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American PvP server

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Ive just found myself with a nice server located in Dallas, and nothing better to do with it than set it up for PvP. Its got ACE already on it, and auto updates minutes after an update is released.

Id like to find some really good AAS, TDM and a few really well done CTF maps if i can find them to stick on the server. Id prefer them to be setup for ACE, and more close range infantry battles with LIGHT support vehicles... so to any mission makers out there, pop out some maps and post a link to them here, or in a PM to me and ill upload it to my server. Ill be working on my own maps as well, but the more variation we have the better right?

Id also like to find some good guys that i can give admin to in order to keep good maps running, and keep the idiots out.

Server name is currently "American PVP - ACE"

unfortunately, ive only loaded a few missions that i could find on armaholic, and none of them are truly ace compatible. so once i have the time to make a few missions myself, and get some good ones donated, if any... ill set the server to a map rotation of the best maps.

Let me know if anybody is interested in becoming an admin, or if you would like to have one of your maps uploaded!

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Welcome USA brother, lol. Some of the best game mode missions were established in mission packs. I say best because you will find consistency in the style of play and the missions are basically designed in various locations. Currently these are not ACE specific, but you can still host them.

For AAS I would recommend you grab the pack submitted by coolbox and others:


There are tons in the AAS pack so I would say host the CLASSIC Mode and possibly scout other UK and US servers to see what they are hosting to get a feel for what people like.

For TDM I would recommend you grab the pack submitted by me. Here is the forum which outlines the feature my TDM has:


And here is the download at armaholic:


I have others in the works for Attack & Defend version 1.03 as well as CTF, but I truly enjoy the AAS and TDM games. I truly love the sessions when there are 8+ players fighting it out in TDM.

I am also working on a gaming league thing which will encompass Attack & Defend, TDM Survival ladders, and more. We can chat another time, but check those out for now, get some decent consistent missions on there and lets game real soon. I know of other US servers so I am thinking some colaboration would be nice. If you need me to ACE up my missions I'll do my best as well. Feel free to directly contact me at my site http://urclan.org. I go by the name [uRC]FATMAN, lol.

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Right on man! i uploaded most of the missions you just linked me to, thanks a ton! If you want to ACE up the missions go ahead, i would rather have maps designed with ACE in mind from the get go, but im happy with this for sure!

Ill be working on some maps using SBS Mac's script pack, in order to make missions tailored towards the style of PvP that i prefer, but im all for putting a wide variety of maps on there, except CTI/Warfare... theres plenty of servers already running that.

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PvP using ACE is what I've wanted for awhile, but it seems like every time someone makes a new PvP server nobody plays on it. There was another guy a few months ago who advertised his dedicated PvP server with custom missions, I think I was the only person who ever logged in to it. The PvP community almost seems dead...anyway I wish you luck.

Edited by randir14

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There's a couple US servers that see some action, mostly AAS and C&H stuff (Armacalypse and C5)... I'm sure there's a couple more late at night when I don't play. Those are great servers to play on. C5 has much more variety, but Armacalypse seems to be more popular.

Several others have tried and failed (including me). I hosted a 64 person PvP server for 3 months when game first came out. There was a little more competition then. Berzerk was popular, and there were like 3 or 4 other good servers. So I gave up.

I just recently started hosting a small DM server. It of course doesn't get shit for traffic, but it's there if anyone likes DM/TDM/CTF, etc... I have an ACE DM I just made that I like a lot. I normally run no mods, but a few nights a week I will run some ACE PvP for testing and fun.

Anyways, I don't mean to take the thunder from the OP, good luck with your server, and I hope it becomes popular. I'll be sure to check it out.

Variety is a good thing.

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Yeah i remember reading the posts about your server before. Sucks that things didnt work out.

I see so many posts in the forums about how american PvP is dead and nobody hosts it, so i figured id do the community a favor and make a server that wasnt affiliated to any team, and make it tailored to PvP. itll be pretty sad if this is the second time somebody has put up a PvP server specifically for americans to get what they ask for, and nobody comes to use it.

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We run PvP/AAS only, and have a peak 25 (week) to 40 (weekend) players on our server. As far as I know, together with the C5 server there are only these 2 public servers in the US that play PvP exclusively. Many people on ArmAcalypse are regulars, so I think the PvP community in the US is really really small.

Makes you wonder whether ArmA 2 MP is dying altogether or whether people just really like playing against AI all the time. Not my cup of tea, but that's only me :-).

Edited by qwertz

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qwertz is doing a great job on the AAS fronts for sure.

Exclusively I run a PVP only server as well

[uRC]PVP Survival (AAS/TDM/C&H, etc)

It was setup for the sole purpose of TDM and Simple objective style C&H. Rounds where you could enjoy a great 5 vs 5 up to 8 vs 8 session. I haven't broadcasted it too far, but it exists with a small set of decent designed missions. I will mainly use it for matching and scrimmages.

In regards to the AI comment. We also have 2 ACE servers (1 USA the other UK) which runs Warfare on various custom islands and when the members are on we will set it up with no resistance and a dash to capture towns. The longer we own the towns, the defenses are automatically built there and within 30 minutes the firefight is great as we encounter real player fighting. I love the game played that way. I still like TDM, small C&H, and AAS as a favored mode :-)

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Well i dont want to try to draw players away from those servers, especially if the crowd for PvP is so small, that would only spread out the numbers between the servers and make the games not so good... I talked with one of my friends last night and i think im going to dedicate the server to Sniper TDM maps primarily. Those kind of maps tend to pull even some of the Co-op crowd in as well as some PvP players. Then i wouldnt be trying to compete with the already established and popular pvp servers, and would be offering something that the community lacks. Cause so far, nobody has come to the server...

ill be honest i love some fast paced urban pvp, whether its ctf, tdm or w/e, but i can also enjoy a really well made sniper map as well.

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I don't care for Sniper TDM maps, but having said that - you may be interested in the Attack & Defend Siege missions I am getting ready to release because with those you get 1 life and for folks who enjoy sniping it is very competitive because they need to find good coverage spots to attack or defend from. The only concern with hosting the Siege missions is you need to make sure you have at least 8 players or it can be boring and players may leave.

Good luck bud - I'll try to look for the server tonite.

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im a bit busy with moving and work, so it may be a day or two before i can get some good maps up on it. Thank god for the weekend...

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having some issues with the sniper map i uploaded today, there seems to be a very big error in SBS MAC's pvp script pack that is causing my server to crash after about 10 minutes of play.

the error has been reported on dev heaven already by Kju though.

Had some good TDM maps on though, and actually had a good turnout tonight. :yay:

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Hmm - no-one else has reported server crashes (and there are a lot of maps using the scripts) but if you have details please let me know.

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well i havent had much time myself these past few days so its getting a slow start. I worked on a simple sniper map on Utes yesterday morning, i got it mostly done, just the error in the pvp pack is causing it to crash after 10 minutes of playing. I put up some TDM map called black rock beach which was really fun, and head about 15-16 people on for a couple hours last night.

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>just the error in the pvp pack is causing it to crash after 10 minutes of playing

As I said, please post details or I can't do anything about it. No-one else has reported anything similar. What would be helpful would be your server.rpt file and a local arma2.rpt file.

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I uploaded to my test (dedicated) server and it has been running (with just one person though, but set to start with one) for a full game and no crashes yet... You didn't mess with the scripts it looks like either, so maybe something ACE related? You also use the same reload script (which works well) that I use for my ACE pvp pack missions... although there is a way to not use them and still get mac's respawn with ace weapons without using any extra scripts, other than just the ammobox.sqf (just put a large crate, like a vehicle ammo crate, on top of an 'ammo' marker... just make sure the smaller crate is covered by the larger crate completely)

Does it crash at a specific time? Or with a certain amount of people?

Anyways, I was just bored and wanted to see if I could help.

If I get any crashes with my testing I'll send the reports to mac.

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RPT File

heres the rpt from the server. any time i load the map this is what it kicks out, usually happens about 10 minutes after mission start, when somebody trys to join.

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Thanks - most of the errors seem to be due to a problem with ACE ...

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.ACE_Spottingscope'.

What is ACE_Spottingscope ? Are you trying to use it as the default weapon ?

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no its just loaded into the ammo boxes, so that its there if anybody wants to use it. and you are correct, most of the errors are caused by ace.

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Indeed, so at this point my suspicion is that your server crash is caused by ACE rather than the script-pack. The interesting question is why you are getting errors in the rpt file on the server. I'm guessing that the errors are generated when people try to take a scope from the ammo crate. Of course the crash itself may be completely unrelated but it would be worth trying to see if repeatedly taking the spotting scope can trigger a crash.

If you haven't already, I suggest you post the crash details on CIT - script/addon errors should not be able to crash the server.

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If you haven't already, I suggest you post the crash details on CIT - script/addon errors should not be able to crash the server.

Shouldn't, but definitely can on occasion. Then again if a script crashed the game you will usually not see any useful RPT error related to the command that caused the crash.

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I'm using 'should' in the IEEE sense. Server/client crashes caused by unusual or malformed scripts/configs seem to be something BIS or willing to work on, hence the advice to raise a CIT ticket.

In the meantime what we have is....

* There are lots of scriptpack missions in existence and no-one else has reported server crashes on scriptpack missions.

* There is no evidence in the rpt file of scripting errors (even if the operation that causes the crash is not logged, one can generally see a build-up of problems in a rpt file before a fatal exception is triggered).

* There is plenty of evidence of an ACE2 misconfiguration.

So at the moment this looks more likely to me be an ACE2 issue. I'm happy to keep an open mind though. A representative client-side rpt file from the time of the server crash may also throw up some clues.

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