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Suppressive Fire, any luck?

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On Utes I set up one opfor behind a stone wall and disabled his ability to flee. I created an automatic rifleman behind another parallel stone wall facing the opfor. I set myslef up as a sqaud leader next to the automatic rifleman (AR) and grouped him to me. I started the mission. at mission start the AR starts shooting at the opfor who lies down behind the wall. The AR keeps firing short bursts at the prone opfor (who isn't visible behind wall). after 30 seconds to a minute AR stops firing. I then ordered AR to suppress the opfor (using space+alt and selecting suppress while aiming at where thel opfor was hiding). The AR resumed firing at the wall where the opfor was hiding.

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Yesterday i tried this new option out and it worked as it should. I put an opfor inf squad in stary sobor and 2 fireteams bluefor, with me being leader. I made two groups, and started to approach the town. Then enemies were spotted, bullets started to rain. I told one team to hold position, then to suppress (doesen't matter where you aiming). They opened up hell on the opfor, poor guys couldn't even shoot back. Then i set the another team on aware, and quickly flanked the enemy, finishing them off. It was 12 v 8, and i didn't lose a single guy, only injuries. I guess thats a job done perfectly.

I did not try it out without the command to suppress, and i don't know what skill the ai was set on, i guess its default, just put them down, did not change anything. Anyways i think suppresing the enemy really helped out, and works perfectly. Did not notice them stopping suppression, only when no contacts are known. I think suppression fire works great and you just have to learn how to use it. I don't think we need a suppress area command, it is so much simpler this way.

Edit: I was using ACE2, don't know if it makes a difference.

Edited by Mad-h

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That sounds promising Mad-h. will have to set up a similar scenario and test when I get home from my holiday. I'm suffering Arma 2 withdrawl!

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I got it to work as follows

Menu -> Scenarioes -> My Missions -> Base Defend/Defence - x5 BLUEFOR Machinegunners (me), default enemy (x10 riflemen, x2 marskman), started the mission, setup a all around defenisve postion, spotted a enemy, ordered supressive fire through the menu (3-9 I believe), my machinegunners lit up this poor persons postion, and continued firing when anthoer 2 men were spotted inbetween buildings, the rounds were hitting walls and tracers were richcoting everywhere, the OPFOR AI even seemed quite reluctant to come out and they back tracked around and got a nice burst of .50 to ruin their day.

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Here is a small chernarus (not utes, sorry) mission to use in editor. Make the folder yourself and put in mission.sqm

Just in case (two link options): http://www.mediafire.com/file/in1yygyimn2/mission.sqm

I suggest trying both with and without ACE at day or night to see all those "magical spotting abilities" in practice :) Some marker bars will keep updating, reflecting where the orientation of the enemy, but I kept it simple.

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I don't know if anyone else is getting this problem, but I'm getting an error message sometimes in game when the AI tries to use suppression (supposedly, because the error message says something about "suppress").

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