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in description i have this:







respawnDialog = false;

and in init line of planes i have this:

this respawnVehicle [1,10];

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Maybe try searching then asking in the 'ArmA 2 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING' section.

There seems to be a lot of input there re vehicle respawn problems.

I thought a reader here could help but app. not.

If the plane is not repawned in the air? Cant you just have empty plane waiting on the ground to ready to board for respawned player.

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I thought a reader here could help but app. not.

You can run this script from your missions init, but make sure you give each aircraft a variable name in the editor:

_sP=[AIR01] execVM "VehRespawn.sqf";


_Vehicle=_This Select 0;

//Initialize local variables

//Get the vehicles variable name
_Varname=VehicleVarName _vehicle;

//Wait for it to be killed
WaitUntil {!Alive _Vehicle};

//Wait for the ARMA respawn
_Object=Call _Varname; 
(Alive _Object)

//Call the new objects config init
[_Object] Call Compile (GetText (ConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (TypeOf _Object) >> "EventHandlers" >> "init"));

//Assign the global variable
[_Object] Call Compile Format ["%1=(_This Select 0)",_Varname];

//Start the script again
_sP=[_Object] execVM "VehRespawn.sqf";

Edited by UNN

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thanks UNN

Here is a challange for someone :whistle: :D

the old barrage balloon - model is done but some small scripting needed.

2 parts :) for when plane flies under balloon it snags on the cable.


As the cable tares away from the balloon the balloon deflates and falls back to ground.

2) The cable snagged on the plane has a small chute attached to each end.

These chutes open and drag the plane down to earth.

Would be really really great if someone could nut this one out for us.


Edited by CSJ

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"you might want to consider removing the swatstika" - this is easy enough done and I am happy to do it but it would just be a seperate edition for our German friends ? The rest of us could keep the original pack?

There shouldn´t be any compatibility issues as long as classnames and your biKey are the same, that way missions and servers would accept both versions. Simply changing the swastika for a Balkenkreuz would do fine i think, or just leave the place blank. Thanks for your consideration :)

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Any chance of some Soviet planes like the La-7 or IL-2

No Soviet planes on my todo list, sorry.

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This update is only for people who live where displaying the swastika is illegal.

All aircraft have been included in the download. Complete mod to date.

109's and Ju87 have had their swastika removed, other aircraft have not changed for now.

Download 'theFew_ver_100207G'

Any problems let me know

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What does WEP on the action menu do?

Edited by JDMT

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that pretty well sums it up - thanks Lee_H._Oswald

In game it is really only a token action atm, not working the way I want, only gives boost on the horizontal.

I would appreciate somebody improving the WEP script for the planes.

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UNN thx very much!!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 02:27 ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 ----------

No Soviet planes on my todo list, sorry.

but IL-2 Sturmovik is a legendary plane;)

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what a great innovative mod.looks fantastic,love the clouds idea

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same question ; Is the Heinkel 111 bomber or the Ju-88 planned? No german bombing mission over england without them! :)

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same question ; Is the Heinkel 111 bomber or the Ju-88 planned? No german bombing mission over england without them! :)

sorry, must have missed this question.

Yes to both and likely the Do17.

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for what the fuck a no swastika version??? Sorry, but even in GERMANY IT IS LEGAL AS LONG THE PACK IS SAVED ON A NOT GERMAN SERVER!!!!!!! You are just not Allowed share the pack from germany. That means, you save it on a german server! if it is anwhere, where the swastika is allowed, you can share it with everybody, even with germans! germans are alowed to download it! it is not Illegal to get it! The Position of the Server is the important Thing!!!! As a german you are not alowed to send it to another person, he has to download it from the american server!


Edited by Soldat-Hans

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I suggest you discuss this in private with those whom asked for it.

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On another note - really looking forward to the heavy bombers - any chance of a Lancaster? - there appears to be a model up for grabs - see thread over at SimHQ -


Lots of good pics of the current state of the model there. Thread was posted by Loki (jnr SimHQ member) on 04/03/09 - don't know if this is same Loki of LostKey/mushroom kingdom fame but basically it reads as follows;

Quote Loki:-


"I had started work on the Lancaster for SoW last year, but work and other things have pulled me away from it and it's basically gone untouched for months now. Therefore, the model is up for grabs to anyone who wants to continue the project.

The modeling and UV's are 100% done

The textures are 50% done

Damage modeling and LODs are 0% done

Comes with about a gig of reference photos.

I'd hate to see all that work go to waste, and I'd like to fly the Lancaster one day, so I hope there's someone here wanting to continue the project."


End Quote

Must admit - I know jack about modelling so I couldn't say if this is compatible with Arma2 - but if it is and it's the same Loki should be fairly easy to get hold of (for permissions & model) as he is active on the Armaholic forums?? Then again maybe you already have one?

Anyways Cya & thanks for all your hard work.

A bit of information for ya, LoKi of LostKey/Mushroom Kingdom fame had retired from ArmA the last time I talked to him. He mentioned something about preparing for the 2nd Civil War that is coming very soon. (I'm not joking.)

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for what the fuck a no swastika version??? ................. Understood??

Whats with the attitude?! :mad:

CSJ was simply dealing with a request.

Both versions are available and as he suggested, take it offline.

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Just reacted on that way, because often people say that, its illigal! shouldnt be an attack! sorry, if you understood it on that way.

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Hi there, nice collection CSJ!

Note: all of the below was made for the Spitfire, if you like it but don't know how to adapt it, give me heads-up, can change the rest, too.

Here is my take on the WEP:

private ["_i", "_plane", "_fuel"];
_plane = _this;
if (speed _plane <550) then {
(driver _plane) say "wep";
_i = 0;
while {alive _plane and _i <= 25} do {
	if (speed _plane < 650) then {
		_X = velocity _plane select 0;
		_Y = velocity _plane select 1;
		_Z = velocity _plane select 2;
		_plane setvelocity[(_X * 1.01), (_Y * 1.01), (_Z *1.01)];
	_fuel = (fuel vehicle _plane) - 0.002;
	_plane setfuel _fuel;
	_i = _i + 1;
	sleep 0.2;	

put in "csj_spitfire\scripts\wep.sqf"

change config.cpp to:

		class UserActions {
		class WEP {
			displayName = WEP;
			position = "zamerny";
			onlyforplayer = 1;
			radius = 2;
			condition = "(isengineon this)and (speed this > 70)";
			statement = "this [b]execVM[/b] ""\CSJ_Spitfire\scripts\[b]wep.sqf[/b]"";";

My take on the multi-barrel script, because the version included did not quite work for me (almost every bullet coming from the left):

;// SDP EH script for ZSU Shilka with fully working cannons 2009-06-10 

/*-altered by CSJ, schaefsky-*/

_u = _this select 0;
_ammo = _u ammo (_this select 1);
_b = nearestObject [_u, _this select 4];
_bv = velocity _b; 

_rand = floor(random(3));

if (_ammo mod 4 > 2 and _ammo mod 4 <= 4) then 
_npos = _u modeltoworld [2.1 + _rand, 8, -0.2];
_b setpos _npos;
} else {
_npos = _u modeltoworld [-2.1 - _rand, 8, -0.2];
_b setpos _npos;

_b setvelocity _bv;

rest as before. "csj_spitfire\scripts\SDP_HHmkIIa_mg.sqf"

Cut some parts because you don't have a moveable turret on the plane.

The random part is there so fake the 8 barrels, for "real" 8 barrel displacement I had to reduce reload time of the MGs to around 0.05 (5 times less rpm). If you can't simulate it, fake it :D

The "8" in "_npos = _u modeltoworld [2.1 + _rand, 8, -0.2];" is there because otherwise it wouldn't work well in dives.

Might as well be my not so fast PC.

Last but not least, an error in "csj_spitfire\scripts\vapour.sqs" (and all the other planes as well, I think):

Two occurances of

? !(isengineOn _vehicle):Exit

should be changed to

? !(isengineOn _plane):Exit

I advice you to run your Arma2 with -showScriptErrors added to the command-line, to easier spot errors like this.

Again, any questions, or too lazy to implement yourself ;) , ask or drop me a PM with your email, I would send you a modified version.

Keep it going!

Edited by schaefsky

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thanks, I appreciate the input. I am very busy in RL atm but I will have a look at what you have soon.

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