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Advice wanted

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I'm a member of a community that has just taken up Arma2 (don't worry, I'm not pimping us). We're trying to find some fairly vanilla missions that let us play with between 6-10 players and allow respawns.

The ones that have fit so far are Silent Wind and Hijack as they allow the respawns and don't have 'too' far to go when you do. I guess we're looking for something more like Morning Star 1 and 2 but with a bit smaller scale.

We're working our way through a few and we'll start trying to make our own, but to get us going in what looks like it will be an excellent game for our style of community we could really do with some help getting the ball rolling!



(My apologies if this is the wrong place...pointers would be great!)

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I have a mission that might fit your description though right now it uses ACE weapons but that can easily be changed.

Do you wan't revive script or just plain respawn?

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wow, that was quick :)

We are trying to grow it in the community so keeping it vanilla is good, although if we get the numbers we want, ACE may become an option.

With the respawn/revive, the design of Hijack is both, so you can respawn (and set up a mobile base) and revive. Frankly as we're all learning it, we aren't great at 'not dying'. We're getting there, but we also don't want to scare off the new guys!

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Have you checked armaholic.com. The link below is to the scenarios page:


You can look under coop and mission packs. It tells you before you even click on the mission if there are required addons. Mission packs are real nice if you find one you like b/c you get sometimes 6 or more missions in one.

Good luck and welcome to Amra2:D.

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battlefield is a great mission to suite your needs. I would also rec benny's warfare edited for a small battle of maybe 2-3 towns to fight over. Benny makes both vanilla and ACE versions. Plenty of possibilities with it to bend to your will.

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Wheres Waldo is perfect for your needs, you get small missions and some excellent toys to play with.

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