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Will anything ever be done about the exterior camera whilst flying?

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I like to fly looking at my plane but unless I'm flying in a straight line or performing very shallow climbs or dives, I have to use the interior camera. there's no way you can succesfully engage a ground based target from outside the plane. i thought this would've been fixed by now but it hasn't. With all the wonderul mods that have popped up I'm thinking maybe it's possible to mod a locked camera but I'm not sure. If it was that easy then BIS would've done it surely. Unless of course it doesn't bother anyone else?

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Sorry to bump this. Am I the only person who uses external views for aircraft?

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Probably. Most frown upon 3rd person view, I generally only use it for movies or screenshots.

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I never use 3rd person unless there is a bad design choice that makes me feel forced to do so in order to be efficient (without "cheating"). The few times I'm flying, 3rd person is out of the question.

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As I have TrackIR I only use 3rd person to enjoy the visuals while flying in SP sometimes.

But I have to agree with BoxiouS that the camera awful. It would be great to have a good chase camera (and flyby cam) for making vids.

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You may not be aware of this but most Game Developers do not work over the holiday period, try been patient and wait for people to return.

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You may not be aware of this but most Game Developers do not work over the holiday period, try been patient and wait for people to return.

What is the relevance of your reply? Read the post before getting snotty. :rolleyes:

I understand that people don't use the exterior cameras for the sake of realism, but I enjoy the F-16 more than the BIS planes and the cocpit is awful (can't wait for the V2) so I tend to favour the chase cam. It seems to me that the problem lies with the helicopters. The camera is shared between the two aircraft and whilst a locked camera would suit the planes, it would make the helicopters more difficult to fly from an exterior view. (and would probably make you ill.)

I gather from the respnoses that it isn't something as simple as a config entry. That's a shame, and I hope at some point either BIS recognises the problem for the minority or one of our many wonderful modders can create a fix.:)

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I understand that people don't use the exterior cameras for the sake of realism, but I enjoy the F-16 more than the BIS planes and the cocpit is awful (can't wait for the V2) so I tend to favour the chase cam.

So hook up an AI to you already and go into command view. Any angle, any zoom - problems over. Set the AI to STOP somehwere on the ground and knock yourself out.

If you dont know how it works. Press numpad button "del" or "," to get the moveable camera wich can be zoomed in and out with + and - on the numpad.

Also, you can hold + before pressing the command button wich will give you a zoomed in FOV wich is superb. Needles to say you can also press - to get a really drawn out FOV wich is awesome for seeing very much of the world.

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Thanks Alex. I've used that view on the ground but never in the air, (probably because I use a 360 pad (cue even more frowning:D)) that's interesting though, I'm just defragging after installing the latest batch of mods, and I'll give it a go.:)

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You are not the only one, I *hate* flying with 1st person view.

Edited by ziiip

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I fight in the first person view always, but if I'm in transit somewhere and there's nothing going on or if I'm messing around, the third person view is often more interesting. Occasionally, I use the third person view for bombing, too, to confirm a bomb hit. Pilots can move around in the cockpit to get a better look, but you can't in ArmA.

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BoxiouS, I assume you must be talking about the way the viewpoint from behind changes / moves as the plane pitches and dives.

..... I don't think that can be fixed with a user made addon. Suspect its hardcoded.

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For me, when flying a large helicopter like a blackhawk, i need to use 3rd person view. Simply because in real life, a blackhawk pilot would have spotters for when he is landing, on Arma 2 in first person, you must guess, and that is not good enough lol.

However, in a little bird or A-10, i will always use first person. Same for ground forces too. Only in vehicles that require spotters, i go to 3rd person, and this simulates having spotters to a degree.

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