Support Players versus Players operations

-Improved GM interface

-Added support for factions configs (it's now intuitive and quick to add units vehicles group or new faction to each side look at the "mods\config" in the .pbo)

-Various Optimizations

-Many bugfix

-And much more...

Edited by gonza

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Current version : VTS 4.0 Beta 10

For Arrowhead only or Arma 2 Combined operation


Version beta 10:

-Fixed loading loadout on a shop with some item not in store would bug sometime (should now correctly item from the loadout not available in the shop).

-Brush should now be able to select plane & ship up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth .

-Delete should now be able to delete plane & ship up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth.

-Take control should now be able to take control up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth.

-Improved mouse over: When an unit in a group is a player, its name is displayed instead of the classname (better to track player groups).

-Fixed : Right Shift now also work for 3D Spawning & 3D displacement (to reduce rotation & height speed).

-Improved GM interface opening process : Opening GM UI should be faster, better and stronger.

-Revive fix : Workaround to stop people able to get up or reload even after behind injured.

-Fixed Tasks manager : Tasks updating would bug if a player changed class or GM used take control.

-AI Micro management improved : Not moving AI units will now cover & better hold territory when alerted.

-AI Micro management improved : AI units doing small distance patrols (under 150m of travel) will now cover & hold territory when alerted.

-Improved Fill cargo function : Will now create a driver of another group from the cargo group, if the vehicle is empty.

-Fixed Plane spawn : Maned Plane would not get the right velocity on spawn

-Improved Transport unload : Now paradrop AI vehicle cargo if it's an Aerial vehicle flying above 125 meters.

-Fixed : Shop content of Resistance side & Civilian sides were not sync between GM & Players

-Fixed : Spectating camera not aiming at the correct height when a unit is not on the same height as ground.

-Improved : Payers > respawn, should now also teleport inside the base , if the base is in different height than the ground (eg : on a building)

-Fixed : sometime in 3d spawning, object where jumping before beeing spawned

-New feature : Unit properties (which can also be applyed to the unit group) allow to change damage, ammo, fuel, stance etc of specific units .

-Improved : Saving loadout & loadout name, now also save profile next to avoid potential lose due to game crash.

-Fixed : Dead & Unconcious players could be able to open shop or change class in base.

-Fixed: Deads player were able to get up in certain circumstances.

-Fixed : Shops are no more accessible before the game data are loaded.

-Modified shortcut : Del, now only remove dead objects under the brush. (to avoid miss usage)

-New shortcut : Shift + Del & Ctrl + Del, now delete all objects under the brush. (more secure)

-Improved : When using Respawn and have no life left, if ACRE is used player will be swaped in spectator.

-Improved : Unit spawn selection listing is now sorted on alphabetical order

-Improved : Shops now display your class special ability

Version beta 09:

-Added character visualization to the change class function (like the shop)

-Added a Min & Max button for easier "item unlocking/locking" on the GM shop interface.

-Added a "R2D" spawn button, to allow randomized spawn in a position inside the brush.

-Disabling "All units markers" now disable mouse over info on map (so a GM can also play its mission without being spoiled)

-Added a rename button to allow "Persistent equipment slots" to be renamed.

-Modified the way "players markers" are created on GM side to try to improve their reliability over time.

-Replace Revive "Last stand" by "Revive - No Respawn" so you can now specify amount of life available (player bleeding to death in no Respawn will still die definitely).

-Added a new button on the GM interface "Scale interface" to either scale the interface to the screen or use the game interface size.

-Implemented an UI editor to smooth up gm interface update.

-Change side function will now give a boost in rating so player doing friendly fire while in change side doesn't turn renegade.

-Changing class when in a group should now keep squad leader as leader.

-Merged Dice buttons into 1 combolist.

-Updated interface layout to regroup functions of the same family together.

-Added a fill Cargo function, that create a group inside vehicles cargo of the same side, with the current selected faction infantries (useful for fast convoy / air support creation).

-Improved "Initial spawn on base" & "Players > to Base" to be more accurate (and reduce spawn in water probability again)

-Added a command script to spawn the Arma 2 LHD if detected in the loaded data.

-Fixed Delete function not deleting spawned target type objects.

-Added A3 parachute (Beta) item to fix the "Parachute a group" function now to work on A3. (AI handling parachute seems to crash A3 a lot)

-Added a command to activate some kind of N2O for vehicles (more for fun & stunt).

-Now filtering work is available for all type of listing in the GM interface

-Shop update : the balance must now be set in the shop instead of the GM interface

-Shop update : Shops are now specific to each side (items counts & balance) and does not share the same equipment availability.

-Shop update : Added button to Fill all or unfill all items from a shop for GM.

-Shop update : You can now create custom shop with "vts_isshop" function (can be used to simulate weapons box / vehicles garage etc with specific content).

-Fixed : In the shop, was able to sell some items without them to be removed from the inventory.

-Added buttons to access all shops on the GM interface.

-Fixed: Land & Transport unload should now work with group with multiple vehicles

-Improved : Starting with no equipment will now remove head gear / vest & pockets items (maps etc...)

-Added units count per side on the GM interface

-A3 specific : Replaced resistance placeholder by A3 Beta green units.

-Fixed "player killed" log not displayed in Log on Dedicated environment.

-Hopefully fixed the random Task manager issues.

-Destroy terrain improvement : Now work on A3 buildings too, and should be better sync to JIP players.

-Fixed : Change class function was listing faction with no men available (ex : if you AiA with CO content disable, or for custom addons factions with no infantry)

-Improved Revive system : Dying on water nearer than 1KM of the shore will wash you on the ground nearby instead of respawn/immediate death.

-Improved Revive system : Dying on a spawned building should let you be revived at the spot you died, although your ragdoll crossed through (BIS bug)

VTS 4.0 Beta 08 Change log :

-Fixed : unit in building would not move out of building on dedicated server when GM giving a new order.

-Fixed : Group spawn in slope could have an unit with wrong movement behavior.

-Improved Custom group : Spawning units with a different side should be more efficient (no more ofpfor shooting themself when spawned on bluefor).

-New feature : A timer GM can launch on all client (JIP compatible).

-Improved Shop : Now show your avatar when equipping.

-Improved Shop : Removed unlock system and replaced it by an Item count (GM can now setup the ammount of different items available, and player can still their stuff in the shop to store them for later mission).

-Improved Shop: Increased shop distance detection for sell-able vehicle in proximity.

-Fixed : Uniform from different side are no more displayed in the shop (to avoid multiplayer uniform equipement bug).

-Fixed : Stuttering in Spectator camera mode when a following an unit.

-Improved : Filling interior & Populate should have less swimming unit inside.

-Improved : Filling interior & populate should be less performance killer now.

-Modification : Populate only spawn civilian unit & empty vehicles now. (Use fill roads to have civilian moving vehicle).

-Improved game master interface performance.

-Improved Hostage behavior : Hostage on follow will automatically move in formation to the player.

-Improved Revive : Revive actions are now JIP compatible, dragged player should be detached more correctly now.

-Improved Revive : Now displaying time left before reviving an unconscious comrade.

-Improved shop : Goggle panel is now gear panel and contain all uniform / helmet / goggles, while gear panel is now item panel and contain all items and weapons attachment.

-Improved shop : persistent load-outs are now always accessible, but don't load items not available in the shop.

-Improved Shop : Selected weapon on player list now display compatible mags & items in the shop list.

-Fixed : Civilian side on Arma 3 was hostile to everyone, the VTS is now forcing them to be neutral to everyone.

-Added : Targetbase filter in object > object listing.

-Added : New revive option "Last stand", players can't respawn but can be revived. If the timer, while bleeding, reach 0, they cannot be revived anymore and are switched in spectator mode.

-Fixed : unconscious player cannot throw things anymore.

-Improved Spawning ammo : now spawn them in Air if the ammo is not a kind of mine or grenade (usefull for LGB, Flare etc...)

-Improved AI Micro management : AI can now be alerted by hearing nearby ACRE speaking player (only if ACRE is used).

-Improved AI Micro management : AI now take notice of gunfire from farer distance and behind hill (affected if player use silencer or not).

-Fixed : With Revive system, sometime we were unable to release dragged comrade by ourself inside buildings.

-Fixed : using the "players to respawn" function was killing swimming unit.

-New feature: Logs function. Allow GMs to keep track of death, revive, respawn, & VTS interactions activities during the session.

-Improved : Weapon randomize now use a 2D brush

-Improved Time sync : Now player should be resync to the server time every 120s to avoid ingame time desync on long session.

-Improved spawner : Workaround to fix bugged addons spawning on a different side than the one displayed in the computer.

-Fixed : Change side was not working on all kind of ship.

-Improved Filling interior function : Fixed bug where unit where not spawning correctly and Unit filled are now handled by the AI micromanagement (if activated)

-Improved : Populate with civilian should be less intensive now.

-Fixed : Communication menu in A3 was not working correctly (to change view distance locally or open the group manager)

-Improved : Spawn wreck script now compatible with A3

-New order : Transport unload (make groups inside a vehicle handled by another group, to unboard it).

VTS 4.0 Beta 07 Change log :

-Fixed unit skill not displayed correctly in GM interface, when the unit was local to the dedicated server.

-Reduced overal data broadcasted at INIT & in JIP (should reduce unsync on JIP player).

-Fixed : creating an ammobox or a building would make JIP players to be unsync.

-Improved : Added enter shortcut to validate a command line in the gm interface.

-Improved IED : detecting target speed should now be retro-compatibe with Arma 2.

-Change : Ammobox doesn't draw marker anymore.

VTS 4.0 Beta 06 Change log :

-Fixed firemode changing by itself.

-Added a gesture commo rose accessible with the "²" key

-Improved Friendly name : raised a bit.

-Improved Delete : Now delete gears on the ground.

-Fixed : GM units markers was not displaying corpse after turning it off / on.

-Fixed : GM interface custom group are now also displayed on faction without group data.

-Fixed : Buying a new bag in the show will now destroy the currently equiped bag instead of overloading the ground.

-Fixed : Unlocking all weapons in shop now also unlock the custom loadouts even if starting equipement is set to 0 (make more sense).

-Fixed : Killed GM now respawn correctly.

-Fixed : Remove dead function was sometime removing building & units.

-Fixed : Buying loadout will not teleport at bottom of a building/ground, if the shop is on altitude.

-Improved shop : Radio are now filtered to avoid multiple radio of the some name (to stop acre radio to overload the shop).

-Improved shop : Added a filter to help finding what your looking.

-Added shortcut in edit field : Enter & Num Enter now apply the set value.

-Improved player id generation.

-Improved data loading time.

-Improved JIP : spawned building & objects marker are now JIP compatible.

-Improved group manager : Should now refresh more accurately when the player is changing group.

VTS 4.0 Beta 05 Change log :

-Spawning code & Load/Save code improved for more flexbility.

-Fixed multi GM spawn conflict when a hosting player is a GM.

-Fixed orders not using the correct brush size on unit spawn, on dedicated server environement.

-Teleporting player to respawn will now teleport player in the tent when the tent is on water.

-Moving the respawn base will now place the base at the top of any object found at the specific position (usefull to move respawn on a carrier or atop a building, but beware the trees).

-Teleporting user will now put them atop of any building found at the specific position.

-Added an emtpy selection at the end of the shoplist to "fix" a bug where sometime an item would be out of the scrollbar reach.

-Players should be less prone to spawn in water.

-Spawn base should now work correctly if above water surface.

-Improved user teleportation function.

-Fixed : Ammoboxes type spawned 2 times.

-Fixed : Shop returning to primary weapon panel when changing panel before the weapons were displayed.

-Added support for Arma III fog.

-Removed usage of Arma III deleted script commands.

-Shop is now by default on : All unlocked & Starting Balance 100 M$

-Musics are now JIP sync.

-Added an option in the mission param to select the type of respawn / revive "Standard Respawn, Anyone can revive, Only Medic can revive".

-Added skill display on the unit mouse overlay.

-Fixed Load/Save function : Was sometime not correctly spawning some kind of object or missing object in the array.

-Players varname are now automatically assigned (no more need to set unit name when editing the mission in the editor, except for the GM units).

-Improved : Shop is now displaying, if any, weapons attachments in the description of an item.

-New feature : Allow player to recognize friendly face name nearby ala ACE (adjustable in mission parameters, On by default).

-AI Micromanagement function improvement : Alerted AI now engage and spot for on a farer distance.

-Improved info panel : Now also displaying information about the currently selected spawn.

-New feature : Added a custom group and the ability to add / remove unit of a custom group (they are shared across GMs).

-Improved shop : Now also display primary weapon using both primary & secondary slot.

-Improved 3D camera / placement / displacement : now working even if the GM is inside a vehicle.

-Fixed : Sometime Helicopter were not taking off after issued a new order.

-Fixed : Can now buy backpacks on the store.

VTS 4.0 Beta 04 Change log :

-Kill everything is now in 2D radius (so you can kill flying helicotper with a 5m brush)

-Improve groups data : Also show current selected unit in the group and health is now concatenated to avoid line jump with big class name.

-Reorganized folders inside pbo.

-Made customs scripts easier to be imported inside the mission (mods\scripts).

-Made it easier to change default used units per side ( see inside mods\, so you shouldn't have to change all the unit in mission editor one per one).

-Added a server benchmark on the gm interface.

-Improved : cloning, now clone group is handled by server and cloned units also obtain var name

-Fixed all interface texts stealing button focus due to a too large area.

-Improved buttons tool tip description.

-New feature : Group manager interface, to easily create group (active if Group change is allowed : true by default)

-Added a group count on the GM interface (for each side).

-Improved respawn system : Player should now be waiting for revive at the good Z position (before you were only on the ground even in building).

-Improved : All tools should now work in 2D radius on mini map (easier to manipulate flying vehicle or unit on roof with very small brush radius).

-Improved taxi system : Added a stop action inside the vehicle.

-Improved feedback message when successfully creating VTS object (such as VIP, target, ied etc...).

-Fixed : Starting the mission with no equipment, also remove NV goggles now.

Here the full change log since VTS 3.5 RC 11.

Version Beta 03:

Beta 03 current changelog :

-Fixed, sometime respawning was not teleporting you correctly to your base.

-Fixed, sometime GM could have the computer multiplied.

-Added a player killed log, for GM.

-Improved class change function.

-Now when you spawn a static group on a building they will be auto positioned on building position.

-Added a filter in the Load & Save panel (All, Shop & unlocks only, Spawn only, Building Only).

-Added an AI micromanagement parameter (Default On).

-New feature AI micromanagement (AI will share your position to nearby group, patrolling groups nearby will come investigate while static groups nearby will take defensive position). If a group has 30% of its units in a building, they will use the building to fight.

-Added an AI aim shake param (setup how much the AI can miss you).

-New Feature : Taxi system "vts_istransportvehicle". Work on Land / Ship / Helicorpter vehicles. Allow players to be transported acrosse the island before returning to base. Squad leader can change RTB position of each taxi. AI is still AI... But a lot of guardrail has been implemented to make the transport reliable.

-Improved Weaponize functions (it now adds a vest to the target, if it doesn't have one).

-Improved overall interface reactivity (This should reduce a lot the "click not working" effect).

-Improved Headless support.

-Clone function is now also cloning Weapons & Loadout.

-Fixed task Fail / Succeed not working.

-Fixed change class on GM would lose the open computer action.

-Added a marker on placable sounds to help deleting them.

-Improved Revive system : Drag action added. Life is now lost when shot down. Heal time increased to 20 seconds.

-Improved populate with civilian : Cars should now have a correct orientation on roads.

-Improved fill roads : Vehicles should patrol on longer distance and start with a better orientation.

-Added a new mission parameter : AI aiming efficiency (adjusting the ai shaking skill).

-Improved computer map interface : alt + 2xClick to teleport, shift + 2xClick to go in camera mode, 2xClick to apply current order, Del to erase objects under the current brush.

-Fixed Hostage behavior being stuck on dedicated server.

-Improved 3D placement & 3D move : Objects should not move further the camera angle now.

-New feature : Unit data, as mouse over on the mini map.

-Improved : Spawned units now have an unique varname (which can be used to manipulate them with the command line & scripts).

Version Beta 02:

-Added Urban patrol (UPS) to order list

-Rewritten the class switch system and enabled it by default, it's now fully working. You can switch to an engineer to repair vehicles or a demo expert to disarm mines.

-Added a mission parameter so squad leader can see other squad leader positions.

-Added the possibility to become the leader of your squad if you enabled group change in parameters.

-Hopefully improved missions parameters clarity.

-Fixed and improved weapon randomizer.

Version Beta 01:

-Allow multiple gamemasters (disabled by default in the mission parameters).

-Improved take control.

-Improved 3D object placement.

-Fixed IEDs.

-AI accuracy is now setup correctly corresponding to the skill level (no more aimbot at 0.3 skill).

-Map position & zoom stay the same after opening & closing the computer.

-Added improved audio & text notification when doing stuff with computer (when on unit you got the hint, when in camera you got the chat text).

-Camera now display its position on the world.

-Improved help message in camera mode (H key).

-Fixed a bug where multiple GM could teleport the wrong user.

-Added ability to spawn ammunition directly (it can be use to spawn arty munition, smoke, mine etc..).

-Added the ability to support more than one game master (assistant, or in mission parameter everyone)

-Added a randomize weapon function (useful to arm civilians).

-Shop improved support : Goggles, Bags.

-Shop fix : Game master now sell and buy for free, and don't unlock what he sell.

-Some improvement and bug fix in the revive system.

-Added custom VTS looping musics track.

-Increased the capacity of playable units per side.

-Added console link feed (can't only spawn 8 max before feeds going mad).

-Add vts_issabotagable script (can be applied on any kind of spawned object).

-Scripted interactive objects now correctly display their name when used by a player.

-Fixed slow loading time.

-Removed trigger creation panel.

-... (lot of small things & fixs)

VTS 4.0

Version Alpha 05:

-Fixed a bug where sometime the re-apply order was not selecting the correct unit.

-Improved Freecam to other tools transition (you can now move from free cam to some other tool without leaving your sighting).

-Improved revive script, you now respawn & revive with your loadout.

-Added persistent loadout slot in the shop (saved on your profile so you can reuse it on other vts session).

-Improved 3D creation & 3D displacement tools.

-Added an 'Headless client' slot in the civilian side, if used it will handle all the AI processing.

-Added a filter for object category (could be quite long to filter if there is a lot of object, will improve it)

-Fixed some interface bugs.

Version Alpha 04 :

-New rewritten friendly revive system

-Improved 3D placement camera & 3D manipulation (use shift to increase accuracy)

-Improvements & bugfixes of interfaces

-Shop is automatically filled with starting player equipments (ex. if your friend take the AT roles at start, you will be able to buy its AT launcher).

-Fixed reassign order on dedicated server (to confirm)

-Added a point at map function (usefull for briefing)

-GM can now spawn buildings

-Optimization of the mission engine

-Improved shop code

-Fixed a lot of bugs

Version Alpha 03 :

-Fixed placeable sounds

-Improved radius display on options

-Fixed Mission Tasks manager

-Added help at begining of 3D placement & 3D Move

-Fixed insertion tool

-Fixed 3D preview of freefalling unit

Version Alpha 02 :

-Fixed Shop.

-Improved Shop to handle all Arma 3 assets.

-Revive should work better.

-Added filter to avoid placeholder to be used in composition (base & checkpoint).

-Changed spawn building (smaller & can be used has shop for players).

Version Alpha 01 :

-Fixed a bug where 3D spawned object would not work correctly.

-Modified script to ensure compatibility with Arma 3.

RC 11 change log :

-Add : Support for Isola Di Capraia island in the .bat

-Add : Support for ACE rop box and CSW box in logistic crates

-Fixed : Shop items were always unlocked although unlock option was set on "Unlock by GM and players sales"

-Fixed : Fog was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Rain was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Color filters was not sync for JIP players

-Fixed : Sometime spawn base was created on water on some islands.

RC 10 change log :

-Fixed : Hostage should not move when in custody

-Improvement : Shop items are now filtred by item slot type

-Add : Arma artillery ammunition support

-Add : Support for ACE AI talk & radio.

RC 09 change log :

-Add : VTS Shop

-Add : vts_isShop function (anything alive/notdestroyed, can be a shop)

-Add : Side Balance. Each side has its own money, GM can change it at anytime

-Add : Kill every units *radius (kill or destroy any soldiers and vehicles in the selected radius)

-Add : Shop mission params (1 - Initial team money, 2 - Items availability, 3 - Items unlock method)

-Add : Night moon light params (full, none)

-Improved : IED are now more reactive

-Improved : Load/Save , now store Balance and Unlock list

-Fixed : Players shouldn't see a rabbit anymore when using GM use 3D move tool.

RC 08 change log :

-Add : Enable/Disable Ambient animals module

-Add : VTS function library (quickly create , IED, Hostage, VIP, Target...)

-Add : Placeable Environement Audio on the map

-Fixed : Name field for unit, vehicle, empty vehicle, object, the name will return the object for futher manipulation of the GM

-Fixed : Name field for group, the name will return the group for futher manipulation of the gm

-Fixed : Init field, it should apply to all object and unit of a group

-Improved : Logistic list scanning method (should not miss any Ammobox)

-Imrpoved : Object list scanning range (Wrecks and Military objects are no avalaible)

-Improved : Music listing store the last music played

-Improved : Mission Loading information


RC 07 change log :

-Improved Save and/or Load option (this should fix some object not spawn correctly, but Build is a bit longer now)

-Improved unit spawning performance again (Please, let me know if you encounter any issue with 2D or 3D spawn)

-Improved 3D Spawn (now using the FPS camera)

-Improved the 3D Displacer tool (now using the FPS camera)

RC 06 change log :

-You can now Save and/or Load your mission setup

-Improved skill value setup (using a slider now)

-Ability to change a group side (ex : East Spetnaz -> West Spetnaz)

-Renabled Alice Ambien Civilian (let BIS work populate your mission ;)

-Added Engineer class for West & East side (to allow vehicle fixing)

-Fixing GM markers not disappearing or not linked to a unit

-Added a help screeen with various script help

-Improved unit spawning performance

RC 04 change log :

-Revamped GMs marker, smoother & faster

-GMs can now also see vehicles on map. (yellow = empty vehicles)

-Added GMs interface tooltip for all buttons (all functions shall be explain)

-Improved GM's interface speed

-Fixed restoring GM's interface parameters

-Improved populate functions

-Added options "Fill roads with land vehicles from the current faction"

-Fixed EAST, GUER, CIV respawn when using Revive params

-Fixed random patrol exiting the specifided radius

-The GM's map now display satellite data

-Various fix

rc02 changelog :

-fixed issues with addons breaking the mission init (thanks to Sekra)

-fixed resistance and civilian objective not displaying for thoses side

-Populate functions are now run on the server side

-Added on options to select on on wich side addons are read (server or gamemaster)

-spawning on dedicated now have a visual feedback for GM

-Improved delete function to clean group and reduce max group limit obtention.

-GM interface improvement

RC01 changelog :

-All installed addons are now usable in the mission (from units to musics... )

-Improved Game master interface speed

-Fixed game master interface parameters sometime not restored when opening it

-Fixed AI parachute opening the chute too late

-Fixed JIP GM not having access to high command

-The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without the need to edit the mission).

-Logistics are now on the object side

-Added option to sit on chair (Communication Menu > Anim : Sit on chair)

Beta 12

beta 12 changelog :

-Fixed join tool

-Fixed scripts using map click not correctly working on certain island (including Takistan)

-New Gamemaster markers system implemented

-Fixed JIP issues

-Fixed OA compositions not spawning

-Added the ability to turn on Alice Module

-Added the ability for the GM to use HIGH COMMANDING to move units on map (be carefull, you can ask ennemy side to attack themself)

-Improved group spawning

-Improved vehicle spawning

-Base marker are now hidden to other players sides.

-Removed Evac chopper

-Fixed another bug that would prevent the GM to spawn more units after an error.

-Fixed marker for base and compositions not spawning correctly after one spawn

-Fixed init field not working

-Improved scripts performance

-Added params to lock play side (player will lose control and is asked to change side)

-Players are no referenced as user instead of joueur

-Objectives markers are now JIP compatible and per side displayed.

-Dynamic Tasks based on objectives markers state.

-Updated GM mini map icons

-Added an option to disable different GM during a session (True by default)

-Improved specific user teleport option

-Added a Land movement waypoint to make ai chopper to land.

Beta 11

-Removed the change side option (too buggy)

-Improved ACE compatitbility

-Improved gamemaster performance

-Added an option to parachute existing group

Beta 10

-Added all the AO stuff to play with

-Added an option to populate village with takistan civilians

-Fixed minors bugs

-Added check to prevent the gamemaster not be able to spawn stuff anymore at certain time

Beta 7

-Added a system to play any unit of your side (go to a tent and select one of the available player unit class)

-Added a simple system to leave team or regroup with any players of your side. (In Communication menu (0-8)

-Added mission parameters to turn off group modification and class change.

-Added support for Bundeswehrs mod units

-Added support for Hexagone mod units

-Added support for Undead mod units

Beta 6

-Fixed too much crew spawn on vehicle spawn

-Fixed trigger creation

-Improved GM interface

-Fixed GM base marker

Beta 5

-If running mission iwith ACE, ammobox will now have ACE necessity (earplug, gasmask etc...)

-Trying to fix the weird shadow bug on very high shadow setting

-Added Base compositions to the objects side

-Many bugs fix and improvements

Beta 4

-Compatible vanilla ARMA 2

-Else Full ACE II support

-Support ACE-X

-Support ACE-PLA

-Using ACE II functions if detected

-Support up to 105 players

-All Arma II side are now playable (West,East,Guer,Civ)

-New mission parameters to setup side's alliances (West allied with East etc...)

-Moveable respawn/Startpoint for each side

-Support Players versus Players operations

-Improved GM interface

-Added support for factions configs (it's now intuitive and quick to add units vehicles group or new faction to each side look at the "mods\config" in the .pbo)

-Various Optimizations

-Many bugfix

-And much more...

Island supported :



-Isla Duala








-Every other islands (just rename the .pbo)

Edited by L etranger

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yes you are right,

it is so bad but I have no time to support multiple versions of VTS so I just support the version what I play

and I only play with ACE mod so...

Someone play to Arma without mod ? (it's like drive a lada with a Ferrari in the garage)

if someone want to do a version without ACE there is not a lot of thing to do

(just delete some @ACE modules and change playable units)

after that vehicle and unit @ace will not appear when called

but all others will works

it is simple to delete or add some vehicle or units in VTS configs files

example with the Opfor config file



vts2_ManE18 = "RU_Soldier_Pilot";

nomvts2_ManE18 = "Pilot";

vts2_ManE19 = "RU_Soldier_Pilot";

nomvts2_ManE19 = "Camel Pilot";

vts2_ManE20 = "RU_Soldier_Crew";

nomvts2_ManE20 = "Crewman";

// ------------------- vehicles

vts2_VehE1 = "T90" ;

nomvts2_VehE1 = "T-90" ;

vts2_VehE2 = "T72_RU" ;

nomvts2_VehE2 = "T-72A" ;


Edited by gonza

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The problem Old Bear is that if gonza and L etranger spend time converting it to non-ACE then its less time to add lovelies

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First, thank you for this excellent mission -- I have used it since your first public release and it gets much better with each release!

One issue we had today with the v3.5 release is that in the Chernarus map version none of the players could gear from the ammo boxes on the LHA (they could gear on the LHA on the Utes map). I also attempted later on to (in Real Time mode) create some ammo boxes for the players, but the "Western Special Weapons" ammo box would not appear -- I could place it in the 2D or 3D view but when I left the VTS Editor it was not visible on the map to either myself nor to any player.


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I will check this problem tonight

thanks for report

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I have upload all the island and the mission but can not get the MP mission to work. Works great in SP.


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you have put it in \ArmAII\mpmissions\ ?

is the chenarus version work in MP ?

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ok bug found and fixed for chernarus

it s only because the carrier was to far to the island

download the mission again (good mission date 26/01/2010)



Thank you for the update, that does fix the two issues I noted in my previous post.

I do wish to report another issue that I discovered today in testing the newest release:

When you use the "Activate Vehicles/Weapons" dialog to add vehicles for the players use the vehicle selction dialogs are incorrect/incomplete: for example, the "Ground" vehicles dialog only lists ATVs, M113s, Strykers, and Bradleys, the "Air" vehicle dialog lists no aircraft but only some ground vehicles such as the Linebacker, M163, and the various M1A1 tanks. The "Personal Weapons" dialog lists two vehicles (the MLRS and MTVR trucks) but no ammo boxes. This happened on all the of maps I tested today: Chernarus, Utes, Podagorsk, and Quesh_Kabul.

It may be that this method of creating a mission (i.e. setting up the enemy area, the player insertion area, vehicles, patrols etc then clicking the "Start" button) is no longer supported, but they are useful to me to pre-set up at least part of the mission while I use the "Real Time" mode to make changes or additions to that on-the-fly. If this is not a bug and is simply no longer supported then that is fine; I can always use the Real Time mode to do everything if needed.

Thanks again!

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you have put it in \ArmAII\mpmissions\ ?

is the chenarus version work in MP ?

Yes as i can see them on our server and only chenarus version works on mp


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to create missions I only use the real time page

so I never check the first page

to be honest I want to erase the first page but I never take time to do it


I will take a look on it for you


I thing that islands are not well installed on your server

is other missions (on other islands) work on your server ?

we have made a VTS on quesh last night

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Thanks for this... I'm suprised how dam smooth it is at spawning units on our dedi server. Only issue I know of, is that some people had the option to the game master menu, then they would die and lose the ability (thank god).

Other than that it's brill. Already got this on Duala making a midweek op :)

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create a convoy

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iV9hpBryP0&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iV9hpBryP0&hl=fr_FR&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Beta 2 in progress

a lot of improvement

Computer reworked (first page removed sorry @WildBill)

Thanks to L'etranger

Edited by gonza

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Beta 2 available :

-Improved interface speed

-Removed obsolete mission generator

-New features

-Many bugs fix and improvements

For Isles :






VTS 3.5 beta 2

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When i want to place a t-90 or what ever , i select 3d and left click on the map , then i place the tank ,but i only get wrecks ?

its only with opfor




Edited by Sneaker-78-

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Thanks you it has been fixed for the next release. Maybe we will set a new release to fix that bug

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