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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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I ask my question here instead of creating a new post. I thought I saw that the enemy units could call Paradrop reinforcements with UPSMON, however I struggle to understand how to do his? May someone can give me an example (detailed if possible) thank you in advance ^^.

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I watched your link lonestar and I tried the example. Reinforcements Flew over the city but did not paradrop :o I have to use Eject script + UPSMON? I thought UPSMON can do Reinforcement + Paradrop

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I watched your link lonestar and I tried the example. Reinforcements Flew over the city but did not paradrop :o I have to use Eject script + UPSMON? I thought UPSMON can do Reinforcement + Paradrop

this was an issue with previous UPSMON versions, i think before Raphael took over the project.

Have not confirmed this but will check later on.

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For AI to paradrop, just give them an aircraft.

It is that simple.

I don't know about Rafalski versions, it worked in v5.0.7.

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tested 5.0.8 R2 and AI paradrops from helis fine, a little low but that could be coincidental..

they also enter empty helis just fine if near.

When using planes, AI simply ignores paradropping, also they will not enter a plane if empty is near.

Also AI flys planes at limited it seems, (same as vehicles did before) vehicles is now fixed, planes seem to suffer same as before vehicle fix.

Also when using assignAs and move in they will use the planes, but fly at heli height!! and this ofc is very deadly fo AI especially with c130, they almost didnt make it off the takeoff at airport either due to low speed.

I am creating a ticket for this issue if its the same with R3 released.

Edit: retested with R3 and same goes for this.

Note on speed: hard to really say with c130 speed since it goes so low and it goes up and down mountains making speed go like a roller coaster up and down, but on the civilian plane it certainly looks like its going limited.

Filing ticket.

Edit 1: now ofcourse this could be because UPSMON groups never intended? to use planes as they would have to return or crash or be deleted once a group had paraed in.

Edited by Demonized

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Hi all,

I have some trouble with the last version of UPSMON.

When I spawn East unit, immediatly after the script was launched the group was surrended. it happen when a unit of civil or West side is on the map.

The spawn script:

[php]_marker = _this select 0;

m1 = createmarker ["area1",getMarkerpos _Marker];
"area1" setmarkershape "RECTANGLE";
"area1" setMarkerBrush "SOLID";
"area1" setmarkersize [100,100];
"area1" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _Marker;

m2 = createmarker ["area2",getMarkerpos _Marker];
"area2" setmarkershape "RECTANGLE";
"area2" setMarkerBrush "SOLID";
"area2" setmarkersize [250,250];
"area2" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos _Marker;

_patrol1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn1", East, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
{ _x setpos ("area2" call SHK_pos) } foreach units _patrol1;
[_patrol1,"area2","nofollow","Careless"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

_patrol2 = [getMarkerPos "spawn2", East, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
{ _x setpos ("area2" call SHK_pos) } foreach units _patrol2;
[_patrol2,"area2","nofollow","Careless"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

_patrol3 = [getMarkerPos "spawn3", East, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
{ _x setpos ("area2" call SHK_pos) } foreach units _patrol3;
[_patrol3,"area2","nofollow","Careless"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

_defence1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn4", East, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
{ _x setpos ("area1" call SHK_pos) } foreach units _defence1;
[_defence1,"area1","nofollow","fortify"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

_renfort1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn6", East, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
{ _x setpos ("area1" call SHK_pos) } foreach units _renfort1;
[_renfort1,"area1","nomove","reinforcement"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";


Edit: It's because the player is'nt in the same side. :(

Edited by Cool=Azroul13

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UPSMON never was intended to use any planes. They are too fast, fly too high, if they do paradrop what to to whith the pilot ? etc..


using others script to do random respawn could cause this problem.. try to use UPSMON's respawn. If the problem still exist, open the ticket and attach sample mission. on DH

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You can spawn template to use UPSMON respawn during the mission,

create a trigger :

cond : time > 1

act : _unit = "_unittype" createUnit [[(getmarkerpos "marker_name")], (group group_name),"nul = [this, "town","respawn","TEMPLATE:",1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";", 0.6, "PRIVATE"];

then make an other trigger to call spawn template :

nul = [1,getmarkerpos "marker_name",1,["patrol_marker","respawn"]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";

never tryed but it should work. ^^

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I would like to request a new function, novehicle.

Forcing patrol's to travel by foot instead of getting in to all CILVE cars they find even tho search_vehicledistance are set to 0.0001.

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search_vehicledistance are set to 0.0001.
means that they will try to find a transport if they have to go to any place in distance more then 0.0001 m (basically they will looking for cars non stop)

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I would like to request a new function, novehicle.

Forcing patrol's to travel by foot instead of getting in to all CILVE cars they find even tho search_vehicledistance are set to 0.0001.

+1 yes this would be a nice addition, and should not be to hard.

means that they will try to find a transport if they have to go to any place in distance more then 0.0001 m (basically they will looking for cars non stop)

but this will mean for all groups and out of in mission control.

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I remember setting it to 10000 as well and still having them sometimes steal vehicles, so something does seem a bit messy here.

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@galzohar ... provide sample mission to reproduce this problem, or it was in some old version of UPSMON

I would like a little more info:

"novehicle" should it include static weapons, gunner if vehicle cannot move, what about combat situation, should AI do not use vehicles when it get into combat situation ?

I do not want that we are going to finish with too many parameters which have to be set up. At the moment people have problem to use ex: search_vehicledistance

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I would like a little more info:

"novehicle" should it include static weapons, gunner if vehicle cannot move, what about combat situation, should AI do not use vehicles when it get into combat situation ?

I do not want that we are going to finish with too many parameters which have to be set up. At the moment people have problem to use ex: search_vehicledistance

i dont mean to change the search vehicle type thing, only implement a option to turn it off for that specific group.

fex if "novehicle" is not used, then all works as normal, if "novehicle" is used then turn off use empty vehicles function for group, could maybe be done by

setting search_vehicledistance to a insane high 100000 for that group or something.

Adding more optional options is not bad, and people should read readmes or instructions ;)

And if they dont know about or how to use they can simply dont think about it, and use UPSMON as normal, and for those that do find a need for it and actually manages to read instructions, can use it.

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I know that concern on specific group but in the script there are many cases that "the group" is looking for a vehicle.

that's I'm asking what functions/when (in connection to vehicles) should be switched off.

The group does not use vehicles only for patroling or does not use any vehicles in any situations at all ?

Edited by Rafalski

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Not sure, was a while ago, if I run into the issue again I'll try turn it into a repro mission. Same with another issue I had with some patrolling AI getting into vehicles that weren't even going in their direction - They were sent to patrol a different zone at the other side of the island...

I think "novehicles" would be most useful if it turned off use of vehicles that don't already belong to that group.

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I think "novehicles" would be most useful if it turned off use of vehicles that don't already belong to that group.

this is the best approach yes.

Also on another topic:

For my own personal usage i did this change i init.sqf when using UPSMON:

if (KRON_UPS_Debug == 1) then {
titleText[ "***************************\n*** UPSMON 5.0.8 R3 ***\n***************************\n\n\n\n
in this demo\n\n
- To make the KILLED_CIV_COUNTER counts your side (Res)                         ;\n
- remove 'this setCaptive true' from the INIT line of the player.                    ;\n\n
- To disable DEBUG info set:   KRON_UPS_Debug = 0                                ;\n
- To disable info about WHO killed a civilian set:   R_WHO_IS_CIV_KILLER_INFO = 0    ;\n","plain",1.7];

sleep 5;
if(true) exitWith {hint "INIT COMPLETED."};

while the text is useful. i now have it to only show if debug mode was activated in init_UPSMON.sqf, else there is nothing shown.

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??? Guys could you give me an example in what situation you need a group who use only a vehicle which belongs to them? and you need "novehicle" cause you can not do it now ?

Edited by Rafalski

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