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US Army Special Forces retexture

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Looks nice but the woodland pattern is scaled too big on the pants.



I've worked on the woodland...I think that version is definitely better ;)

I'll update the SF pack with this new textures !



Edited by massi

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Could you add some assault guys (the ones in full combat gear) with just pants camo?

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That looks pretty good!


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Massi, these units are great. Love the ghillie troopers.

I see you retextured the UH1 in italian colours. Any chance of one in Black with no markings for those deniable ops?

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Bit late on the uptake with these units, took one look at the variation and screens and this little puppy is being sucked down my net pipe as I type :)

Cant wait to try these out on Thirsk Island :)

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Wow, Massi your a texture god. :O

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Could you add some assault guys (the ones in full combat gear) with just pants camo?

you mean making a model for every kind of camo with the camo pants and the shirt grey or brown or green depending on them ?

I could try but no promise as it is going to make the pack lot bigger.

Massi, these units are great. Love the ghillie troopers.

I see you retextured the UH1 in italian colours. Any chance of one in Black with no markings for those deniable ops?

yes is possible, after updating the main pack I could do that

That looks pretty good!


thanks for the advice ;)

Bit late on the uptake with these units, took one look at the variation and screens and this little puppy is being sucked down my net pipe as I type :)

Cant wait to try these out on Thirsk Island :)

Thanks a lot !

Wow, Massi your a texture god. :O

Thanks a lot Enad :)...but I don't think so I'm just trying to improve them.

P.S. I did not forget :)

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Hi all,

I’ve updated my US Army Special Forces to version 1.03.

I’ve fixed the woodland textures and improved a bit the ACE2 optional config files.

The Units will be found in the editor under BLUFOR >> US Army Special Forces,(same for the groups), sorted by the different camouflage of the uniforms and gear:

- SF Light Gear ODA (ACU): wearing ACU uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Multicam): wearing multicam uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Woodland): wearing woodland BDU uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Desert): wearing 3 colors desert DCU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (ACU): wearing ACU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Multicam): wearing multicam uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Woodland): wearing woodland BDU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Desert): wearing 3 colors desert DCU uniform.

- SF "ghillie" recon\snipers : wearing desert or woodland ghillie suite.

As always please report feedback, advices, problems or any ideas… I’ll be happy to keep working and improving the pack…thanks to all of you for the support and appreciation you gave me!

Changelog v.1.03:

v1.03 date 20/Mar/2010

-Fixed woodland textures

-Fixed\improved ACE2 optional config


Put the addons in the "mod folder" of your preference, you will find the units in the editor under:

Bluefor - US Army Special Forces (sorted by different camos and gear)

you'll find groups also under:

Bluefor - US Army Army Special Forces (as above).

ACE2 files Installation.

- file: "mas_usa_spec_ACE2_cfg_repl.pbo"

You can use the OPTIONAL ACE2 CONFIG that you'll find in the "ACE2 config" folder that replace SF weapons with the ACEX ones, and add some of the great ACE2 stuff (like gasmask, balaclavas, ecc...), this way my SF classes will be automatically replaced.

- file: "mas_usa_spec_ACE2_new_cfg.pbo"

If you have problems using the previous file, look inside "ACE2 congif >>> backup ACE config (new classes) " : there you'll find another replacement file that instead of overwriting my SF classes, create new ones ( BLUFOR>>> US Army Special Forces ACE) using ACEX weapons and equipment (same as above).


both files are SIGNED, choose the best solution for you, BUT REMEMBER TO USE ONLY ONE AT A TIME!!!

Replacement files Installation.

In the folder "replacement files" you'll find 4 replacement file, all SIGNED , for each camos.

Just choose the one you prefer and it'll replace standard BI force recon models with the SF ones in your preferred camo.



Tested both in vanilla game and in ACE2, everithing is working well, without any errors in RPT or sort of problems.


Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community for their great support and addons!

Thanks to all the people that enjoied the units and supported me in all the different forums!

Download Links to version v. 1.03:


http://www.mediafire.com/file/mt2xktzmiwo/US_Army _Special Forces_v1.03.7z



Edited by massi

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Thank You all… hope you’ll like them!!!



Edited by massi

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did you plan for the desert forces to wear the 3 color desert uniform with 6 color desert boonie ? or is this going to be fixed (as most modern units wear complete 3 color)

besides that this addon gives the US army finaly a chance to redeem them selfs against MFR :P keep up the good work

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did you plan for the desert forces to wear the 3 color desert uniform with 6 color desert boonie ? or is this going to be fixed (as most modern units wear complete 3 color)

besides that this addon gives the US army finaly a chance to redeem them selfs against MFR :P keep up the good work

Yes it was intentional, I did this way to add a bit of variety and a touch of "old style" ;)

thanks for the mirror :)



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Hi all,

I've done a better version of "multicam" texture:

I'm going to update both 3 packs (US SF, Rangers and Italian SOF) on the next week end with those textures :) .



Edited by massi

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Hi all,

I’ve updated my US Army Special Forces to version 1.04.

I’ve updated the pack with the new multicam textures (same for Italian SOf and US rangers) in order to get the pattern closer to the real life one, and let it blending better in all the different environments , and fixed the ghillie spotters textures.I’ve also added ACU and multicam combat shirt textures in order to improve a bit the variety.

The Units will be found in the editor under BLUFOR >> US Army Special Forces,(same for the groups), sorted by the different camouflage of the uniforms and gear:

- SF Light Gear ODA (ACU): wearing ACU uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Multicam): wearing multicam uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Woodland): wearing woodland BDU uniform.

- SF Light Gear ODA (Desert): wearing 3 colors desert DCU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (ACU): wearing ACU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Multicam): wearing multicam uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Woodland): wearing woodland BDU uniform.

- SF Heavy Gear ODA (Desert): wearing 3 colors desert DCU uniform.

- SF "ghillie" recon\snipers : wearing desert or woodland ghillie suite.

As always please report feedback, advices, problems or any ideas… I’ll be happy to keep working and improving the pack…thanks to all of you for the support and appreciation you gave me!

Changelog v.1.04:

v1.04 date 02/Apr/2010

-Totally redone multicam textures.

-Fixed ghillie spotter textures.

-Added ACU and multicam combat shirt textures.


Put the addons in the "mod folder" of your preference, you will find the units in the editor under:

Bluefor - US Army Special Forces (sorted by different camos and gear)

you'll find groups also under:

Bluefor - US Army Army Special Forces (as above).

ACE2 files Installation.

- file: "mas_usa_spec_ACE2_cfg_repl.pbo"

You can use the OPTIONAL ACE2 CONFIG that you'll find in the "ACE2 config" folder that replace SF weapons with the ACEX ones, and add some of the great ACE2 stuff (like gasmask, balaclavas, ecc...), this way my SF classes will be automatically replaced.

- file: "mas_usa_spec_ACE2_new_cfg.pbo"

If you have problems using the previous file, look inside "ACE2 congif >>> backup ACE config (new classes) " : there you'll find another replacement file that instead of overwriting my SF classes, create new ones ( BLUFOR>>> US Army Special Forces ACE) using ACEX weapons and equipment (same as above).


both files are SIGNED, choose the best solution for you, BUT REMEMBER TO USE ONLY ONE AT A TIME!!!

Replacement files Installation.

In the folder "replacement files" you'll find 4 replacement file, all SIGNED , for each camos.

Just choose the one you prefer and it'll replace standard BI force recon models with the SF ones in your preferred camo.



Tested both in vanilla game and in ACE2, everithing is working well, without any errors in RPT or sort of problems.


Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community for their great support and addons!

Thanks to all the people that enjoied the units and supported me in all the different forums!

Download Links to version v. 1.04:


http://www.mediafire.com/file/nwnjtzkznxc/US_Army _Special Forces_v1.04.7z



Edited by massi

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I’ve updated my US Army Special Forces to version 1.04.

Thank You all… hope you’ll like them!!!

In the next days I’ll update my US Ranger and Italian Spec Ops too ;)



Edited by massi

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Thanks a lot for the mirrors ;) really appreciate !!!



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Thx. massi for the Great Update :yay:

thanks a lot Christian !!!

I always appreciate your comments and your great work ;)



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Thanks Massi for the quality units, for those of us that don't do ACE this is a great AddOn for quality Soldiers.

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Thanks Massi for the quality units, for those of us that don't do ACE this is a great AddOn for quality Soldiers.

THANKS a lot :) really appreciate !!!

(anyway inside the pack there are ACE configs for ACE users too ;) )



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Thanks Massi for the quality units, for those of us that don't do ACE this is a great AddOn for quality Soldiers.

I agree !


Your units are the best units ever made for Arma 2 !

You made the best "US Army Special Forces".

You made the best "US Army Rangers".

You made the best "Italian Special Operation Forces".

But now i think its time for some "Navy Seals" made in "Massi-quality":D

Massi ? What do you think ?

best regards


Edited by (ST6)Predator

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I agree !


Your units are the best units ever made for Arma 2 !

You made the best "US Army Special Forces".

You made the best "US Army Rangers".

You made the best "Italian Special Operation Forces".

But now i think its time for some "Navy Seals" made in "Massi-quality":D

Massi ? What do you think ?

best regards


well ... first of all thanks a lot really :)

BUT I think it's a bit too much ... I mean, I just took standard BI models and retextured , and reconfigured them to rapresent the addons you said above .

I don't consider myself an addonmaker, I've just released a couple of addon I made for personal use, please don't misunderstand me... I'm really happy people like them and enjoy them ;)

And I did not expect so much appreciation too :) , I just think Binkowski whith his MARSOC and US Army units, or SJB with his SAS units and Ardvarkdb (hope to write it correct :) ) with his SEAL units made great Spec Ops unit addons, just to tell some .

So for the SEAL I relly advice you to go to Ardvarkdb ones http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96954 cause they're really high quality !

I'll continue working on my unit's packs in order to get the best I can do, and maybe I'll try to learn somethigh about modelling, maybe when BI will release A2 Mlods .

Anyway I REALLY APPRECIATE your kind word Predator , THANKS A LOT to You and to all the people that supported and helped me on those units packs !!!



Edited by massi

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Released replacement files for both my US Army Rangers and Special Forces units.

These replacements change standard USMC units and Force Recon models with the ones present in my US Army Rangers and US Army Special Forces (both REQUIRED) packs.

Required addons.

Require: my US Army Ranger and US Army Special Forces .

For more info see the US Ranger tread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94096&page=6

Download links :

Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2xmnzwzmdmz/US_Ranger_SF_replacement_v1.00.7z

Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/16076911/US_Ranger_SF_replacement_v1.00.7z

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